Alderney, Belgium, Eire, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, The Neherlands, United Kingdom
!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!
8th JANUARY 2013, JERSEY - Frost & Nature; 45: Paradise Benelia (Camelia sasanqua); 50: Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus); 60: Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis); 68: Mistletoe (Viscum album); 80: Bramble (Rubus fruticosus); 88: Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)

21st JANUARY 2013, BELGIUM - Birds; sx: Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix); dx: Arctic Tern (Sterna pardisea)

28th JANUARY 2013 THE NETHERLANDS - 12th Anniversary of Arkadis & KNHM

20th FEBRUARY 2013, ALDERNEY - Beetles

20th FEBRUARY 2013, GUERNSEY - Endangered Species: Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

20th FEBRUARY 2013, GUERNSEY - Marine Life

25th FEBRUARY 2013, THE NETHERLANDS - 100th Anniversary of Burger's Zoo

21st MARCH 2013, EIRE - 50th Anniversary of the Irish Cancer Society

25th MARCH 2013, BELGIUM - Butterflies

16th APRIL 2013, UNITED KINGDOM - Eminent Britons (the 3rd of the 2nd row is Mary Leaky, anthropologist and archaeologist)

2nd APRIL 2013, EIRE - Definitives

2nd APRIL 2013, JERSEY - Buses III

11th APRIL 2013, JERSEY - Corbiere Grand National Winner 1983

8th MAY 2013, JERSEY - The International Red Cross and Red Crescent

11th MAY 2013, BELGIUM - Antwerpen Zoo

13th MAY 2013, UNITED KINGDOM - The Great War 1914-1918, War at Sea

17th MAY 2013, ISLE OF MAN - Railways

29th MAY 2013, GUERNSEY - Herm Island

22nd JUNE 2013, BELGIUM - 100th Anniverdary of the KMI/IRM
4th JULY 2013, ISLE OF MAN - The Times, Newspaper Headlines - 73: 1973 Stamps on Stamp with Felis sylvestris, Ovis aries, Puffinus puffinus
!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!
8th JANUARY 2013, JERSEY - Frost & Nature; 45: Paradise Benelia (Camelia sasanqua); 50: Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus); 60: Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis); 68: Mistletoe (Viscum album); 80: Bramble (Rubus fruticosus); 88: Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)

21st JANUARY 2013, BELGIUM - Birds; sx: Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix); dx: Arctic Tern (Sterna pardisea)

28th JANUARY 2013 THE NETHERLANDS - 12th Anniversary of Arkadis & KNHM

20th FEBRUARY 2013, ALDERNEY - Beetles

20th FEBRUARY 2013, GUERNSEY - Endangered Species: Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

20th FEBRUARY 2013, GUERNSEY - Marine Life

25th FEBRUARY 2013, THE NETHERLANDS - 100th Anniversary of Burger's Zoo

21st MARCH 2013, EIRE - 50th Anniversary of the Irish Cancer Society
25th MARCH 2013, BELGIUM - Butterflies
16th APRIL 2013, UNITED KINGDOM - Eminent Britons (the 3rd of the 2nd row is Mary Leaky, anthropologist and archaeologist)

2nd APRIL 2013, EIRE - Definitives
2nd APRIL 2013, JERSEY - Buses III

11th APRIL 2013, JERSEY - Corbiere Grand National Winner 1983

8th MAY 2013, JERSEY - The International Red Cross and Red Crescent

11th MAY 2013, BELGIUM - Antwerpen Zoo
13th MAY 2013, UNITED KINGDOM - The Great War 1914-1918, War at Sea

17th MAY 2013, ISLE OF MAN - Railways

29th MAY 2013, GUERNSEY - Herm Island

22nd JUNE 2013, BELGIUM - 100th Anniverdary of the KMI/IRM
4th JULY 2013, ISLE OF MAN - The Times, Newspaper Headlines - 73: 1973 Stamps on Stamp with Felis sylvestris, Ovis aries, Puffinus puffinus

