Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan (KP), Kyrgyzstan (KEP), Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!9th MARCH 2013, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Flora: Walnut (Juglans regia)
10th APRIL 2013, TURKMENISTAN - Falconery
22nd APRIL 2013 TAJIKISTAN - WWF, Mountain Weasel (Mustela altaica) (issued as minisheets of one and four series)

25th APRIL 2013, KAZAKHSTAN - Europa 2013
25th APRIL 2013, KAZAKHSTAN - Oriental Lunar Calendar
27th APRIL 2013, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - 20th Anniversary of the National Currency

18th MAY 2013, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Fauna: Pamir Sheep (Ovis ammon) (issued as minisheets and souvenir sheets)
22nd JUNE 2013, KYRGYZSTAN - Unesco: the Sacred Mountain Sulamain-Tooh

2nd JULY 2013, KAZAKHSTAN - 50y of Woman's First Space Flight (V.Tereshkova) (issued as minisheets of one and two series)
17th JULY 2013, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - WWF, International Forum on Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia) Conservation

26th JULY 2013, TAJIKISTAN - 50y of Woman's First Space Flight (V.Tereshkova)
30th JULY 2013, KAZAKHSTAN - Вместе с народом

4th OCTOBER 2013, KAZAKHSTAN - Flora: Poppies & Tulips; 60dx: Tulipa lehmanniana; 100dx: Papaver tianshanicum; 100sx: Papaver pavoninum; 60dx: Tulipa ostrowskiana

19th NOVEMBER 2013, TAJIKISTAN - Fishes of Asia
19th NOVEMBER 2013, TAJIKISTAN - Birds of Asia

19th NOVEMBER 2013, TAJIKISTAN - Wild Animals (issued as minisheets of one and two series)
14th DECEMBER 2013, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Medical Plants; 20: Caper Bush (Capparis spinosa); 30: Devil's Helmet (Aconitum leucostomum); 35: Sea-buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides); 52: Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

25th DECEMBER 2013, KAZAKHSTAN - Fauna, Ustyurt Nature Reserve; 60: Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus); 150: Bush Cricket (Soga pedo); 190: Short-toed Snake Eagle (Circaetus gallicus)

25th DECEMBER 2013, KAZAKHSTAN - Fauna, Steppe Birds

27th DECEMBER 2013, KAZAKHSTAN - Fauna, Saiga (Saiga tatarica)

10th APRIL 2014, UZBEKISTAN - Flora of Ubzekistan

10th MAY 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Winter Sports

30th MAY 2014, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna of Uzbekistan

31st MAY 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Medical Plants II

13th JULY 2014, TAJIKISTAN - Zoo of Dushanbe City

3rd NOVEMBER 2014, TAJIKISTAN - Mushrooms

18th NOVEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - 140th Anniversary of UPU

18th NOVEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Post Transport of Kyrgyzstan

19th NOVEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Fauna of Kyrgyzstan

6th DECEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - 2014: Year of the Kyrgyzstan Statehood

13th DECEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Белое золото (White Gold)

20th DECEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Forest Predators

25th DECEMBER 2014, TURKMENISTAN - Flora, Spring Flowers

26th DECEMBER 2014, KAZAKHSTAN - 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Ilyas Zhansugurov

12th JANUARY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - 2014 Year of the Horse

15th JANUARY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - 100th Anniversary of Vaccinal Prevention in Kazakhstan

15th JANUARY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - For a Nuclear Weapons Free World

15th JANUARY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - Kazakhstan Chairs the Energy Charter Conference

22nd JANUARY 2015, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna of Uzbekistan

7th FEBRUARY 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - East Lunar Calendar: the Sheep, Symbol of the Year 2015

7th FEBRUARY 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Sheep Breeds

19th MARCH 2015, TAJIKISTAN - Lunar Calendar 2015

18th APRIL 2015, TAJIKISTAN - Birds of Asia
18th APRIL 2014, TAJIKISTAN - Singapore & Taiwan Exhibition (issued as imperforate too)

6th MAY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - 70th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

14th MAY 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Traditional Kyrgyz Hunting

15th JUNE 2015, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna of Uzbekistan (overprinted from 1993)

15th JUNE 2015 , UZBEKISTAN - Flora of Uzbekistan (overprinted from 1993)

