Austria, Czech Repuclic, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia
!!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!

4th MARCH 2013, LIECHTENSTEIN - Mathematics
!!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!
5th FEBRUARY 2013, HUNGARY - Centenary of the Birth of Prof Dr Miklós Ujvárosi, Botanist
5th FEBRUARY 2013, HUNGARY - Centenary of the Birth of Prof Dr Miklós Ujvárosi, Botanist
7th FEBRUARY 2013, GERMANY - Trees; 58: Lime Tree (Tilia spp.); 90: Wild Cherry (Prunus avium); 145: Conker Tree (Aesculus hippocastanum) (issued as self-adhesive carnet and rolls too)

21st FEBRUARY 2013, AUSTRIA - Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

21st FEBRUARY 2013, AUSTRIA - Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
4th MARCH 2013, LIECHTENSTEIN - Mathematics
4th MARCH 2013, LIECHTENSTEIN - Switzerland-Liechtenstein Customs Treaty 1923-2013

14th MARCH 2013, AUSTRIA - Wild Animals and Hunting, Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)

22nd MARCH 2013, SLOVENIA - Tourism, Kolpa River

22nd MARCH 2013, SLOVENIA - Medieval Monasteries

22nd MARCH 2013, SLOVENIA - Postojna Caves, Underground Post Office (Austria Joint Issue)

22nd MARCH 2013, SLOVENIA - Flora; 0,60: Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba); 0,64: Fig (Ficus carica); 0,92: Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica); 0,97: Service Tree (Sorbus domestica)
4th APRIL 2013, GERMANY - Dauerserien: Maiglöckchen (Convallaria majalis) (issued as rolls)

6th APRIL 2013, AUSTRIA - Postojna Caves, Underground Post Office (Slovenia Joint Issue)

10th APRIL 2013, HUNGARY - Fauna; 10: Stoat (Mustela erminea); 140: Pigmy Shrew (Sorex minutus); 230: Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx); Great Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis myotis); 600: Northern White-breasted Hedgehog (Erinaceus romanicus)
17th APRIL 2013, AUSTRIA - 130th Anniversary of Julius Lott

3rd MAY 2013, HUNGARY - Hungarian Museums; sx: Lamp Museum , Zsámbék; dx: Calcite Crystal Museum, Fertőrákos (holographic stamps)
5th MAY 2013, AUSTRIA - 50th Anniverary of the Open-Air Stübing Museum

15th MAY 2013, CZECH REPUBLIC - Technical Monumets: The Fláje Dam

21st MAY 2013, SLOVENIA - Definitive Issue Reprint; A: Zois' Bellflower (Campanula zoysii); C: Saw-wort (Klasea lycopifolia

24th MAY 2013, AUSTRIA - Weinregionen Österreichs, Südsteiermark

3rd JUNE 2013, LIECHTENSTEIN - Alpine Flowers; 100: Chiltern Gentian (Gentianella germanica); 190: Alpine Forget-me-not (Myosotis alpestris); 400: Hairly Alpenrose (Rhododendron hirsutum)

3rd JUNE 2013, LIECHTENSTEIN - Young Animals of the Alpine Regions; 0,85: Ibex (Capra ibex); 100: Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra); 140: Marmot (Marmota marmota); 190: Alpine Hare (Lepus timidus)
3rd JUNE 2013, LIECHTENSTEIN - Bridges Bring Together
3rd JUNE 2013, LIECHTENSTEIN - Painters from Liechtenstein, Hans Kliemand (1922-1976)

6th JUNE 2013, GERMANY - Lighthouses

7th JUNE 2013, AUSTRIA- Naturschutzbund Anniversary (with Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis)

13th JUNE 2013, AUSTRIA - Nature Protection

20th JUNE 2013, SLOVENIA - Definitive Issue Reprint; 0,05: Adriatic Lizrd Orchid (Himantoglossum hircinum); 0,10: Greater Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla grandis); 0,20: Carniolan Primrose (Primula carniolica); 1: Alpine Eryngo (Eryngium alpinum)

1st JULY 2013, GERMANY - Wild Germany; sx: Berchtesgaden Alps; dx: Wadden Sea

1st JULY 2013, GERMANY - Seascape by Gerhard Richter (issued as self-adhesive too)

18th JULY 2013, GERMANY - Flood Relief

8th AUGUST 2013, GERMANY - Native Songbirds; 58: Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis); 90: Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula); 145: Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)

21st AUGUST 2013, AUSTRIA - Stamp Day 2013: Salzkammergut Lokalbahn, Salzburg and Mount Monchsberg

2nd SEPTEMBER 2013, LIECHTENSTEIN - Performing Art in Liechtenstein, Eugen Zotow (Russia Joint Issue)

4th SEPTEMBER 2013, CZECH REPUBLIC - Nature Protection: Karlštejnsko, Czech Karst

20th SEPTEMBER 2013, SLOVAKIA - Beauties of our Homeland, Tatra Motifs: The Small Cold Valley & Zelené Pleso

27th SEPTEMBER 2013, SLOVENIA - Sea Fauna; 0,60: Damselfish (Chromis chromis); 0,64: Common Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis); 0,92: Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta); 0,97: Golden Grey Mullet (Liza aurata)

27th SEPTEMBER 2013, SLOVENIA - Nature Parks in Slovenia, Kozjanski Regional Park (with Apple Tree, Malus domestica)

4th OCTOBER 2013, HUNGARY - Budapest Water Summit

11th OCTOBER 2013, AUSTRIA - 100y Tiroler Skiverband

11th OCTOBER 2013, SLOVAKIA - Nature Protection: Slovak Minerals (Sceptre Quartz from Šobov and Opal from Dubnik)

25th OCTOBER 2013, GERMANY - Dauerserie, Bleeding Heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) (self-ashesive minisheet)

2nd NOVEMBER 2013, GERMANY - Winterstimmung, Winter Landscape (issued as self-adhesive too)

11th NOVEMBER 2013, LIECHTENSTEIN - XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, 2014 (stamp with thermography-applied milled stone from Sochi)

15th NOVEMBER 2013, AUSTRIA - Christmas: St. Georgenberg-Fiecht

2nd JANUARY 2014, GERMANY - Wiederansiedlung der Fischarten: Lachs (Salmo spp.)

