!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!
12th JANUARY 2013, FRENCH ANDORRA - The Moixella Legend

22th FEBRUARY 2013, FRANCE - Les Chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle
23rd MARCH 2013, PORTUGAL - Falconry; 38: Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus); A20g-37: Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis); E20g-37: Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus); I20g-37: Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

8th APRIL 2013, FRANCE - Chevaux de Trait de nos Régions (carnet)

22nd APRIL 2013, FRANCE - Bats (single stamp in sheets)
22nd APRIL 2013, FRANCE - Bats (souvenir sheet)
3rd MAY 2013, FRANCE - Rixheim Haut-Rhin

27th MAY 2013, MADEIRA - Apiculture

3th JUNE 2013 - La Loire, Croix Rouge (carnet)

1st JULY 2013, FRANCE - 100th Anniversary of 'Tour de France'

1st JULY 2013, FRANCE - 100th Anniversary of 'Tour de France' (souvenir philatelique)

7th SEPTEMBER 2013, FRENCH ANDORRA - Flora; 0,58: Red Poppy (Papaver rhoeas); 1,05: Wild Peony (Paeonia mascula)

23rd SPTEMBER 2013, PORTUGAL - Apiculture

24th SEPTEMBER 2013, LUXEMBOURG - The Moselle Valley

24th SEPTEMBER 2013, LUXEMBOURG - Felids; 0,20: Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae); 0,30: Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx); 0,60: Wildcat, Sepac (Felis sylvestris)

9th OCTOBER 2013, AZORES - Apiculture

14th OCTOBER 2013, FRANCE - Le timbre fête l'air (carnet)

26th OCTOBER 2013, FRENCH ANDORRA - El Pas de la Casa

12th NOVEMBER 2013, FRANCE - La Mode (Singapore Joint Issue) (the series includes three more stamps)

12th NOVEMBER 2013, FRANCE - Carnet Les Petits Bonheurs (carnet)

12th NOVEMBER 2013, FRANCE - Timbres de Service, Unesco; 0,58: Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonica)

3rd DECEMBER 2013, LUXEMBOURG - Mushrooms; 1strow: Bay Bolete (Xerocomus badius), Puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum), Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria); 2ndrow: Polypore (Trametes versicolor), Orange Peel (Aleuria aurantia) (booklet with 2 self-adhesive series)

27th JANUARY 2014, MADEIRA - Madeira Autocollants (drawings of stamps issued between 2009 and 2013, issued as booklet 6x)

22nd FEBRUARY 2014, FRANCE - Les Vaches de nos Régions ("La Ferrandaise" shows the Lava domes of the Chaine de Puys) (carnet)

24th MARCH 2014, FRANCE - Bears

4th APRIL 2014, FRANCE - Carnet Ecogestes: Ensemble, Agissons pour Préserver le Climat

21st APRIL 2014, PORTUGAL - 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Andreas Vesalius, Anatomist (Belgium Joint Issue)

2nd MAY 2014, FRENCH ANDORRA - Birds, Tintipella (Cyanistes caeruleus)

5th MAY 2014, FRANCE - Vacances (carnet)

7th MAY 2014, FRANCE - 20 Ans de Lien Fixe sous La Manche

12th MAY 2014, FRANCE - Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais

26th MAY 2014, FRANCE - 150e Anniversaire de la Croix-Rouge (carnet)

10th JUNE 2014, FRANCE - 6 Juin 1944, 70ème Anniversaire du Débarquement (souvenir philatélique)

14th JUNE 2014, FRANCE - Vincennes Flora Park

14th JUNE 2014, FRANCE - Patrimoine de France, La Grande Épopée du Voyage en Train (carnet)

15th JUNE 2014, FRANCE - Parc Zoologique de Paris 1934-2014

16th JUNE 2014, FRENCH ANDORRA - Vallée du Madriu, 10 Ans d'Inscription au Patrimoine de l'Unesco

19th JUNE 2014, FRANCE - Coaraze, Alpes Maritimes

20th JUNE 2014, FRANCE - Locmariaquer

23rd JUNE 2014, FRANCE - Benjamin Rabier 1864-1939

26th JUNE 2014, PORTUGAL - Jardins de Portugal
21st JULY 2014, PORTUGAL - International Year of Crystallography