18th JUNE 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - 20th Anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

15th JULY 2015, TURKMENISTAN - 20th Anniversary of the 'Health Programme'

18th JULY 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Contemporary Kyrgyz Painting

20th AUGUST 2015, TAJIKISTAN - The Silk Road

20th AUGUST 2015, UZBEKISTAN - Flora of Uzbekistan

2nd SEPTEMBER 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - International Year of Light and International Year of Soils

7th NOVEMBER 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - Year of the Sheep

28th NOVEMBER 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - WWF, Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus)

14th DECEMBER 2015, UZBEKISTAN - Regions, Jizzax

25th DECEMBER 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - Astana Expo 2017

27th DECEMBER 2015, TAJIKISTAN - Eagles

30th DECEMBER 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - Regions, Aktobe

5th JANUARY 2016, UZBEKISTAN - The Catastrophe of the Aral Sea

6th JANUARY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - The Minerals of Kyrgyzstan

15th JANUARY 2016, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna, Gissar State Reserve

5th FEBRUARY 2016, TAJIKISTAN - Lunar Calendar, 2016 Year of the Monkey

6th FEBRUARY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - 2016 Year of the Monkey

13th FEBRUARY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Flora of Kyrgyzstan, Orchids & Tulips

1st MARCH 2016, TAJIKISTAN - Rescue Service of Red Cross

8th APRIL 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Pearls of Kazakhstan, Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve

27th APRIL 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Tobet, Kazakh National Dog Breed

30th APRIL 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - 25 Years of the Commonwealth of Indipendent States, CIS

19th MAY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Legends of Kyrgyzstan, Yeti

23rd MAY 2016, TAJIKISTAN - RCC, National Cuisine

23rd MAY 2016, UZBEKISTAN - Silk Road

23rd MAY 2016, UZBEKISTAN - Flora of Uzbekistan

23rd MAY 2016, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna of Uzbekistan

3rd JUNE 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - World Stamp Show New York 2016

24th JUNE 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Akmola Region

22nd JULY 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Expo 2017, Future Energy

22nd JULY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Explore Kyrgyzstan!

28th JULY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Salbuurun, Traditional Kyrgyz Hunting, Taigans

29th JULY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Flora of Kyrgyzstan

8th AUGUST 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - World Nomad Games 2016

15th AUGUST 2016, TAJIKISTAN - WWF, Reed Cat, Felis chaus (overprinted & surcharged from 2002)

19th AUGUST 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Astana Expo 2017, Future Energy

30th AUGUST 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - 25 Years of Independence

1st SEPTEMBER 2016, TAJIKISTAN - 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan

1st SEPTEMBER 2016, TAJIKISTAN - Turtles

25th SEPTEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Almaty Region

8th OCTOBER 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Spiders

21st OCTOBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Europa 2016, Think Green

21st OCTOBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - 2016 Year of the Monkey

21st OCTOBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Nauryz

2nd NOVEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Khans of the Kazakh State

16th NOVEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Rio de Janeiro XXXI Summer Olympic Games

16th NOVEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Atyrau Region

16th NOVEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Astana Oceanarium Sharks

25th NOVEMBER 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Navigation on Lake Issyk-Kul

15th JANUARY 2014, KAZAKHSTAN - Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communication: the History of National Communication

10th APRIL 2014, UZBEKISTAN - Flora of Ubzekistan

10th MAY 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Winter Sports

30th MAY 2014, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna of Uzbekistan

31st MAY 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Medical Plants II

21st JUNE 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - WWF, Birds of Prey, Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus)

13th JULY 2014, TAJIKISTAN - Zoo of Dushanbe City

3rd NOVEMBER 2014, TAJIKISTAN - Mushrooms

3rd NOVEMBER 2014, UZBEKISTAN - Butterfly (overprints of new values on 1992's stamps, 5v)
18th NOVEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - 140th Anniversary of UPU

18th NOVEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Post Transport of Kyrgyzstan

19th NOVEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Fauna of Kyrgyzstan

6th DECEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - 2014: Year of the Kyrgyzstan Statehood

13th DECEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Белое золото (White Gold)

20th DECEMBER 2014, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Forest Predators