2nd JANUARY 2014, GERMANY - Weltnaturerbe der UNESCO: Alte Buchenwälder Deutschlands

2nd JANUARY 2014, GERMANY - Schloss Stolzenfel am Rhein, Pride Rock on the Rhine

20th JANUARY 2014, CZECH REPUBLIC - The Tradition of Czech Stamp Design, Ladislav Jirka, Engraver (1914-1986) (issued as sheets and booklets8x)

14th FEBRUARY 2014, SLOVAKIA - International Year of Crystallography

5th MARCH 2014, HUNGARY - Cubs of the Budapest Zoo

10th MARCH 2014, LIECHTENSTEIN - Brücken Verbinden II

20th MARCH 2014, AUSTRIA - Wiener Rose (Augarten Porzellan)

28th MARCH 2014, SLOVENIA - The Oldest Vines in the World

3rd APRIL 2014, GERMANY - Fur den Umweltschutz Wasser ist Leben

28th APRIL 2014, HUNGARY - In Memoriam Holocauszt Àldozatai (1944)

3rd MAY 2014, AUSTRIA - Wachau

8th MAY 2014, GERMANY - Marken-Set: Flussaue im Unteren Odertal u. Pfälzerwald/Teufelstisch (10x60 Cent)

12th MAY 2014, SLOVENIA - 70th Anniversary of Red Cross Slovenia (semipostal stamp)

12th NOVEMBER 2013, SLOVENIA - Definitive Issue Reprint; 0,02: Tommasini's Sandwort (Moheringia tommasinii); B: Yellow Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium calceolus)

15th NOVEMBER 2013, AUSTRIA - Christmas: St. Georgenberg-Fiecht

5th DECEMBER 2013, GERMANY - Dauerserie, Kaiserkrone (Fritillaria imperialis) (issued as self-adhesive minisheet, classic minisheet and rolls)
2nd JANUARY 2014, GERMANY - Wiederansiedlung der Fischarten: Lachs (Salmo spp.)

2nd JANUARY 2014, GERMANY - Weltnaturerbe der UNESCO: Alte Buchenwälder Deutschlands

2nd JANUARY 2014, GERMANY - Tierkinder; sx: Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes); dx: Eurasian Hedgehog (Erinaceus euopaeus) (issued as self-adhesive too)

2nd JANUARY 2014, GERMANY - Schloss Stolzenfel am Rhein, Pride Rock on the Rhine

20th JANUARY 2014, CZECH REPUBLIC - The Tradition of Czech Stamp Design, Ladislav Jirka, Engraver (1914-1986) (issued as sheets and booklets8x)

31st JANUARY 2014, SLOVENIA - The 600th Anniversary of the last Enthronement of the Carinthian Counts
6th FEBRUARY 2014, GERMANY - Wildes Deutschland; lt: Morgenstimmung in der Oderaue; rt: Teufelstisch bei Hinterweidenthal

7th FEBRUARY 2014, AUSTRIA - Flora, Dog's Tooth Violet (Erythronium dens-canis)
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Presented only to their subscribers as a loyalty bonus, no free sell (Google Translate).

5th MARCH 2014, HUNGARY - Cubs of the Budapest Zoo

10th MARCH 2014, LIECHTENSTEIN - Brücken Verbinden II

20th MARCH 2014, AUSTRIA - Wiener Rose (Augarten Porzellan)

28th MARCH 2014, SLOVENIA - The Oldest Vines in the World

3rd APRIL 2014, GERMANY - Fur den Umweltschutz Wasser ist Leben

28th APRIL 2014, HUNGARY - In Memoriam Holocauszt Àldozatai (1944)

3rd MAY 2014, AUSTRIA - Wachau

8th MAY 2014, GERMANY - Marken-Set: Flussaue im Unteren Odertal u. Pfälzerwald/Teufelstisch (10x60 Cent)

12th MAY 2014, SLOVENIA - 70th Anniversary of Red Cross Slovenia (semipostal stamp)
17th MAY 2014, AUSTRIA - 175 Jahre Traunseeschiffahrt

17th MAY 2014, AUSTRIA - Wildtiere und Jagd, Waldschnepfe (Scolopax rusticola)

29th MAY 2014, AUSTRIA - 20y of Erzbergrodeo

17th MAY 2014, AUSTRIA - Wildtiere und Jagd, Waldschnepfe (Scolopax rusticola)

28th MAY 2014, CZECH REPUBLIC - Technical Monuments: Handmade Paper Mill in Velké Losiny

29th MAY 2014, AUSTRIA - 20y of Erzbergrodeo

30th MAY 2014, SLOVENIA - Scouts

30th MAY 2014, SLOVENIA - Nature Parks in Slovenia, Krajinski Park Kolpa

2nd JUNE 2014, LIECHTENSTEIN - Moorblumen

30th MAY 2014, SLOVENIA - International Year of Crystallography (Belgium Joint Issue)
30th MAY 2014, SLOVENIA - Nature Parks in Slovenia, Krajinski Park Kolpa
30th MAY 2014, SLOVENIA - Birds of Slovenia; A: Eurasian Crag Martin (Hirundo rupestris); B: Common Merganser (Mergus merganser); C: Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni); D: Ural Owl (Strix uralensis); 0,36: Great Bittern (Botaurus stellaris)

2nd JUNE 2014, LIECHTENSTEIN - Moorblumen

2nd JUNE 2014, LIECHTENSTEIN - Amphibien

5th JUNE 2014, GERMANY - Marken-Box 100x, Alte Buchenwälder Deutschlands

5th JUNE 2014, GERMANY - Marken-Box 100x, Alte Buchenwälder Deutschlands

5th JUNE 2014, GERMANY - Dauerserien, Akelei (Aquilegia caerulea E.James, Ranunulaceae)