4th JULY 2013, JERSEY - Dragonflies & Damselflies - 45: Calopteryx virgo; 55: Cordulegaster boltonii; 60: Coenagrion scitulum; 68: Pyrrhosoma nymphula; 80: Lestes viridis; 88: Crocothemys erythraea

11th JULY 2013, UNITED KINGDOM - Butterflies - 1st row: Polygonia c-album, Anthocharis cardamines, Lycaena phlaeas, Polyommatus coridon, Papilio machaon; 2nd row: Apatura iris, Euphydryas aurinia, Gonepteryx rhamni, Vanessa atalanta, Melanargia galathea (stripes & Booklet)

28th AUGUST 2013, UNITED KINGDOM - The Great War 1914-1918, Caring for the Wounded

13th SEPTEMBER 2013, BELGIUM - Condolence Stamp: Calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.)

13th SEPTEMBER 2013, BELGIUM - Buzin Birds: Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)

13th SEPTEMBER 2013, ISLE OF MAN - 40th CITES Anniversary: A journey through Africa; 1: Olive Baboon (Papiio anubis); 2: White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum); 3: Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis); 4: Greater Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)

13th SEPTEMBER 2013, ISLE OF MAN - Big Cats; 40p: Lion (Panthera leo); 42p: Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia); 69p: Tiger, Sepac (Panthera tigris); 120p: Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus); 160p: Leopard (Panthera pardus); 161p: Jaguar (Panthera onca)

10th OCTOBER 2013, UNITED KINGDOM - Dinosaurs (....and other Mesozoic Reptiles): Polacanthus, Ichthyosaurus, Iguanodon, Ornitocheirus, Baryonyx, Dimorphodon, Hypsilophodon, Cetiosaurus, Megalosaurus, Plesiosaurus

7th NOVEMBER 2013, EIRE - Raymond Evison 25 Years of Gold

6th JANUARY 2014, ISLE OF MAN - Winter Flora

27th JANUARY 2013, BELGIUM - Flore Insolite

27th JANUARY 2014, BELGIUM - Timbre Papillion 2012 (Papilio machaon), Reprint on White Paper; (lf: 2012; rt: 2014)

27th JANUARY 2014, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland 2014, Loosdrecht
27th JANUARY 2014, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland 2014, Tegelen

4th FEBRUARY 2014, UNITED KINGDOM - Working Horses, Forestry Horses (issued in a series of 6 stamps)

12th FEBRUARY 2014, GUERNSEY - Endangered Species: Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii)

15th FEBRUARY 2014, BELGIUM - Buzin Animals

19th FEBRUARY 2014, ISLE OF MAN - Centenary of World War I, Life in Trenches

15th FEBRUARY 2014, BELGIUM - Buzin Animals

19th FEBRUARY 2014, ISLE OF MAN - Centenary of World War I, Life in Trenches

24th FEBRUARY 2014, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland 2014 II, Keramiek

8th MARCH 2014, BELGIUM - Earth Hour

8th MARCH 2014, BELGIUM - Earth Hour

25th MARCH 2014, JERSEY - Europa 2014, National Music Instruments (set of 2 values, 60p-80p)

5th APRIL 2014, BELGIUM - Timbre Papillion 2012 (Papilio machaon), Reprint on White Paper P4, offset, new texts (lt: 25.06.2012, white phosphorescent paper P5, helio; md: 27.01.2014, white paper P4, offset; rt: new issue)

5th APRIL 2014, BELGIUM - Timbre Papillion 2012 (Pieris brassicae), Reprint on White Paper P4, offset, new texts (dw: 25.06.2012, white phosphorescent paper P5, helio; up: new issue)

8th APRIL 2014, UNITED KINGDOM - World War I, Tank Warfare
16th APRIL 2014, ISLE OF MAN - The Manx Ark Rare Breeds
22nd APRIL 2014, BELGIUM - 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Andreas Vesalius, Anatomist (Portugal Joint Issue)

22nd APRIL 2014, THE NETHERLANDS - Orchideeën van het Gerendal

6th MAY 2014, JERSEY - Remembrance 2014

14th MAY 2014, UNITED KINGDOM - World War I, Life in the Trenches

19th MAY 2014, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi NL 2014: Keramiek Delft