25th DECEMBER 2014, TURKMENISTAN - Flora, Spring Flowers

26th DECEMBER 2014, KAZAKHSTAN - 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Ilyas Zhansugurov

12th JANUARY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - 2014 Year of the Horse

12th JANUARY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - Жемчужины Казахстана, Наурзумский заповедник (Pearls of Kazakhstan, Naurzum Reserve)

15th JANUARY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - 100th Anniversary of Vaccinal Prevention in Kazakhstan
15th JANUARY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - For a Nuclear Weapons Free World

15th JANUARY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - Kazakhstan Chairs the Energy Charter Conference

22nd JANUARY 2015, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna of Uzbekistan

7th FEBRUARY 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - East Lunar Calendar: the Sheep, Symbol of the Year 2015

7th FEBRUARY 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Sheep Breeds

19th MARCH 2015, TAJIKISTAN - Lunar Calendar 2015
18th APRIL 2015, TAJIKISTAN - Birds of Asia
18th APRIL 2014, TAJIKISTAN - Singapore & Taiwan Exhibition (issued as imperforate too)
6th MAY 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - 70th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

14th MAY 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Traditional Kyrgyz Hunting

15th JUNE 2015, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna of Uzbekistan (overprinted from 1993)

15th JUNE 2015 , UZBEKISTAN - Flora of Uzbekistan (overprinted from 1993)

18th JUNE 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - 20th Anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

18th JUNE 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - Defintives, International Exhibiiton 'Expo 2017', Future Energy, Astana, Kazakhstan

15th JULY 2015, TURKMENISTAN - 20th Anniversary of the 'Health Programme'

18th JULY 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Contemporary Kyrgyz Painting

20th AUGUST 2015, TAJIKISTAN - The Silk Road

20th AUGUST 2015, UZBEKISTAN - Flora of Uzbekistan

2nd SEPTEMBER 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - International Year of Light and International Year of Soils

9th OCTOBER 2015, UZBEKISTAN - Fruits of Uzbekistan: Quince (Cydonia oblonga) & Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

7th NOVEMBER 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - Year of the Sheep

28th NOVEMBER 2015, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - WWF, Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus)

14th DECEMBER 2015, UZBEKISTAN - Regions, Jizzax

25th DECEMBER 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - Astana Expo 2017

27th DECEMBER 2015, TAJIKISTAN - Eagles

30th DECEMBER 2015, KAZAKHSTAN - Regions, Aktobe

5th JANUARY 2016, UZBEKISTAN - The Catastrophe of the Aral Sea

6th JANUARY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - The Minerals of Kyrgyzstan

15th JANUARY 2016, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna, Gissar State Reserve

5th FEBRUARY 2016, TAJIKISTAN - Lunar Calendar, 2016 Year of the Monkey

6th FEBRUARY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - 2016 Year of the Monkey

13th FEBRUARY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Flora of Kyrgyzstan, Orchids & Tulips

1st MARCH 2016, TAJIKISTAN - Rescue Service of Red Cross

8th APRIL 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Pearls of Kazakhstan, Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve

27th APRIL 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Tobet, Kazakh National Dog Breed

30th APRIL 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - 25 Years of the Commonwealth of Indipendent States, CIS

19th MAY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Legends of Kyrgyzstan, Yeti

23rd MAY 2016, TAJIKISTAN - RCC, National Cuisine

23rd MAY 2016, UZBEKISTAN - Silk Road

23rd MAY 2016, UZBEKISTAN - Flora of Uzbekistan

23rd MAY 2016, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna of Uzbekistan

3rd JUNE 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - World Stamp Show New York 2016

24th JUNE 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Akmola Region

22nd JULY 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Expo 2017, Future Energy

22nd JULY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Explore Kyrgyzstan!