5th JUNE 2014, GERMANY - Schätze aus Deutschen Museen: Meister Bertram, Erschaffung der Tiere

6th JUNE 2014, SLOVAKIA - Medicinal Plants (postage stamp with a personalised coupon)

12th JUNE 2014, AUSTRIA - 20 Jahrestag der Volksabstimmung über den EU-Beitritt Österreichs

3rd JULY 2014, GERMANY - Leuchttürme 2014

3rd JULY 2014, GERMANY - Dauerserie, Tausendgüldenkraut (Centaurium erythraea, Gentianaceae) (issued as 200x rolls too)

9th JULY 2014, SLOVENIA - Euromed 2014, The Mediterranean Sea (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Monaco, Portugal, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey Joint Issue)
6th AUGUST 2014, HUNGARY - Fruits
20th AUGUST 2014, HUNGARY - 45° Debreceni Virágkarnevál

1st SEPTEMBER 2014, LIECHTENSTEIN - International Year of Crystallography

3rd SEPTEMBER 2014, CZECH REPUBLIC - Nature Protection, Beskydy Mountains

9th SEPTEMBER 2014, HUNGARY - Fauna of Hungary, Insects

19th SEPTEMBER 2014, AUSTRIA - 300 Jahre Basilika Mariatrost Graz

20th SEPTEMBER 2014, AUSTRIA - 125 Jahre Steyrtalbahn

22nd SEPTEMBER 2014, HUNGARY - The Danube Commission has had its Seat in Budapest for 60 Years (overprint '300Ft' on 1985 issue)

26th SEPTEMBER 2014, AUSTRIA - Tag der Briefmarke 2014

26th SEPTEMBER 2014, SLOVENIA - Bats

10th OCTOBER 2014, AUSTRIA - 120 Jahre Murtalbahn

10th OCTOBER 2014, SLOVAKIA - Nature Protection: Sitno National Nature Reserve

3rd NOVEMBER 2014, GERMANY - 300 Jahre Fahrenheit-Skala

5th NOVEMBER 2014, CZECH REPUBLIC - Personalities: Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)

5th NOVEMBER 2014, CZECH REPUBLIC - Christmas

5th NOVEMBER 2014, CZECH REPUBLIC - Works of Art on Postage Stamps: Salvador Dalí (1904–1989)

10th NOVEMBER 2014, LIECHTENSTEIN - Weihnachten, Bergkapellen

10th NOVEMBER 2014, LIECHTENSTEIN - Chinesisches Tierkreiszeichen, Schaf

25th NOVEMBER 2014, SLOVAKIA - Art, Alojz Stróbl (1856-1926)

28th NOVEMBER 2014, SLOVENIA - New Year (2 booklets)

28th NOVEMBER 2014, SLOVENIA - Children's Day (India Joint Issue)

4th DECEMBER 2014, GERMANY - Schätze aus Deutschen Museen: Rogier van der Weyden, Heimsuchung

4th DECEMBER 2014, GERMANY - Wiederansiedlung der Fischarten: Meerforelle (Salmo trutta)

5th DECEMBER 2014, AUSTRIA - 100. Geburtstag Arthur Zelger Grafikdesigner

2nd JANUARY 2015, GERMANY - Burgen und Schlösser, Marksburg

2nd JANUARY 2015, GERMANY - Wildes Deutschland: Boddenlandschaft

15th JANUARY 2015, HUNGARY - The Fauna of Hungary: 34th Racing Pigeon Olympiad

20th JANUARY 2015, AUSTRIA - Doppeljubiläum: Hahnenkammrennen & Geburtstag Toni Sailer

20th JANUARY 2015, CZECH REPUBLIC - Personalities: Vítězslava Kaprálová

30th JANUARY 2015, SLOVENIA - 2015 Chinese Lunar New Year

30th JANUARY 2015, SLOVENIA - Baltazar Hacquet, Physician, Geologist & Botanist

5th FEBRUARY 2015, GERMANY - Serie 'Für die Wohlfahrtspflege' 2015: Dornröschen

19th FEBRUARY 2015, HUNGARY - 2015 a Kecske éve (2015 Year of the Goat)

1st MARCH 2015, AUSTRIA - Dauerserie, Impressionen aus Österreich: Großglockner

2nd MARCH 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - 2015 Internationales Jahr des Lichts

7th MARCH 2015, AUSTRIA - Osterhasen Puzzle

7th MARCH 2015, AUSTRIA - Flower Paintings VIII, 'Kuhschelle' (Pulsatilla vulgaris)

13th MARCH 2015, AUSTRIA - 650th Anniversary of the Wien University

16th MARCH 2015, SLOVAKIA - The Bone Marrow Transplant Unit of the UCHC

24th MARCH 2015, HUNGARY - Youth 2015: Fazekas Mihály, 'Matyi the Goose-boy'

27th MARCH 2015, SLOVENIA - Slovenian Orchids

27th MARCH 2015, SLOVENIA - Tourism 2015

7th MAY 2015, AUSTRIA - Hubert Schmalix

29th MAY 2015, SLOVENIA - 2015 International Year of Soils

29th MAY 2015, SLOVENIA - Definitives, Birds of Slovenia

1st JUNE 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Nature Reserves in Liechtenstein: Schwabbrünnen

1st JUNE 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Reptiles

1st JUNE 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Meadow Flowers

1st JUNE 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Kathedrale St. Florin Vaduz

4th JUNE 2015, HUNGARY - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Miksa Róth (mosaic artist)

11th JUNE 2015, GERMANY - Leuchttürme 2015 (Lighthouses 2015)

19th JUNE 2015, AUSTRIA - Wildlife & Hunting, Hare (Lepus europaeus)