19th MAY 2014, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi NL 2014: Verzamelvel

22nd MAY 2014, EIRE - Bloom 2014 (issued as souvenir sheets too)

28th MAY 2014, GUERNSEY - 50y of Britain in Bloom

24th JUNE 2014, ISLE OF MAN - Le Grand Depart Yorkshire, The Road to Paris (set of six sheetlets)

30th JUNE 2014, JERSEY - Seasons, Summer

7th JULY 2014, BELGIUM - Les 100 Ans du Canal de Panama

7th JULY 2014, BELGIUM - Sites Miniers Wallons

5th JUNE 2014, UNITED KINGDOM - Sustainable & Threatened Fish

10th JUNE 2014, BELGIUM - International Year of Crystallography (Slovenia Joint Issue)

12th JUNE 2014, EIRE - World Flower Show (issued as 4x minisheets and souvenir sheets)

24th JUNE 2014, ISLE OF MAN - Le Grand Depart Yorkshire, The Road to Paris (set of six sheetlets)

30th JUNE 2014, JERSEY - Seasons, Summer

7th JULY 2014, BELGIUM - Les 100 Ans du Canal de Panama

7th JULY 2014, BELGIUM - Sites Miniers Wallons

21st JULY 2014, EIRE - Introduction of New National Postal Rates (issued as 50x coils)

21st JULY 2014, EIRE - Introduction of New National & International Postal Rates (issued as 10x booklets)

28th JULY 2014, UNITED KINGDOM - The First World War 1914

30th JULY 2014, GUERNSEY - Marine Life

30th JULY 2014, GUERNSEY - Love the Bailwick

11th AUGUST 2014, THE NETHERLANDS - Werelderfgoed Nederland

27th AUGUST 2014, JERSEY - Jersey's Roman Connections (6v+MS)

27th AUGUST 2014, UNITED KINGDOM - 75th Anniversary of World War II

1st SEPTEMBER 2014, ISLE OF MAN - Dark Sky Discovery

18th SEPTEMBER 2014, UNITED KINGDOM - Seaside Architecture (4v+MS)

3rd OCTOBER 2014, BELGIUM - Papillons (timbres en rouleaux 100x)

3rd OCTOBER 2014, BELGIUM - Le Monde du Train (smartphone & tablet 3D stamp)

9th OCTOBER 2014, JERSEY - Jersey Oyster Fishing

4th NOVEMBER 2014, UNITED KINGDOM - Christmas 2014

11th NOVEMBER 2014, UNITED KINGDOM - The Christmas Truce 1914, British and German Troops Fraternise

18th NOVEMBER 2014, THE NETHERLANDS - Decemberzegels 2014

11th DECEMBER 2014, GUERNSEY - Stories from the Great War

6th JANUARY 2015, UNITED KINGDOM - Alice in Wonderland

7th JANUARY 2015, IRELAND - Science Gallery & BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition (se-tenant pair)

28th JANUARY 2015, GUERNSEY - 2015 Year of the Goat

2nd FEBRUARY 2015, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland 2015, Vestingsteden: Naarden, Elburg & Bourtange

5th FEBRUARY 2015, ALDERNEY - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

17th FEBRUARY 2015, ISLE OF MAN - World War I Battle Fronts

19th FEBRUARY 2015, UNITED KINGDOM - Inventive Britain

5th MARCH 2015, UNITED KINGDOM - Bridges

23rd MARCH 2015, BELGIUM - Animals in Motion by André Buzin

24th MARCH 2015, UNITED KINGDOM - Queen Definitives

28th APRIL 2015, THE NETHERLANDS - Flora en fauna van het Naardermeer

1st MAY 2015, ALDERNEY - Flora & Fauna of Alderney (issued as 10x ms too)

11th MAY 2015, BELGIUM - Plante ou Animal?
26th MAY 2015, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland 2015