23rd JULY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Under the Shadow of Manas

28th JULY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Salbuurun, Traditional Kyrgyz Hunting, Taigans

29th JULY 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Flora of Kyrgyzstan

8th AUGUST 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - World Nomad Games 2016

15th AUGUST 2016, TAJIKISTAN - WWF, Reed Cat, Felis chaus (overprinted & surcharged from 2002)

19th AUGUST 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Astana Expo 2017, Future Energy

30th AUGUST 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - 25 Years of Independence

1st SEPTEMBER 2016, TAJIKISTAN - 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan

1st SEPTEMBER 2016, TAJIKISTAN - Turtles

25th SEPTEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Almaty Region

8th OCTOBER 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Spiders

21st OCTOBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Europa 2016, Think Green

21st OCTOBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - 2016 Year of the Monkey

21st OCTOBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Nauryz

2nd NOVEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Khans of the Kazakh State

16th NOVEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Rio de Janeiro XXXI Summer Olympic Games

16th NOVEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Atyrau Region

16th NOVEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Astana Oceanarium Sharks

25th NOVEMBER 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Navigation on Lake Issyk-Kul

26th NOVEMBER 2016, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Intangible Cultural Heritage, Kyrgyz Yurt

5th DECEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - The Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Pine Marten (Martes martes) & Beech Marten (Martes foina)

8th DECEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Pearls of Kazakhstan, Alakol Nature Reserve

8th DECEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - 28th World Winter Universiade, Almaty 2017

13th DECEMBER 2017, TAJIKISTAN - Asian International Stamp Exhibition China 2016 (overprinted from 2001)

13th DECEMBER 2016, TAJIKISTAN - Wild Cats

27th DECEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Flora from the Red Book of Kazakhstan

27th DECEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - Children Protection Day, Circus

30th DECEMBER 2016, KAZAKHSTAN - XV Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro

30th DECEMBER 2016, UZBEKISTAN - Tashkent Zoo

20th JANUARY 2017, TAJIKISTAN - 2017 Year of the Rooster

25th JANUARY 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - 2017 Year of the Rooster

30th JANUARY 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - 28th World Winter Universiade, Almaty 2017

3rd FEBRUARY 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Happy New Year

25th FEBRUARY 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - WWF, Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus)

28th FEBRUARY 2017, UZBEKISTAN - Regions of Uzbekistan, Syrdaria

2nd MARCH 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - 25th Anniversary of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan

7th MARCH 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Definitive Issue, Expo 2017

14th MARCH 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Definitive Issue, Expo 2017

25th MARCH 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Fauna & Flora of Kyrgyzstan

25th FEBRUARY 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - WWF, Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus)

28th FEBRUARY 2017, UZBEKISTAN - Regions of Uzbekistan, Syrdaria

2nd MARCH 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - 25th Anniversary of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan

7th MARCH 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Definitive Issue, Expo 2017

14th MARCH 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Definitive Issue, Expo 2017

25th MARCH 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Fauna & Flora of Kyrgyzstan

13th APRIL 2017, TURKMENISTAN - Defintives 2017

30th APRIL 2017, TAJIKISTAN - WWF, Manul (Felis manul)

6th MAY 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - UNESCO World Heritage, Protected Areas

12th MAY 2017, UZBEKISTAN - Flora of Uzbekistan

9th JUNE 2017, UZBEKISTAN - Fruits

29th JUNE 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Historical and Cultural Ties between Kyrgyzstan and China, Li Bai

30th JUNE 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Horses (Belerus Joint Issue)

7th JULY 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - 19th International Botanical Congress in Shenzhen, China

12th JULY 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Astana Expo 2017, Future Energy

14th JULY 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Kyrgyz Hunting, Salbuurun

21st JULY 2017, UZBEKISTAN - Defintives, Birds

7th AUGUST 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - 2017 Year of the Rooster

15th AUGUST 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - International Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Forum

28th AUGUST 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Fauna, the Red Book of Kazakhstan, Snow Leopard

31st AUGUST 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Nauryz, Celebration of the Spring!

31st AUGUST 2017, UZBEKISTAN - Defintives, Birds

1st SEPTEMBER 2017, TAJIKISTAN - Flowers of Asia

8th SEPTEMBER 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - 20 years of KazTransOil

16th SEPTEMBER 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - 25 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Belarus (Belarus Joint Issue)

25th SEPTEMBER 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Flora of the Red Book

3rd NOVEMBER 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - East Kazakhstan Region, Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya Oblast

6th NOVEMBER 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Pearls of Kazakhstan. Karatau Nature Reserve

15th NOVEMBER 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Jambyl Oblast

17th NOVEMBER 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - 25th Anniversary of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

20th NOVEMBER 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - 25 Years of Diplomatic Relations Kazakhstan-France

20th NOVEMBER 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - International Year of Susatinable Tourism for Development

24th NOVEMBER 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - The Great Silk Road

1st DECEMBER 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - Happy New Year!