1st JULY 2015, GERMANY - Chiemsee

9th JULY 2015, SLOVENIA - Euromed Postal 2015, Boats of the Mediterranean

6th AUGUST 2015, GERMANY - Für die Jugend 2015: Süßwasserfische

21st AUGUST 2015, AUSTRIA - Basilika Rankweil, Vorarlberg

27th AUGUST 2015, AUSTRIA - Briefpost Cariolwagen

2nd SEPTEMBER 2015, CZECH REPUBLIC - Nature Protection, Owls

5th SEPTEMBER 2015, AUSTRIA - Wine Regions of Austria IV, Carnuntum

7th SEPTEMBER 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Native Apples

18th SEPTEMBER 2015, AUSTRIA - 20 Jahre Alpen-Adria-Philatelie

18th SEPTEMBER 2015, SLOVAKIA - Beauties of Slovakia: Manín Gorge

25th SEPTEMBER 2015, SLOVENIA - Krajnski Park Ljubljansko Barje

14th NOVEMBER 2014, AUSTRIA - Christmas 2014, Winter Landscape by Lucas I. van Valckenborch (rollenmarken)

25th NOVEMBER 2014, SLOVAKIA - Art, Alojz Stróbl (1856-1926)

28th NOVEMBER 2014, SLOVENIA - New Year (2 booklets)

28th NOVEMBER 2014, SLOVENIA - Children's Day (India Joint Issue)

4th DECEMBER 2014, GERMANY - Schätze aus Deutschen Museen: Rogier van der Weyden, Heimsuchung

4th DECEMBER 2014, GERMANY - Wiederansiedlung der Fischarten: Meerforelle (Salmo trutta)

4th DECEMBER 2014, GERMANY - Dauerserie: Pfingstrosen (Paeonia spp.), Kugelprimel (Primula denticulata), Federnelke (Dianthus plumarius), Purpurglöckchen (Heuchera spp.), Türkenbund (Lilium martagon)

5th DECEMBER 2014, AUSTRIA - 100. Geburtstag Arthur Zelger Grafikdesigner

2nd JANUARY 2015, GERMANY - Burgen und Schlösser, Marksburg

2nd JANUARY 2015, GERMANY - Wildes Deutschland: Boddenlandschaft

2nd JANUARY 2015, GERMANY - Tierkinder: Eichhörnchen (Sciurus vulgaris) & Wildkatze (Felis sylvestris)

15th JANUARY 2015, HUNGARY - The Fauna of Hungary: 34th Racing Pigeon Olympiad

20th JANUARY 2015, AUSTRIA - Doppeljubiläum: Hahnenkammrennen & Geburtstag Toni Sailer

20th JANUARY 2015, CZECH REPUBLIC - Personalities: Vítězslava Kaprálová

30th JANUARY 2015, SLOVENIA - 2015 Chinese Lunar New Year

30th JANUARY 2015, SLOVENIA - Baltazar Hacquet, Physician, Geologist & Botanist

5th FEBRUARY 2015, GERMANY - Serie 'Für die Wohlfahrtspflege' 2015: Dornröschen

19th FEBRUARY 2015, HUNGARY - 2015 a Kecske éve (2015 Year of the Goat)

19th FEBRUARY 2015, HUNGARY - 3. Katasztrófakockázat-csökkentési Világkonferencia (3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction)

1st MARCH 2015, AUSTRIA - Dauerserie, Impressionen aus Österreich: Großglockner

2nd MARCH 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - 2015 Internationales Jahr des Lichts

7th MARCH 2015, AUSTRIA - Osterhasen Puzzle

7th MARCH 2015, AUSTRIA - Flower Paintings VIII, 'Kuhschelle' (Pulsatilla vulgaris)

13th MARCH 2015, AUSTRIA - 650th Anniversary of the Wien University

16th MARCH 2015, SLOVAKIA - The Bone Marrow Transplant Unit of the UCHC

24th MARCH 2015, HUNGARY - Youth 2015: Fazekas Mihály, 'Matyi the Goose-boy'

27th MARCH 2015, SLOVENIA - Slovenian Orchids

27th MARCH 2015, SLOVENIA - Tourism 2015
7th MAY 2015, AUSTRIA - Hubert Schmalix

7th MAY 2015, GERMANY - 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations Israel-Germany, Tel Aviv, the White City (Israel Joint Issue)

27th MAY 2015, CZECH REPUBLIC - Beauties of Our Country: Rabí, The Largest Castle Ruin in the Czech Republic

29th MAY 2015, SLOVENIA - 2015 International Year of Soils

29th MAY 2015, SLOVENIA - Definitives, Birds of Slovenia

1st JUNE 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Nature Reserves in Liechtenstein: Schwabbrünnen

1st JUNE 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Reptiles

1st JUNE 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Meadow Flowers

1st JUNE 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Kathedrale St. Florin Vaduz

4th JUNE 2015, HUNGARY - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Miksa Róth (mosaic artist)

11th JUNE 2015, GERMANY - Leuchttürme 2015 (Lighthouses 2015)

19th JUNE 2015, AUSTRIA - Wildlife & Hunting, Hare (Lepus europaeus)

1st JULY 2015, GERMANY - Chiemsee

9th JULY 2015, SLOVENIA - Euromed Postal 2015, Boats of the Mediterranean
6th AUGUST 2015, GERMANY - Für die Jugend 2015: Süßwasserfische

7th AUGUST 2015, HUNGARY - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Ecological Research at the National Botanical Garden, Vácrátót: Bukhara Iris (Iris bucharica) and Tree Peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)

21st AUGUST 2015, AUSTRIA - Basilika Rankweil, Vorarlberg

27th AUGUST 2015, AUSTRIA - Briefpost Cariolwagen

2nd SEPTEMBER 2015, CZECH REPUBLIC - Nature Protection, Owls

5th SEPTEMBER 2015, AUSTRIA - Wine Regions of Austria IV, Carnuntum

7th SEPTEMBER 2015, HUNGARY - 100 Eve Ismertette Albert Einstein az Altalános Relativitáselméletet

7th SEPTEMBER 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Native Apples

7th SEPTEMBER 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Gemeinschaftsmarke mit Slowenien (Slovenia Joint Issue)