30th MAY 2015, BELGIUM - Frais de Recommandation, Canard Souchet (Anas clypeata)

4th JUNE 2015, EIRE - 50th Anniversary of Mountain Rescue Ireland - 50th Anniversary of Mountain Rescue Ireland

29th JUNE 2015, BELGIUM - Pêcheurs des Crevettes á Cheval (Shrimp Fishermen on Horseback)

29th JUNE 2015, BELGIUM - Les délicieux Fruits Oubliés (Delicious Forgotten Fruits)

3rd JUNE 2015, ISLE OF MAN - Curraghs Wildlife Park 50th Anniversary

20th JULY 2015, THE NETHERLANDS - Explore the Science

22nd JULY 2015, GUERNSEY - Artists of Guernsey

22nd JULY 2015, ALDERNEY - Alderney Forts

22nd JULY 2015, GUERNSEY - Sark: 450 Years as a Fief to the Crown

1st JULY 2015, EIRE - National Postage Rate and International Postage Rate Definitive Stamps, New Version (10x booklets): Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) & Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra)
1st JULY 2015, EIRE - National Postage Rate and International Postage Rate Definitive Stamps (issued coils and pairs): Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocops major) & Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)

16th JULY 2015, EIRE - Ireland, the Food Island

6th AUGUST 2015, JERSEY - Sark, 450 Yrs as a Fief to the Crown

17th AUGUST 2015, THE NETHERLANDS - Brieven Schrijven


7th SEPTEMBER 2015, BELGIUM - Dinosaurs

7th SEPTEMBER 2015, BELGIUM - Volleyball European Championship, Women

10th SEPTEMBER 2015, EIRE - The Five Senses

14th SEPTEMBER 2015, THE NETHERLANDS - Charlotte Dumas, Portretten

22nd SEPTEMBER 2015, JERSEY - Links with China, Garden Flowers

15th OCTOBER 2015, JERSEY - Jersey Seasons, Autumn

23rd OCTOBER 2015, ISLE OF MAN - 250th Anniversary of the First Prayer Bookk Published in Manx Gaelic

2nd NOVEMBER 2015, THE NETHERLANDS - Kinderpostzegels 2015

3rd NOVEMBER 2015, UNITED KINGDOM - Christmas

9th NOVEMBER 2015, JERSEY - My Jersey

24th NOVEMBER 2015, THE NETHERLANDS - Decemberzegels 2015

5th JANUARY 2016, JERSEY - Year of the Monkey

7th JANUARY 2016, UNITED KINGDOM - Shackleton & The Endurance Expedition

20th JANUARY 2016, ISLE OF MAN - Chinese New Year of the Monkey 2016

20th JANUARY 2016, GUERNSEY - Lunar New Year 2016, Year of the Monkey 2016

28th JANUARY 2016, EIRE - 50th Anniversary of the Irish Heart Foundation

1st FEBRUARY 2016, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland 2016, Vissersplaatsen: Urk, Volendam & Zoutkamp

17th FEBRUARY 2016, ALDERNEY - Alderney Longis Nature Reserve

17th FEBRUARY 2016, GUERNSEY - Endangered Species, Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi)

17th FEBRUARY 2016, ISLE OF MAN - Battle of Jutland

17th FEBRUARY 2016, ISLE OF MAN - Battle of the Somme

25th FEBRUARY 2016, EIRE - St. Patrick's Day 2016

22nd MARCH 2016, UNITED KINGDOM - Country Definitives 2016

24th MARCH 2016, ISLE OF MAN - Matt Sewell's Birds

29th MARCH 2016, THE NETHERLANDS - Postcrossing

25th APRIL 2016, THE NETHERLANDS - Griend: Vogels van het Wad

25th APRIL 2016, THE NETHERLANDS - Europa 2016, Think Green

3rd MAY 2016, JERSEY - Europa 2016, Think Green

6th MAY 2016, GUERNSEY - Europa 2016, Think Green

6th MAY 2016, GUERNSEY - Victor Hugo's Toilers of the Sea

10th MAY 2016, ISLE OF MAN - In the Footsteps of Shackleton, Marking the 100th Anniversary of the legendary Endurance Expedition