4th DECEMBER 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Fauna of the Red Book

25th DECEMBER 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - 100 Years of Alash Autonomy

28th DECEMBER 2017, KAZAKHSTAN - 50 Years of Cartoons in Kazakhstan

28th DECEMBER 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Flora of Kyrgyzstan, Rice Cultigens

31st DECEMBER 2017, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - The Anniversaries of Great Personalities, 150th Birth Anniversary of Maria Skłodowska-Curie

1st JANUARY 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - 2018 Year of the Dog

1st JANUARY 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - Himalayan Brown Bear (Ursus arctos isabellinus)

22nd JANUARY 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - 2018 Year of the Dog

18th FEBRUARY 2018, TAJIKISTAN - WWF, Reed Cat, Felis chaus (overprinted from 2002)

22nd FEBRUARY 2018, UZBEKISTAN - Defintives 2018, Birds

23rd FEBRUARY 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - PyeongChang XXIII Winter Olympic Games

18th MARCH 2018, TAJIKISTAN - Mushrooms (blue overprinted from 1999)

28th MARCH 2018, UZBEKISTAN - Defintives 2018, Birds

10th APRIL 2018, UZBEKISTAN - Defintives 2018, Birds

20th APRIL 2018, TAJIKISTAN - Sughd Region

20th APRIL 2018, TAJIKISTAN - Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region

22nd MAY 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Birds of Kyrgyzstan

22nd JUNE 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Bridges

9th JULY 2018, UZBEKISTAN - Toshkent Region

6th AUGUST 2018, TAJIKISTAN - Water for Sustainable Development (blue overprinted from 2000)

6th AUGUST 2018, UZBEKISTAN - Zaminsky Mountain State Reserve

17th AUGUST 2018, UZBEKISTAN - Definitives 2018

25th AUGUST 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - International Telecommunication Union Conference

28th AUGUST 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - The Atom Project

3rd SEPTEMBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - XXIII Olympic Winter Games

7th SEPTEMBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - My Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan Region

7th SEPTEMBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Butterflies of Kyrgyzstan

10th SEPTEMBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - My Kazakhstan, Karaganda Region

15th SEPTEMBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - RCC 2018, Nature Reserve Surma-Tash

17th SEPTEMBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - Fauna, Red Book, Tianshan Brown Bear (Ursus arctos isabellinus)
28th SEPTEMBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - Made in Kazakhstan

18th OCTOBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - 25th Anniversary of Establishing Diplomatic Relations Kyrgyz Republic - Republic of Belarus (Belarus Joint Issue)

5th OCTOBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - Happy Nauryz!

13th OCTOBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Flora, Roses

19th OCTOBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - RCC 2018, Almaty State Nature Reserve

26th OCTOBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - Flora

28th SEPTEMBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - Made in Kazakhstan

18th OCTOBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - 25th Anniversary of Establishing Diplomatic Relations Kyrgyz Republic - Republic of Belarus (Belarus Joint Issue)

5th OCTOBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - Happy Nauryz!

13th OCTOBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Flora, Roses

19th OCTOBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - RCC 2018, Almaty State Nature Reserve

26th OCTOBER 2018, KAZAKHSTAN - Flora

1st NOVEMBER 2018, TAJIKISTAN - Water fro Sustainable Development

16th NOVEMBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Issyk-Kul Lighthouses

17th NOVEMBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Nature of Kyrgyzstan

23rd NOVEMBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Malta Joint Issue)

23rd NOVEMBER 2018, UZBEKISTAN - 25th Anniversary of Establishing Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Belarus (Belarus Joint Issue)

23rd NOVEMBER 2018, UZBEKISTAN - Fauna of Uzbekistan

7th DECEMBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - Kyrgyz Republic Red Data Book

8th DECEMBER 2018, KYRGYZSTAN (KP) - Kumtor Gold Mine

31st JANUARY 2019, KYRGYZSTAN (KEP) - 2019 Year of the Pig

Muy buena página, un Abrazo Grande desde Montevideo, Uruguay.
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