18th JULY 2014, FRANCE - Parc Zoologique de Paris (Souvenir Philatélique)

29th JULY 2014, PORTUGAL - Embaixada de D. Manuel I ao Papa Leão X, 500th Anniversary

4th SEPTEMBER 2014, AZORES - Aviões que os Açores Conhecem (4v+2MS)

5th SEPTEMBER 2014, FRENCH ANDORRA - Pitavola, Papillon Moiré (Erebia medusa)

12th SEPTEMBER 2014, FRANCE - Centenaire de la Bataille de la Marne

23rd SEPTEMBER 2014, LUXEMBOURG - 100 Years Ago: Beginning of World War One

23rd SEPTEMBER 2014, LUXEMBOURG - Grand-Prix Post Luxembourg: the Soil, this Essential Lving Environment

23rd SEPTEMBER 2014, LUXEMBOURG - Vegetables of Yesteryear

24th SEPTEMBER 2015, PORTUGAL - Universidade de Coimbra, Patrimonio Unesco

25th SEPTEMBER 2014, FRANCE - Edition spéciale Salon Planète Timbres 2014, Carnet 'Les timbres s'exposent ausalon'

29th SEPTEMBER 2014, PORTUGAL - O Café
2nd OCTOBER 2014, FRANCE - L'Odorat (carnet)

3rd OCTOBER 2014, PORTUGAL - 150th Anniversary of the Geophysical Institute, Coimbra University
9th OCTOBER 2014, FRANCE - La Tortue Verte (Comores, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles & Taaf Joint Issue)

9th OCTOBER 2014, FRANCE - Pochette Philatélique: La Tortue Verte (Comores, France, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles & Taaf Joint Issue)

17th OCTOBER 2014, FRENCH ANDORRA - Histoire du Ski en Andorre

6th NOVEMBER 2014, FRANCE - Le Bleuet de France 1934-2014

8th NOVEMBER 2014, FRANCE - Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco (timbres de service)

2nd DECEMBER 2014, LUXEMBOURG - Christmas 2014

5th JANUARY 2015, FRANCE - Les Métiers de l'Artisanat en France (carnet)

16th JANUARY 2015, FRANCE - Katsushika Hokusai 1760-1849, 'La Grande Vague'

19th JANUARY 2015, MADEIRA - Self-adhesive Booklet 2015 (reprints from 2009, 2011 & 2012)

27th JANUARY 2015, PORTUGAL - Mobilidade Sustentavel

30th JANUARY 2015, FRANCE - Nouvel An Chinois de la Chèvre

6th FEBRUARY 2015, FRENCH ANDORRA - Légende de la Première Neige

12th FEBRUARY 2015, PORTUGAL - Extreme Sports

21st FEBRUARY 2015, FRANCE - Les Chèvres de nos Régions

3rd MARCH 2015, LUXEMBOURG - Fruit Varieties as a Cultural Asset

16th APRIL 2015, MADEIRA - Festa da Flor Madeira

29th APRIL 2015, PORTUGAL - Reintroducão do Lince Ibérico (Lynx pardinus)

4th MAY 2015, FRANCE - Bouquets de Fleurs

8th MAY 2015, AZORES - Artesanato dos Açores

8th MAY 2015, PORTUGAL - Caminhos de Santiago

19th JUNE 2015, FRENCH ANDORRA - Pic de la Comapedrosa

30th JUNE 2015, FRANCE - Bonnes Vacances (carnet)

15th JULY 2015, PORTUGAL - Provedor de Justiça, 40 Anos (1v+s/s)

20th JULY 2015, PORTUGAL - Mediterranean Diet

31st JULY 2015, FRANCE - Les Animaux Nous Regardent (carnet)