11th MAY 2016, JERSEY - Einstein's Theory of Relativity

12th MAY 2016, EIRE - Europa 2016, Think Green

17th MAY 2016, UNITED KINGDOM - Animail
23rd MAY 2016, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland 2016, Vissersplaatsen: Arnemuiden, Scheveningen & Verzamelvel

25th MAY 2016, GUERNSEY - World Stamp Show NY2016

25th MAY 2016, GUERNSEY - SEPAC: Seasons

3rd JUNE 2016, THE NETHERLANDS - 75 Jaar Tom Poes, Postzegelvel

7th JUNE 2016, JERSEY - 50 Years of the Jersey Old Motor Club (8v+s/s)

13th JUNE 2016, BELGIUM - Europa 2016, Think Green

13th JUNE 2016, BELGIUM - Le Nouveau Zwin

21st JUNE 2016, UNITED KINGDOM - The Great War 2016

1st JULY 2016, ISLE OF MAN - 100 Years of General Relativity

14th JULY 2016, GUERNSEY - Postcrossing

27th JULY 2016, GUERNSEY - Ramsar Herm

28th JULY 2016, EIRE - Wild Atlantic Way (2x se-tenant pair)

28th JULY 2016, UNITED KINGDOM - Beatrix Potter 2016

4th AUGUST 2016, JERSEY - The Great War, 100 Years, Part 3

15th AUGUST 2016, THE NETHERLANDS - Apple and Pear Varieties in the Netherlands

16th AUGUST 2016, UNITED KINGDOM - Landscape Gardens

19th AUGUST 2016, ISLE OF MAN - Islands and Bridges, the Art of Roger Dean

22nd AUGUST 2016, BELGIUM - Endangered Species

12th SEPTEMBER 2016, THE NETHERLANDS - Jaar van het Boek

22nd SEPTEMBER 2016, JERSEY - Waterfowl

6th OCTOBER 2016, JERSEY - Jersey Myths & Legends

7th OCTOBER 2016, ISLE OF MAN - Biosphere Isle of Man, Think Green

14th OCTOBER 2016, ISLE OF MAN - Solar Impulse

24th OCTOBER 2016, BELGIUM - Flowers (rouleaux)

24th OCTOBER 2016, BELGIUM - Nobel Price Winners from Belgium

4th NOVEMBER 2016, JERSEY - Jersey Seasons, Winter

7th NOVEMBER 2016, THE NETHERLANDS - Kinderpostzegels 2016

8th NOVEMBER 2016, ALDERNEY - Christmas 2016

8th NOVEMBER 2016, GUERNSEY - Christmas 2016

8th NOVEMBER 2016, UNITED KINGDOM - Christmas 2016

9th NOVEMBER 2016, JERSEY - My Jersey, Mint Strip Local Letter

14th NOVEMBER 2016, THE NETHERLANDS - Decemberzergels 2016

21st NOVEMBER 2016, JERSEY - Father Christmas in Jersey

2nd JANUARY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Nederlandse Kippenrassen

5th JANUARY 2017, JERSEY - 2017 Year of the Rooster

17th JANUARY 2017, UNITED KINGDOM - Ancient Britain

18th JANUARY 2017, GUERNSEY - 2017 Year of the Rooster

19th JANUARY 2017, ISLE OF MAN - The Hearts of Ellan Vannin (includes Europa 2017)

30th JANUARY 2017, BELGIUM - Râle d'Eau

30th JANUARY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland 2017, Beek- en Rivierdalen

15th FEBRUARY 2017, GUERNSEY - WWF, Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis)

6th MARCH 2017, BELGIUM - Climat Perturbé, Vous Pouvez Agir!