18th SEPTEMBER 2015, AUSTRIA - 20 Jahre Alpen-Adria-Philatelie

18th SEPTEMBER 2015, SLOVAKIA - Beauties of Slovakia: Manín Gorge

25th SEPTEMBER 2015, SLOVENIA - Krajnski Park Ljubljansko Barje

25th SEPTEMBER 2015, SLOVENIA - Gemeinschaftsmarke mit Slowenien (Liechtenstein Joint Issue)
25th SEPTEMBER 2015, SLOVENIA - Fauna, Rodents

2nd OCTOBER 2015, AUSTRIA - 175th Anniversary of Montanuniversität, the 'University of Mining'

3rd OCTOBER 2015, AUSTRIA - Semmeringbahn

9th OCTOBER 2015, SLOVAKIA - Nature Protection, Protected Landscape Area, Poľana, River Otter (Lutra lutra) and Black Stork (Ciconia nigra)

23rd OCTOBER 2015, SLOVAKIA - 200th Birth Anniversary of Ľudovít Štúr (1815-1856)

2nd NOVEMBER 2015, GERMANY - Schätze aus Deutschen Museen, Geburt Christi mit Anbetung der Hirten

10th NOVEMBER 2015, HUNGARY - Christmas

10th NOVEMBER 2015, HUNGARY - 150th Anniversary of Building the Headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

16th NOVEMBER 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Archaeological Finds in Liechtenstein: Jewellery (red jasper, gold)

16th NOVEMBER 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Christmas Carols

16th NOVEMBER 2015, LIECHTENSTEIN - Chinese Signs of the Zodiac: Monkey

3rd DECEMBER 2015, GERMANY - Dauerserie, Blumen, Schokoladen-Kosmee (Cosmos atrosanguineus), Fuchsie (Fuchsia) & Bienen-Ragwurz (Ophrys apifera)

3rd DECEMBER 2015, GERMANY - Dauerserie, Blumen, Schokoladen-Kosmee (Cosmos atrosanguineus), roll

3rd DECEMBER 2015, GERMANY - Serie Mikrowelten: Kieselalge & Odermennig

3rd DECEMBER 2015, GERMANY - 250 Jahre Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (issued as selfadhesive too)

2nd JANUARY 2016, GERMANY - Wildes Deutschland, Bayerischer Wald

2nd JANUARY 2016, GERMANY - Dauerserie, Blumen, Alpendistel (Carduus defloratus)

20th JANUARY 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - The Tradition of Czech Stamp Production, Karel Svolinský (1896–1986)

22nd JANUARY 2016, HUNGARY - Üdvözlettel 2016

29th JANUARY 2016, SLOVENIA - 2016 Year of the Monkey

8th FEBRUARY 2016, HUNGARY - Lunar New Year 2016, Year of the Monkey

11th FEBRUARY 2016, GERMANY - Für die Wohlfahrtspflege 2016

11th FEBRUARY 2016, GERMANY - Defintives, Flowers, 'Madonnenlilie' (Lilium candidum)

1st MARCH 2015, GERMANY - Serie Tierkinder: Feldhase & Graugans

5th MARCH 2016, AUSTRIA - Feuerlilie (Lilium bulbiferum), Treuebonusmarke 2015

7th MARCH 2016, LIECHTENSTEIN - Archaeological finds in Liechtenstein: Utensils

7th MARCH 2016, LIECHTENSTEIN - Sepac, Four Seasons
7th MARCH 2016, LIECHTENSTEIN - Europa 2015, Think Green


7th MARCH 2016, LIECHTENSTEIN - Liechtenstein Painters, Alois Ritter

16th MARCH 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - 60 Years of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna

25th MARCH 2016, SLOVENIA - Flora: Common Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis), Summer Snowflake (Leucojum aestivum), Spring Snowflake (Leucojum vernum) & Wild Daffodil (Narcissus radiiflorus)

25th MARCH 2016, SLOVENIA - Fossil Mammals in Slovenia, Cave Bear
25th MARCH 2016, SLOVENIA - Tourism 2016

4th APRIL 2016, AUSTRIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

7th APRIL 2016, GERMANY - 500 Jahre Reinheitsgebot für Bier

7th APRIL 2016, GERMANY - Deutschlands Schönste Panoramen, Moselschleife

27th APRIL 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - Swallowtails

2nd MAY 2016, GERMANY - Dauerserie: Schreibanlässe, Allgemeiner Glückwunsch

2nd MAY 2016, GERMANY - Europa 2016, Umweltbewusst Leben

4th MAY 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - Europa 2016, Think Green

4th MAY 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - Charles IV

5th MAY 2016, SLOVAKIA - Europa 2016, Think Green (issued as 8x m/s, s/s & 6x booklet)

6th MAY 2016, HUNGARY - Europa 2016, Think Green

14th MAY 2016, AUSTRIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

27th MAY 2016, SLOVENIA - 100th Anniversary of the Russian Chapel, Vršič Pass, Slovenia (Russia Joint Issue)

27th MAY 2016, SLOVENIA - Old Water Mills of Slovenia

27th MAY 2016, SLOVENIA - Defintives, Birds (self-adhesive)

27th MAY 2016, SLOVENIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

27th MAY 2016, SLOVENIA - Definitives 2016 Reprint, Birds

2nd JUNE 2016, GERMANY - Mikrowelten II

2nd JUNE 2016, GERMANY - Wildes Deutschland, Sächsische Schweiz

2nd JUNE 2016, GERMANY - Für den Umweltschutz 2016, Die Alpen, Vielfalt in Europa

3rd JUNE 2016, SLOVAKIA - Philately

6th JUNE 2016, LIECHTENSTEIN - Old Fruit Varieties: Pears

6th JUNE 2016, LIECHTENSTEIN - Nature Reserves in Liechtenstein: Ruggeller Riet

8th JUNE 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - Flower arrangement "A"

8th JUNE 2016, HUNGARY - Geological Treasures, Paleobotany

10th JUNE 2016, AUSTRIA - Glasmarke, Pietà mit Kreuz

22nd JUNE 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Jan Jessenius, 1566 – 1621 (Hungary, Poland & Slovakia Joint Issue)

22nd JUNE 2016, HUNGARY - 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Jan Jessenius, 1566 – 1621 (Czech Republic, Poland & Slovakia Joint Issue)