4th AUGUST 2015, PORTUGAL - Leis da Heriditariedade, 150 Anos

1st SEPTEMBER 2015, PORTUGAL - Frutas de Portugal

17th SEPTEMBER 2015, PORTUGAL - O Mar Português

22nd SEPTEMBER 2015, LUXEMBOURG - Vegetables of Yesteryear 2015

2nd OCTOBER 2015, FRANCE - Jean-Henri Fabre 1823-1915, Naturaliste

2nd OCTOBER 2015, FRENCH ANDORRA - Papillon Apollon (Parnassius apollo) & Le Thym (Thymus vulgaris)

14th OCTOBER 2015, PORTUGAL - 2015 Ano Internacional da Luz e dos Solos

23rd OCTOBER 2015, AZORES - Definitives 2015

28th OCTOBER 2015, PORTUGAL - Portugal Timor-Leste 500 Anos

6th NOVEMBER 2015, FRANCE - UNESCO 1945-2015, Gnou Afrique (timbre de service)

7th NOVEMBER 2015, FRENCH ANDORRA - Ramon d'Areny Plandolit

13th NOVEMBER 2015, FRANCE - Les Coqs de France

21st NOVEMBER 2015, FRANCE - 50 Ans de l'Office National des Forêts

1st DECEMBER 2015, LUXEMBOURG - Christmas 2015

1st DECEMBER 2015, LUXEMBOURG - ATR Stamps 50g, Flora

7th JANUARY 2016, FRANCE - Le Monde Minéral (carnet)

8th JANUARY 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - Euros Andorrans

29th JANUARY 2016, FRANCE - Nouvelle An Chinois

30th JANUARY 2016, FRANCE - Carnet 'L'ouïe'

25th FEBRUARY 2016, PORTUGAL - Desportos Radicais 3ª Série, Autoadesivos

27th FEBRUARY 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - Coupe du Monde de Ski

27th FEBRUARY 2016, FRANCE - Carnet 'Coqs de France'

18th MARCH 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - Légende de la Jeune Fille Brulée

31st MARCH 2016, PORTUGAL - Desportos Radicais III

22nd APRIL 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - Anniversaire de la Nouvelle Réforme

8th MAY 2016, FRANCE - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, AZORES - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, MADEIRA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, PORTUGAL - Europa 2016, Think Green

10th MAY 2016, LUXEMBOURG - Europa 2016, Think Green

13th MAY 2016, FRANCE - Saint-Brévin-les-Pins, Loire-Atlantique

16th MAY 2016, AZORES - Açores Certificados pela Natureza

19th MAY 2016, FRANCE - La Passion du Timbre, 89e Congrès, Paris 2016, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle

20h MAY 2016, FRANCE - Les Abeilles Solitaires

20th MAY 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - Europa 2016, Think Green

3rd JUNE 2016, FRANCE - École nationale supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne 1816-2016

5th JUNE 2016, FRANCE - Charles Gleyre 1806-1874, les Illusions Perdues

7th JUNE 2016, PORTUGAL - Predatory Mammals

28th JUNE 2016, FRANCE - 350 Ans de l'Académie des Sciences

9th JULY 2016, FRANCE - Euromed 2016, Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea

4th JULY 2016, MADEIRA - Natal e Passagem de Ano (4v+2m/s)

9th JULY 2016, PORTUGAL - Euromed 2016, Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea (Peixes do Mediterrâneo)

22nd JULY 2016, PORTUGAL - Vinhas Velhas de Portugal

28th JULY 2016, PORTUGAL - Calçada Portuguesa

30th JULY 2016, FRANCE - Fleurs à Foison

8th AUGUST 2016, MADEIRA - Autoadesivos

31st AUGUST 2016, PORTUGAL - 450th Anniversary Petri Nonii Salaciensis Opera

2nd SEPTEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Maquis du Barrage de l'Aigle

3rd SEPTEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Être le Dindon de la Farce (carnet)

9th SEPTEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Panthère de Floride

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, LUXEMBOURG - Vegetables of Yesteryear 2016

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, LUXEMBOURG - Timbre spécial SEPAC

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, LUXEMBOURG - The Post Luxembourg Grand Prix; Theme: Biodiversity