6th MARCH 2017, BELGIUM - Sauvé des Flammes, Prévention Incendie

6th MARCH 2017, BELGIUM - Bois en Fleurs, les Jacinthes du Bois de Hal

11th APRIL 2017, JERSEY - Ancient Artefacts

20th APRIL 2017, EIRE - Ireland’s Royal Heritage and Sites from the Country’s Ancient History

24th APRIL 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Botanische Tuinen in Nederland

3rd MAY 2017, ISLE OF MAN - Green Mann

4th MAY 2017, UNITED KINGDOM - Songbirds

11th MAY 2017, ISLE OF MAN - 300 Years of Freemasonry

17th MAY 2017, ALDERNEY - Alderney Scenes

22nd MAY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland 2017, Beek- en Rivierdalen

7th JUNE 2017, JERSEY - Lions International Centennial

12th JUNE 2017, BELGIUM - Belgian Tour de France Winners

12th JUNE 2017, BELGIUM - Medical Breakthroughs from Belgium

12th JUNE 2017, BELGIUM - Water Rail

14th JUNE 2017, JERSEY - Durrell & Darwin, 25 Years of the Darwin Initiative

20th JUNE 2017, UNITED KINGDOM - Watermills & Windmills

29th JUNE 2017, ISLE OF MAN - Coastal Birds of the Isle of Man by Jeremy Paul

9th JULY 2017, ISLE OF MAN - HM Queen & HRH Prince Philip Platinum Anniversary

10th JULY 2017, JERSEY - Kaleidoscopes

17th JULY 2017, GUERNSEY - Guernsey Folklore

17th JULY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Museum Voorlinden

17th JULY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Leven in de Noordzee

19th JULY 2017, ALDERNEY - Coastal Eclipses

27th JULY 2017, IRELAND - 100 Years since Death of Francis Ledwidge, Poet

21st AUGUST 2017, BELGIUM - La Vie Marine en Danger

1st SEPTEMBER 2017, GUERNSEY - Guernsey Coasts

1st SEPTEMBER 2017, JERSEY - Links with China, Butterflies

14th SEPTEMBER 2017, UNITED KINGDOM - Ladybird Books 2017

3rd OCTOBER 2017, JERSEY - 100 Years of the Jersey Beekeepers Association

10th OCTOBER 2017, ISLE OF MAN - Ivory Manx Cats

19th OCTOBER 2017, ISLE OF MAN - Twelve Days of Christmas

21st OCTOBER 2017, BELGIUM - Les Hautes Fagnes de Hoge Vene

8th NOVEMBER 2017, ALDERNEY - The Holly and the Ivy

8th NOVEMBER 2017, GUERNSEY - Good King Wenceslas

20th NOVEMBER 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Decemberzegels 2017

2nd JANUARY 2018, THE NETHERLANDS - Beleef de Natuur, Reptielen & Amfibieën

5th JANUARY 2018, ISLE OF MAN - Manx Tholtans by Ray Kelly

23rd JANUARY 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - Games of Thrones

29th JANUARY 2018, BELGIUM - La Culture de la Bière en Belgique

29th JANUARY 2018, BELGIUM - Secteur du Diamant

29th JANUARY 2018, BELGIUM - Definitives, Buzin Birds

14th FEBRUARY 2018, JERSEY - Seasons, Spring

14th FEBRUARY 2018, GUERNSEY - Endangered Species, The Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)

14th FEBRUARY 2018, ALDERNEY -Stampex Valentine Exhibition Sheet 2018

22nd FEBRUARY 2018, EIRE - St. Patrick's Day

9th MARCH 2018, JERSEY - Europa 2018, Bridges & Causeways

12th MARCH 2018, BELGIUM - Wildlife Tracks

9th APRIL 2018, THE NETHERLANDS - Beleef de Natuur, Veldbloemen

10th APRIL 2018, ISLE OF MAN - The Year of Our Island

17th APRIL 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - Re-introduced Species