22nd JUNE 2016, SLOVAKIA - 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Jan Jessenius, 1566 – 1621 (Czech Republic, Hungary & Poland Joint Issue)

7th JULY 2016, GERMANY - Leuchttürme, Staberhuk & Kampen

7th JULY 2016, SLOVENIA - Euromed 2016, Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea, European Pilchard (Sardina pilchardus)

12th JULY 2016, SLOVENIA - Definitives 2016 Reprint, Birds

13th JULY 2016, AUSTRIA - Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, Wiedererstehen zu neuem Leben

16th JULY 2016, AUSTRIA - Mittelburgenland

4th AUGUST 2016, GERMANY - Für die Jugend 2016: Salzwasserfische

9th AUGUST 2016, HUNGARY - 150th Anniversary of the Budapest Zoo 1866-2016

9th AUGUST 2016, HUNGARY - Animal Cubs II

1st SEPTEMBER 2016, GERMANY - Alte und Gefährdete Nutztierrassen in Deutschland: Rhönschaf und Sattelschwein

5th SEPTEMBER 2016, LIECHTENSTEIN - Artistic Photography: Tree Barks by Erich Allgäuer

7th SEPTEMBER 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - Defintive, Tree Frog (Hyla arborea)

7th SEPTEMBER 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - Nature Protection, Zoological Gardens I

8th SEPTEMBER 2016, HUNGARY - Tree of the Year, Field Elm (Ulmus minor)

19th SEPTEMBER 2016, SLOVAKIA - Beauties of our Homeland: Geyser of Herľanyk

22nd SEPTEMBER 2016, AUSTRIA - Glückwunschmarke 'Danke'

23rd SEPTEMBER 2016, AUSTRIA - Maria Locherboden

30th SEPTEMBER 2016, SLOVENIA - Krajinski Park Strunjan

30th SEPTEMBER 2016, SLOVENIA - Fauna, Dolphins & Whales

6th OCTOBER 2016, GERMANY - Elektromobilität

7th OCTOBER 2016, AUSTRIA - Gleichenberger Bahn

7th OCTOBER 2016, SLOVAKIA - Nature Protection: National Nature Reserve Šúr near Svätý Jur

12th OCTOBER 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - The 1916 Fight for Czech Statehood

12th OCTOBER 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - The Železné hory Protected Landscape Area

12th OCTOBER 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - The European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)

22nd OCTOBER 2016, AUSTRIA - Wildtiere und Jagd, Dachs

4th NOVEMBER 2016, SLOVENIA - 100th Anniversary of the First World War, Borojević & Gregorčič at the Soča (Isonzo) River

7th NOVEMBER 2016, AUSTRIA - Gasthof Post, Lech

8th NOVEMBER 2016, CZECH REPUBLIC - Works of Art on Postage Stamps: František Tichý (1896-1961)

8th NOVEMBER 2016, HUNGARY - Culture in European Union

11th NOVEMBER 2016, AUSTRIA - Weihnachten 2016, Christbaumkugel

14th NOVEMBER 2016, LIECHTENSTEIN - Liechtenstein ohne uns

14th NOVEMBER 2016, LIECHTENSTEIN - Weihnachten, Nostalgische Weihnachtskarten

14th NOVEMBER 2016, LIECHTENSTEIN - Chinesisches Tierkreiszeichen: Hahn

21st NOVEMBER 2016, HUNGARY - 2016 Water Summit

2nd JANUARY 2017, GERMANY - Serie 'Schätze aus Deutschen Museen', J.-B. Oudry, Pfefferfresser, Jungfer und Haubenkranich

20th JANUARY 2017, CZECH REPUBLIC - Tradition of Czech Stamp Design, Oldřich Pošmurný (issue as 30x sheets & 8x booklets)

27th JANUARY 2017, HUNGARY - 2017 Year of the Rooster

27th JANUARY 2017, SLOVENIA - 2017 Year of the Rooster

1st FEBRUARY 2017, HUNGARY - In Remembrance of the Victims of the Gulag-GUPVI

8th FEBRUARY 2017, AUSTRIA - Fotokunst Österreich, Margherita Spiluttini

9th FEBRUARY 2017, GERMANY - Serie 'Für die Wohlfahrtspflege' 2017

1st MARCH 2017, GERMANY - Tierkinder

1st MARCH 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Dicentra spectabilis (reprint)

1st MARCH 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Cosmos atrosanguineus (reprint)

4th MARCH 2017, AUSTRIA - Weinregionen Österreichs: Der Gemischte Satz

4th MARCH 2017, AUSTRIA - Treuebonusmarke 2016, Gelber Frauenschuh (Cypripedium calceolus)

6th MARCH 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - Europa 2017, Schlösser und Burgen

6th MARCH 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - Kulturpflanzen, Getreide

15th MARCH 2017, AUSTRIA - 650 Jahre Gold und Silberschmiede

17th MARCH 2017, SLOVENIA - Roses

17th MARCH 2017, SLOVENIA - Tourism, Mežica

17th MARCH 2017, SLOVENIA - Fosilni Sesalci Slovenije, Jamski Lev

24th MARCH 2017, SLOVAKIA - Easter 2017

3rd APRIL 2017, HUNGARY - 100th Anniversary of Lions Club International

5th APRIL 2017, CZECH REPUBLIC - The Beauties of our Country: Porta Bohemica

13th APRIL 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Phlox

13th APRIL 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Enzian (reprint)

21st APRIL 2017, SLOVAKIA - Technical Monuments, Orava Dam

5th MAY 2017, HUNGARY - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of the Painter Béla Iványi Grünwald

11th MAY 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Seerose

11th MAY 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie, Schreibanlässe, Trauer

11th MAY 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Johanniskraut (mit EAN-Code)

19th MAY 2017, AUSTRIA - 100 Jahre Lions Clubs International

26th MAY 2017, SLOVENIA - Triglav A & Bled B

28th MAY 2017, AUSTRIA - 125th Anniversary of Stainzerbahn

6th JUNE 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - Nature Reserves in Liechtenstein