21st SEPTEMBER 2016, PORTUGAL - Army Heraldry

24th OCTOBER 2016, PORTUGAL - Joint Issue Portugal-Philippines

31st OCTOBER 2016, PORTUGAL - Indústria Conserveira Portuguesa

4th NOVEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Plumes d'Ecriture

6th FEBRUARY 2015, FRENCH ANDORRA - Légende de la Première Neige

12th FEBRUARY 2015, PORTUGAL - Extreme Sports

21st FEBRUARY 2015, FRANCE - Les Chèvres de nos Régions

3rd MARCH 2015, LUXEMBOURG - Fruit Varieties as a Cultural Asset

16th APRIL 2015, MADEIRA - Festa da Flor Madeira

24th APRIL 2015, FRANCE - Les chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle (quatrième et dernière série)

29th APRIL 2015, PORTUGAL - Reintroducão do Lince Ibérico (Lynx pardinus)

4th MAY 2015, FRANCE - Bouquets de Fleurs

8th MAY 2015, AZORES - Artesanato dos Açores
8th MAY 2015, PORTUGAL - Caminhos de Santiago
29th MAY 2015, FRANCE - Lyon Roses

19th JUNE 2015, FRENCH ANDORRA - Pic de la Comapedrosa

30th JUNE 2015, FRANCE - Bonnes Vacances (carnet)

15th JULY 2015, PORTUGAL - Provedor de Justiça, 40 Anos (1v+s/s)
20th JULY 2015, PORTUGAL - Mediterranean Diet
31st JULY 2015, FRANCE - Les Animaux Nous Regardent (carnet)

4th AUGUST 2015, PORTUGAL - Leis da Heriditariedade, 150 Anos
28th AUGUST 2015, FRANCE - Les Trésors de la Philatélie: C.I.T.T. Paris 1949, Mont Saint-Michel & Pont du Gard (11 s/s)

1st SEPTEMBER 2015, PORTUGAL - Frutas de Portugal

17th SEPTEMBER 2015, PORTUGAL - O Mar Português
22nd SEPTEMBER 2015, LUXEMBOURG - Vegetables of Yesteryear 2015

22nd SEPTEMBER 2015, LUXEMBOURG - The Three Nature Reserves of Luxembourg

25th SEPTEMBER 2015, FRANCE - 300e anniversaire du débarquement des français à l'Île Maurice (Mauritius Joint Issue)

2nd OCTOBER 2015, FRANCE - Jean-Henri Fabre 1823-1915, Naturaliste

2nd OCTOBER 2015, FRENCH ANDORRA - Papillon Apollon (Parnassius apollo) & Le Thym (Thymus vulgaris)

14th OCTOBER 2015, PORTUGAL - 2015 Ano Internacional da Luz e dos Solos

23rd OCTOBER 2015, AZORES - Definitives 2015

28th OCTOBER 2015, PORTUGAL - Portugal Timor-Leste 500 Anos

6th NOVEMBER 2015, FRANCE - UNESCO 1945-2015, Gnou Afrique (timbre de service)

7th NOVEMBER 2015, FRENCH ANDORRA - Ramon d'Areny Plandolit

13th NOVEMBER 2015, FRANCE - Les Coqs de France

21st NOVEMBER 2015, FRANCE - 50 Ans de l'Office National des Forêts

30th NOVEMBER 2015, FRANCE - 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference COP21, Paris (United Nations Postal Administration Joint Issue)

1st DECEMBER 2015, LUXEMBOURG - Christmas 2015

1st DECEMBER 2015, LUXEMBOURG - ATR Stamps 50g, Flora

7th JANUARY 2016, FRANCE - Le Monde Minéral (carnet)

8th JANUARY 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - Euros Andorrans

29th JANUARY 2016, FRANCE - Nouvelle An Chinois

30th JANUARY 2016, FRANCE - Carnet 'L'ouïe'

25th FEBRUARY 2016, PORTUGAL - Desportos Radicais 3ª Série, Autoadesivos

27th FEBRUARY 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - Coupe du Monde de Ski

27th FEBRUARY 2016, FRANCE - Carnet 'Coqs de France'

18th MARCH 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - Légende de la Jeune Fille Brulée

31st MARCH 2016, PORTUGAL - Desportos Radicais III

22nd APRIL 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - Anniversaire de la Nouvelle Réforme