2nd MAY 2018, GUERNSEY - Bridges & Causeways

3rd MAY 2018, EIRE - Europa 2018, Bridges

11th MAY 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - Owls

25th MAY 2018, JERSEY - JSPCA, 150 Years

4th JUNE 2018, THE NETHERLANDS - Beleef de Natuur, Insecten

11th JUNE 2018, BELGIUM - Africa Museum

11th JUNE 2018, BELGIUM - Nature Geometry

18th JUNE 2018, JERSEY - Frankenstein 200 Years

12th JULY 2018, EIRE - Irish Native Bees

12th JULY 2018, JERSEY - Jersey Overseas Aid, 50 Years

16th JULY 2018, EIRE - Pope Francis Visits Ireland

31st JULY 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - Hampton Court Palace

1st AUGUST 2018, GUERNSEY - SEPAC 2018, Spectacular Views

4th AUGUST 2018, ISLE OF MAN - The ANZAC Memorials of Rayner Hoff

16th AUGUST 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - 250th anniversary of Captain Cook's Voyage

27th AUGUST 2018, BELGIUM - Dragonflies

27th AUGUST 2018, BELGIUM - Face to Face with Prehistoric Animals

27th AUGUST 2018, BELGIUM - Definitives, Fruits

3rd SEPTEMBER 2018, JERSEY - Links with China, Birdlife

15th FEBRUARY 2017, GUERNSEY - WWF, Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis)

6th MARCH 2017, BELGIUM - Climat Perturbé, Vous Pouvez Agir!

6th MARCH 2017, BELGIUM - Sauvé des Flammes, Prévention Incendie

6th MARCH 2017, BELGIUM - Bois en Fleurs, les Jacinthes du Bois de Hal

11th APRIL 2017, JERSEY - Ancient Artefacts

20th APRIL 2017, EIRE - Ireland’s Royal Heritage and Sites from the Country’s Ancient History

24th APRIL 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Botanische Tuinen in Nederland

3rd MAY 2017, ISLE OF MAN - Green Mann

4th MAY 2017, UNITED KINGDOM - Songbirds

11th MAY 2017, ISLE OF MAN - 300 Years of Freemasonry

17th MAY 2017, ALDERNEY - Alderney Scenes

22nd MAY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland 2017, Beek- en Rivierdalen

7th JUNE 2017, JERSEY - Lions International Centennial

12th JUNE 2017, BELGIUM - Belgian Tour de France Winners

12th JUNE 2017, BELGIUM - Medical Breakthroughs from Belgium

12th JUNE 2017, BELGIUM - Water Rail

14th JUNE 2017, JERSEY - Durrell & Darwin, 25 Years of the Darwin Initiative

20th JUNE 2017, UNITED KINGDOM - Watermills & Windmills

29th JUNE 2017, ISLE OF MAN - Coastal Birds of the Isle of Man by Jeremy Paul

9th JULY 2017, ISLE OF MAN - HM Queen & HRH Prince Philip Platinum Anniversary

10th JULY 2017, JERSEY - Kaleidoscopes

17th JULY 2017, GUERNSEY - Guernsey Folklore

17th JULY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Museum Voorlinden

17th JULY 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Leven in de Noordzee

19th JULY 2017, ALDERNEY - Coastal Eclipses

27th JULY 2017, IRELAND - 100 Years since Death of Francis Ledwidge, Poet

21st AUGUST 2017, BELGIUM - La Vie Marine en Danger

1st SEPTEMBER 2017, GUERNSEY - Guernsey Coasts

1st SEPTEMBER 2017, JERSEY - Links with China, Butterflies

14th SEPTEMBER 2017, UNITED KINGDOM - Ladybird Books 2017

3rd OCTOBER 2017, JERSEY - 100 Years of the Jersey Beekeepers Association

10th OCTOBER 2017, ISLE OF MAN - Ivory Manx Cats

19th OCTOBER 2017, ISLE OF MAN - Twelve Days of Christmas

21st OCTOBER 2017, BELGIUM - Les Hautes Fagnes de Hoge Vene

8th NOVEMBER 2017, ALDERNEY - The Holly and the Ivy

8th NOVEMBER 2017, GUERNSEY - Good King Wenceslas

20th NOVEMBER 2017, THE NETHERLANDS - Decemberzegels 2017

2nd JANUARY 2018, THE NETHERLANDS - Beleef de Natuur, Reptielen & Amfibieën

5th JANUARY 2018, ISLE OF MAN - Manx Tholtans by Ray Kelly

23rd JANUARY 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - Games of Thrones