8th JUNE 2017, GERMANY - Leuchttürme

8th JUNE 2017, GERMANY - 100. Geburtstag Heinz Sielmann

8th JUNE 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Winterling & Hasenglöckchen mit EAN-code

21st JUNE 2017, CZECH REPUBLIC - The Moravian Museum in Brno, Venus from the Paleolithic of Dolní Věstonice

1st FEBRUARY 2017, HUNGARY - In Remembrance of the Victims of the Gulag-GUPVI

8th FEBRUARY 2017, AUSTRIA - Fotokunst Österreich, Margherita Spiluttini

9th FEBRUARY 2017, GERMANY - Serie 'Für die Wohlfahrtspflege' 2017

1st MARCH 2017, GERMANY - Tierkinder

1st MARCH 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Dicentra spectabilis (reprint)

1st MARCH 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Cosmos atrosanguineus (reprint)

4th MARCH 2017, AUSTRIA - Weinregionen Österreichs: Der Gemischte Satz

4th MARCH 2017, AUSTRIA - Treuebonusmarke 2016, Gelber Frauenschuh (Cypripedium calceolus)

6th MARCH 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - Europa 2017, Schlösser und Burgen

6th MARCH 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - Kulturpflanzen, Getreide

15th MARCH 2017, AUSTRIA - 650 Jahre Gold und Silberschmiede

17th MARCH 2017, SLOVENIA - Roses

17th MARCH 2017, SLOVENIA - Tourism, Mežica

17th MARCH 2017, SLOVENIA - Fosilni Sesalci Slovenije, Jamski Lev

24th MARCH 2017, SLOVAKIA - Easter 2017

3rd APRIL 2017, HUNGARY - 100th Anniversary of Lions Club International

5th APRIL 2017, CZECH REPUBLIC - The Beauties of our Country: Porta Bohemica

13th APRIL 2017, GERMANY - Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO, Bergwerk Rammelsberg, Altstadt von Goslar, Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft

13th APRIL 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Phlox

13th APRIL 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Enzian (reprint)

21st APRIL 2017, SLOVAKIA - Technical Monuments, Orava Dam

5th MAY 2017, HUNGARY - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of the Painter Béla Iványi Grünwald

11th MAY 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Seerose

11th MAY 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie, Schreibanlässe, Trauer

11th MAY 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Johanniskraut (mit EAN-Code)

19th MAY 2017, AUSTRIA - 100 Jahre Lions Clubs International

26th MAY 2017, SLOVENIA - Triglav A & Bled B

28th MAY 2017, AUSTRIA - 125th Anniversary of Stainzerbahn

6th JUNE 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - Nature Reserves in Liechtenstein

8th JUNE 2017, GERMANY - Leuchttürme

8th JUNE 2017, GERMANY - 100. Geburtstag Heinz Sielmann

8th JUNE 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Winterling & Hasenglöckchen mit EAN-code

21st JUNE 2017, CZECH REPUBLIC - The Moravian Museum in Brno, Venus from the Paleolithic of Dolní Věstonice

3rd JULY 2017, HUNGARY - Owls

10th JULY 2017, SLOVENIA - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

13th JULY 2017, GERMANY - Mikrowelten

28th JULY 2017, AUSTRIA - Eiche (oak wood stamp)

10th AUGUST 2017, GERMANY - 400 Jahre Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft

10th AUGUST 2017, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Vergissmeinnicht (mit EAN-Code)

1st SEPTEMBER 2017, HUNGARY - Hungarian Saints and Blesseds V

4th SEPTEMBER 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - Mountain Paintings: Helmut Ditsch

4th SEPTEMBER 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - Settlement Area

4th SEPTEMBER 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - Old Fruit Varieties: Stone Fruit

6th SEPTEMBER 2017, CZECH REPUBLIC - Nature Protection, Zoological Gardens II

7th SEPTEMBER 2017, GERMANY - Weinanbau in Deutschland

10th SEPTEMBER 2017, AUSTRIA - Maria Kirchental, Salzburgerland

25th SEPTEMBER 2017, AUSTRIA - Dispenser Coil Stamps I

29th SEPTEMBER 2017, SLOVENIA - Cereals of Slovenia

29th SEPTEMBER 2017, SLOVENIA - Notranjski Regijski Park, Cerkniško Jezero

29th SEPTEMBER 2017, SLOVENIA - Ladybirds of Slovenia

12th OCTOBER 2017, GERMANY - Serie Deutschlands schönste Panoramen, Badische Weinstraße/Markgräflerland

12th OCTOBER 2017, SLOVAKIA - Nature Protection, Caloscypha fulgens

14th OCTOBER 2017, AUSTRIA - Wildtiere und Jagd, Rothirsch

2nd NOVEMBER 2017, GERMANY - Weihnachtliche Kapelle

2nd NOVEMBER 2017, GERMANY - Wildes Deutschland, Mecklenburgische & Reinhardswald

13th NOVEMBER 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - Olympische Winterspiele 2018 in Pyeongchang

13th NOVEMBER 2017, LIECHTENSTEIN - WWF, Rückkehrer

16th NOVEMBER 2017, SLOVAKIA - Christmas 2017, a Folk Painting from Vajnory

17th NOVEMBER 2017, AUSTRIA - Weihnachten 2017, Adventskalende

2nd JANUARY 2018, GERMANY - Tierkinder, Reh & Seehund

2nd JANUARY 2018, GERMANY - Dauerserie, Jungfer im Grünen

2nd FEBRUARY 2018, GERMANY - Der Froschkönig

2nd FEBRUARY 2018, HUNGARY - Postcrossing

16th FEBRUARY 2018, AUSTRIA - Dispenser Coil Stamps II

22nd FEBRUARY 2018, AUSTRIA - Jan Davidsz de Heem, Stillleben, Frühstück mit Champagnerglas und Pfeife

1st MARCH 2018, GERMANY - Dauerserie Blumen, Alpenveilchen

3rd MARCH 2018, AUSTRIA - Treuebonusmarke 2017, Gelber Rhododendron (Rhododendron luteum)