8th MAY 2016, FRANCE - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, AZORES - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, MADEIRA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, PORTUGAL - Europa 2016, Think Green

10th MAY 2016, LUXEMBOURG - Europa 2016, Think Green

13th MAY 2016, FRANCE - Saint-Brévin-les-Pins, Loire-Atlantique

16th MAY 2016, AZORES - Açores Certificados pela Natureza

19th MAY 2016, FRANCE - La Passion du Timbre, 89e Congrès, Paris 2016, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle

20h MAY 2016, FRANCE - Les Abeilles Solitaires

20th MAY 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - Europa 2016, Think Green

3rd JUNE 2016, FRANCE - École nationale supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne 1816-2016

5th JUNE 2016, FRANCE - Charles Gleyre 1806-1874, les Illusions Perdues

7th JUNE 2016, PORTUGAL - Predatory Mammals

28th JUNE 2016, FRANCE - 350 Ans de l'Académie des Sciences

9th JULY 2016, FRANCE - Euromed 2016, Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea

4th JULY 2016, MADEIRA - Natal e Passagem de Ano (4v+2m/s)

9th JULY 2016, PORTUGAL - Euromed 2016, Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea (Peixes do Mediterrâneo)

22nd JULY 2016, PORTUGAL - Vinhas Velhas de Portugal

28th JULY 2016, PORTUGAL - Calçada Portuguesa

30th JULY 2016, FRANCE - Fleurs à Foison

8th AUGUST 2016, MADEIRA - Autoadesivos

31st AUGUST 2016, PORTUGAL - 450th Anniversary Petri Nonii Salaciensis Opera

2nd SEPTEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Maquis du Barrage de l'Aigle

3rd SEPTEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Être le Dindon de la Farce (carnet)

9th SEPTEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Panthère de Floride

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, LUXEMBOURG - Vegetables of Yesteryear 2016

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, LUXEMBOURG - Timbre spécial SEPAC

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, LUXEMBOURG - The Post Luxembourg Grand Prix; Theme: Biodiversity

21st SEPTEMBER 2016, PORTUGAL - Army Heraldry

24th OCTOBER 2016, PORTUGAL - Joint Issue Portugal-Philippines

31st OCTOBER 2016, PORTUGAL - Indústria Conserveira Portuguesa

4th NOVEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Plumes d'Ecriture

4th NOVEMBER 2016, FRENCH ANDORRA - La Lavande (Espigol)
5th NOVEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Réouverture de la Bièvre, Val-de-Marne

10th NOVEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Métiers d'Art, Joaillier

7th JANUARY 2017, FRANCE - Reflets, Paysages du Monde (carnet)

13th JANUARY 2017, FRENCH ANDORRA - Légende de la Grotte Arans

28th JANUARY 2017, FRANCE - Les 12 Signes Astrologiques Chinois

17th FEBRUARY 2017, FRANCE - Frédéric Bazille 1841-1870, 'Vue de village' 1868

22nd FEBRUARY 2017, PORTUGAL - Frutas de Portugal II

7th MARCH 2017, LUXEMBOURG - Jean Jules Linden, 200th Birth Anniversary

24th MARCH 2017, PORTUGAL - Portugal Norte (autoadesivos)

4th APRIL 2017, PORTUGAL - Dolphin Research (Israel Joint Issue)

22nd APRIL 2017, FRANCE - Jean-Baptiste Charcot 1867-1936

5th NOVEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Réouverture de la Bièvre, Val-de-Marne

9th NOVEMBER 2016, FRANCE - 1916-2016 Office National des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre

10th NOVEMBER 2016, FRANCE - Métiers d'Art, Joaillier

6th DECEMBER 2016, LUXEMBOURG - Luxembourg‘s Small Local Museums, Slate Museum at Haut-Martelange

7th JANUARY 2017, FRANCE - Reflets, Paysages du Monde (carnet)