29th JANUARY 2018, BELGIUM - La Culture de la Bière en Belgique

29th JANUARY 2018, BELGIUM - Secteur du Diamant

29th JANUARY 2018, BELGIUM - Definitives, Buzin Birds

14th FEBRUARY 2018, JERSEY - Seasons, Spring

14th FEBRUARY 2018, GUERNSEY - Endangered Species, The Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)

14th FEBRUARY 2018, ALDERNEY -Stampex Valentine Exhibition Sheet 2018

22nd FEBRUARY 2018, EIRE - St. Patrick's Day

9th MARCH 2018, JERSEY - Europa 2018, Bridges & Causeways

12th MARCH 2018, BELGIUM - Wildlife Tracks

9th APRIL 2018, THE NETHERLANDS - Beleef de Natuur, Veldbloemen

10th APRIL 2018, ISLE OF MAN - The Year of Our Island

17th APRIL 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - Re-introduced Species

2nd MAY 2018, GUERNSEY - Bridges & Causeways

3rd MAY 2018, EIRE - Europa 2018, Bridges

11th MAY 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - Owls

25th MAY 2018, JERSEY - JSPCA, 150 Years

4th JUNE 2018, THE NETHERLANDS - Beleef de Natuur, Insecten

11th JUNE 2018, BELGIUM - Africa Museum

11th JUNE 2018, BELGIUM - Nature Geometry

18th JUNE 2018, JERSEY - Frankenstein 200 Years

12th JULY 2018, EIRE - Irish Native Bees

12th JULY 2018, JERSEY - Jersey Overseas Aid, 50 Years

16th JULY 2018, EIRE - Pope Francis Visits Ireland

31st JULY 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - Hampton Court Palace

1st AUGUST 2018, GUERNSEY - SEPAC 2018, Spectacular Views

4th AUGUST 2018, ISLE OF MAN - The ANZAC Memorials of Rayner Hoff

16th AUGUST 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - 250th anniversary of Captain Cook's Voyage

27th AUGUST 2018, BELGIUM - Dragonflies

27th AUGUST 2018, BELGIUM - Face to Face with Prehistoric Animals

27th AUGUST 2018, BELGIUM - Definitives, Fruits

3rd SEPTEMBER 2018, JERSEY - Links with China, Birdlife

6th SEPTEMBER 2018, EIRE - Irish Scientific Discoveries

13th SEPTEMBER 2018, UNITED KINGDOM - World War I Centenary, the War to End All Wars

17th SEPTEMBER 2018, THE NETHERLANDS - Beleef de Natuur, Paddenstoelen

8th OCTOBER 2018, THE NETHERLANDS - Kinderpostzegels 2018

18th OCTOBER 2018, ISLE OF MAN - Bicentenary of the Point of Ayre and Calf of Man Lighthouses

19th OCTOBER 2018, THE NETHERLANDS - Mijn Groentetuin

22nd OCTOBER 2018, BELGIUM - We Shall Never Forget

2nd JANUARY 2019, THE NETHERLANDS - Mooi Nederland, Texel

2nd JANUARY 2019, THE NETHERLANDS - Beleef de Natuur, Zoogdieren

4th JANUARY 2019, JERSEY - 2019 Year of the Pig

22nd JANUARY 2019, GUERNSEY - 2019 Year of the Pig

22nd JANUARY 2019, ISLE OF MAN - 2019 Year of the Pig

24th JANUARY 2019, EIRE - Love & Marriage 2019 (booklet)

28th JANUARY 2019, BELGIUM - Definitives 2019, Hirondelle de Rivage (Riparia riparia)

28th JANUARY 2019, BELGIUM - Les Animaux au Travail

12th FEBRUARY 2019, ISLE OF MAN - Isle of Man Wildlife

13th FEBRUARY 2019, UNITED KINGDOM - 500th Anniversary of the Death of Leonardo da Vinci

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