5th MARCH 2018, LIECHTENSTEIN - Europa 2018, Bridges

5th MARCH 2018, LIECHTENSTEIN - Crop Plants, Vegetables

14th MARCH 2018, CZECH REPUBLIC - Beauties of Our Country, Dlouhé stráně Hydro Power Plant

23rd MARCH 2018, SLOVENIA - 100 Years of Fala Hydroelectric Power Plant

23rd MARCH 2018, SLOVENIA - Mastodon

23rd MARCH 2018, SLOVENIA - Medicinal Plants

4th APRIL 2018, CZECH REPUBLIC - Eduard Štorch 1878-1956

12th APRIL 2018, GERMANY - 100. Geburtstag Elisabeth Mann Borgese

2nd MAY 2018, HUNGARY - Europa 2018, Bridges

2nd MAY 2018, HUNGARY - Medical Plant of the Year 2018, Lavandula

3rd MAY 2018, GERMANY - Europa 2018, Bridges, Rhine

25th MAY 2018, SLOVENIA - Wizardry & Superstition in Slovenia

25th MAY 2018, SLOVENIA - 110th Anniversary of 'Donat Mg' Mineral Water

25th MAY 2018, SLOVENIA - 250th Anniversary of the Human Fish, Proteus anguineus

25th MAY 2018, SLOVENIA - Bee World Day

1st JUNE 2018, SLOVAKIA - Postage Stamp with a Personalised Coupon: A Floral Motif

4th JUNE 2018, LIECHTENSTEIN - Summit Crosses II

4th JUNE 2018, LIECHTENSTEIN - Nature Reserves in Liechtenstein, Hälos

7th JUNE 2018, GERMANY - 800th Anniversary of Rostock

7th JUNE 2018, GERMANY - Greetings Stamps

7th JUNE 2018, GERMANY - Leuchttürme 2018

15th JUNE 2018, SLOVAKIA - The 50th Year of the International Chemistry Olympiad

20th JUNE 2018, CZECH REPUBLIC - Lily of the Valley
20th JUNE 2018, CZECH REPUBLIC - Edible Mushrooms

20th JUNE 2018, CZECH REPUBLIC - 100 Years of Czechoslovak Postage Stamps

26th JUNE 2018, AUSTRIA - 100. Todestag Peter Rosegger

28th JUNE 2018, SLOVENIA- Definitives, Reprints 2018

1st JULY 2018, AUSTRIA - Dispensermarken 2018

2nd JULY 2018, HUNGARY - WWF, Endangered Species

12th JULY 2018, GERMANY - Dauerserie 2018, Firewheel (Gaillardia pulchella)

12th JULY 2018, GERMANY - Deutschlands Schönste Panoramen: Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz

8th AUGUST 2018, CZECH REPUBLIC - 100 Years of the Postal Museum

9th AUGUST 2018, GERMANY - Harz Bergfichtenurwald

9th AUGUST 2018, GERMANY - Mushrooms

3rd SEPTEMBER 2018, HUNGARY - The World of Bakony Dinosaurs

3rd SEPTEMBER 2018, LIECHTENSTEIN - 500 Years of the Biedermann House

3rd SEPTEMBER 2018, LIECHTENSTEIN - Artistic Photography, Birds Eyes

5th SEPTEMBER 2018, CZECH REPUBLIC - Nature Protection, Zoological Gardens III

13th SEPTEMBER 2018, GERMANY - Für den Umweltschutz, Biologische Vielfalt

13th SEPTEMBER 2018, GERMANY - Kohlenstofffasern

28th SEPTEMBER 2018, SLOVENIA - Pivka Seasonal Lakes Nature Park

28th SEPTEMBER 2018, SLOVENIA - Domestic Animals

28th SEPTEMBER 2018, SLOVENIA - Defintives 2018

10th OCTOBER 2018, CZECH REPUBLIC - The 1918 Fight for Czech Statehood

11th OCTOBER 2018, GERMANY - Dauerserien, Blumen, Hauswurz (10x sheets & 100x coils)


12th OCTOBER 2018, SLOVAKIA - Nature Protection, Slovak Minerals

14th OCTOBER 2018, AUSTRIA - Glückwunsch Blumenstrauß

18th OCTOBER 2018, AUSTRIA - Westeiermark

24th OCTOBER 2018, CZECH REPUBLIC - Definitives 2018

2nd NOVEMBER 2018, GERMANY - 100 Geburtstag Ernst Otto Fischer

9th NOVEMBER 2018, SLOVENIA - Definitives 2018, Environmental Protection

23rd NOVEMBER 2018, AUSTRIA - Weihnachten 2018, 200 Jahre 'Stille Nacht'

27th NOVEMBER 2018, SLOVAKIA - Ottoman Manuscript from the Bašagić Collection (Turkey Joint Issue)

30th NOVEMBER 2018, AUSTRIA - Weihnachten 2018, Vintage, Mädchen mit Katze

30th NOVEMBER 2018, AUSTRIA - Weihnachten 2018, Sakral, Geburt Christi, Maria Rast

18th DECEMBER 2018, GERMANY - Dauerserie, Blumen, Wiesenschaumkraut (Cardamine pratensis)

18th DECEMBER 2018, GERMANY - Wildes Deutschland, Schwarzwald-Hornisgrinde

2nd JANUARY 2019, GERMANY - Der Schweinswal, Gefährdete Deutsche Walart

2nd JANUARY 2019, GERMANY - Schnitzel Aus Deutschen Museen, 'Der Einsame Baum' by Caspar David Friedrich

2nd JANUARY 2019, GERMANY - Tierkinder, Waschbär

25th JANUARY 2019, SLOVENIA - Alma M. Karlin

7th FEBRUARY 2019, GERMANY - Serie Himmelsereignisse, Luftspiegelung der Sonne & Regenbogen-Fragment

14th FEBRUARY 2019, CZECH REPUBLIC - Jiří Hanzelka & Miroslav Zikmund

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