13th JANUARY 2017, FRENCH ANDORRA - Légende de la Grotte Arans

28th JANUARY 2017, FRANCE - Les 12 Signes Astrologiques Chinois

17th FEBRUARY 2017, FRANCE - Frédéric Bazille 1841-1870, 'Vue de village' 1868

22nd FEBRUARY 2017, PORTUGAL - Frutas de Portugal II

24th FEBRUARY 2017, FRANCE - Salon International de l'Agriculture 2017: Veau, Vache, Cochon, Couvée ... et Autres Animaux d'Elevage (carnet)

7th MARCH 2017, LUXEMBOURG - Jean Jules Linden, 200th Birth Anniversary

24th MARCH 2017, PORTUGAL - Portugal Norte (autoadesivos)

4th APRIL 2017, PORTUGAL - Dolphin Research (Israel Joint Issue)

22nd APRIL 2017, FRANCE - Jean-Baptiste Charcot 1867-1936

28th APRIL 2017, FRANCE - Fleurs et Métiers d'Art
29th APRIL 2017, PORTUGAL - 100th Anniversary of Lions Club International

5th MAY 2017, FRANCE - Croix Rouge, Partout où Vous Avez Besoin de Nous (carnet)

5th MAY 2017, FRENCH ANDORRA - Europa 2017, Castles, Château de Sant Vicenç d'Enclar

9th MAY 2017, AZORES - Europa 2017, Castles

9th MAY 2017, MADEIRA - Europa 2017, Castles

9th MAY 2017, PORTUGAL - Europa 2017, Castles

19th MAY 2017, FRANCE - Insects

27th MAY 2017, FRANCE - Lions International 1917-2017

2nd JUNE 2017, FRANCE - Invention du Ciment Artificiel 1817-2017

17th JUNE 2017, PORTUGAL - Portuguese Textile Industry

26th JUNE 2017, FRANCE - 70th Anniversary of France-Philippines Diplomatic Relations

30th JUNE 2017, FRANCE - Une Moisson de Céréales

30th JUNE 2017, FRANCE - UNESCO, Animaux en Voie de Disparition, Ourang-Outan

7th JULY 2017, FRANCE - Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Manche

10th JULY 2017, PORTUGAL - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

10th JULY 2017, FRANCE - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

13th JULY 2017, PORTUGAL - The Portuguese Public Security Police

5th AUGUST 2017, FRANCE - Carnet «Le Goût»

2nd SEPTEMBER 2017, FRENCH ANDORRA - Roc Del Quer, Canillo

7th SEPTEMBER 2017, PORTUGAL - Geoparque Açores

29th APRIL 2017, PORTUGAL - 100th Anniversary of Lions Club International

5th MAY 2017, FRANCE - Croix Rouge, Partout où Vous Avez Besoin de Nous (carnet)

5th MAY 2017, FRENCH ANDORRA - Europa 2017, Castles, Château de Sant Vicenç d'Enclar

9th MAY 2017, AZORES - Europa 2017, Castles

9th MAY 2017, MADEIRA - Europa 2017, Castles

9th MAY 2017, PORTUGAL - Europa 2017, Castles

19th MAY 2017, FRANCE - Insects

27th MAY 2017, FRANCE - Lions International 1917-2017

2nd JUNE 2017, FRANCE - Invention du Ciment Artificiel 1817-2017

17th JUNE 2017, PORTUGAL - Portuguese Textile Industry

26th JUNE 2017, FRANCE - 70th Anniversary of France-Philippines Diplomatic Relations

30th JUNE 2017, FRANCE - Une Moisson de Céréales

30th JUNE 2017, FRANCE - UNESCO, Animaux en Voie de Disparition, Ourang-Outan

7th JULY 2017, FRANCE - Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Manche

10th JULY 2017, PORTUGAL - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

10th JULY 2017, FRANCE - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

13th JULY 2017, PORTUGAL - The Portuguese Public Security Police

5th AUGUST 2017, FRANCE - Carnet «Le Goût»

2nd SEPTEMBER 2017, FRENCH ANDORRA - Roc Del Quer, Canillo

7th SEPTEMBER 2017, PORTUGAL - Geoparque Açores

19th SEPTEMBER 2017, LUXEMBOURG - SEPAC 2017, Handcrafts

29th SEPTEMBER 2017, FRANCE - Les Arts du Cirque (carnet)

11th OCTOBER 2017, PORTUGAL - Picos de Madeira

13th OCTOBER 2017, FRANCE - Conseil de l'Europe, 30 Ans d'Itinéraires Culturels

20th OCTOBER 2017, FRANCE - Joseph Peyré 1892-1968

9th NOVEMBER 2017, FRANCE - Le Poinct de Tulle

10th NOVEMBER 2017, FRENCH ANDORRA - Céraiste des Pyrénées (Cerastium pyrenaicum) & Salamandre (Salamandra salamandra)

25th NOVEMBER 2017, FRENCH ANDORRA - Christmas 2017


5th JANUARY 2018, FRANCE - Œuvres de la nature (carnet)

15th JANUARY 2018, PORTUGAL - Madeira Autoadesivos

2nd FEBRUARY 2018, FRENCH ANDORRA - Congrès Mondial du Tourisme de Neige

8th FEBRUARY 2018, PORTUGAL - Raças Autóctones Portuguesas

26th FEBRUARY 2018, PORTUGAL - Rio Tejo

19th MARCH 2018, PORTUGAL - Eletricidade em Portugal

24th MARCH 2018, FRANCE - Bonnes Vacances en France (carnet)

2nd APRIL 2018, PORTUGAL - 150 Anos da Fundação da Companhia das Águas de Lisboa

6th APRIL 2018, FRANCE - Salon Philatélique de Printemps 2018, Sorgues

14th APRIL 2018, FRANCE - Sosthène Mortenol 1859-1930

4th MAY 2018, FRANCE - Carnet Croix Rouge 2018

7th MAY 2017, PORTUGAL - 250 Anos do Jardim Botânico da Ajuda

9th MAY 2018, AZORES - Europa 2018, Bridges

9th MAY 2018, MADEIRA - Europa 2018, Bridges

9th MAY 2018, PORTUGAL - Europa 2018, Bridges

15th MAY 2018, LUXEMBOURG - 150 Years of the 'Institut Grand-Ducal'

15th MAY 2018, LUXEMBOURG - SEPAC 2018, Spectacular Views

15th MAY 2018, LUXEMBOURG - Rare Birds

2nd JUNE 2018, FRANCE - La Terre Vue de l'Espace... par Thomas Pesquet

10th JUNE 2018, FRANCE - Les Oiseaux de nos Jardins

18th JUNE 2018, PORTUGAL - Centenary of Peter Café Sport

20th JUNE 2018, FRANCE - Kaysersberg Haut-Rhin

20th JUNE 2018, PORTUGAL - Figures in Portuguese History and Culture

22nd JUNE 2018, PORTUGAL - 600th Anniversary of the Discovery of Madeira Porto Santo

6th JULY 2018, FRANCE - Euromed Postal 2018, Houses of the Mediterranean

6th JULY 2018, FRANCE - Viaduc du Viaur Tarn-Aveyron

13th JULY 2018, PORTUGAL - Chocolate

21st JULY 2018, PORTUGAL - Olimpíadas da Física 2018

3rd AUGUST 2018, FRANCE - Arbres (carnet)

7th SEPTEMBER 2018, FRANCE - Nous Sommes la Biosphère

18th SEPTEMBER 2018, LUXEMBOURG - 50th Anniversary of the Ecological Movement in Luxembourg

29th SEPTEMBER 2018, FRENCH ANDORRA - La Lludriga (The Otter)

2nd OCTOBER 2018, PORTUGAL - Roteiro Pré-Histórico de Portugal 1ª Série

5th OCTOBER 2018, FRANCE - Flocons de Neige en Microscopie Optique

4th DECEMBER 2018, LUXEMBOURG - Plums (booklet)

4th DECEMBER 2018, LUXEMBOURG - Moselle Valley Grape Varieties

4th DECEMBER 2018, LUXEMBOURG - Christmas 2018

4th JANUARY 2019, FRANCE - Inspiration Africaine

25th JANUARY 2019, FRANCE - 2019 Année du Cochon

28th JANUARY 2019, PORTUGAL - Raças Autóctones Portuguesas II

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