!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!
1st JANUARY 2013, SYRIA - Birds of Syria

5th FEBRUARY 2013, ISRAEL - Water, Source of Life
5th FEBRUARY 2013, ISRAEL - Defintives: Gerberas Special Sheet (Dahlia spp.)

5th FEBRUARY 2013, ISRAEL - 50 Years of Arad

3rd MARCH 2013, ISRAEL - Definitives Gerberas (booklet, self-adhesive) (Dahlia spp.)
2nd APRIL 2013, ISRAEL - Taking the Vultures under our Wing
1st MAY 2013, ISRAEL - Definitives: Gerberas (booklet, self-adhesive) (Dahlia spp.)
26th MAY 2013, ISRAEL - Visit Israel (booklet)
11th JUNE 2013, ISRAEL - Endangered species from the Desert to the Arctic: Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) and Dorcas Gazelle (Gazella dorcas) (Greenland Joint Issue)
26th AUGUST 2013, ISRAEL - Israel Music, Children's Songs

13th OCTOBER 2013, ISRAEL - Definitives: Gerberas (booklet, self-adhesive) (Dahlia spp.)
11th NOVEMBER 2013, LEBANON - 15th Anniversary of Liban Post
27th NOVEMBER 2013, LEBANON - 70th Anniversary of Independence (flag with Lebanon Cedar, Cedrus libani)

3rd DECEMBER 2013, ISRAEL - 2014, International Year of Crystallography

26th DECEMBER 2013, SYRIA - Tree Day

5th JANUARY 2014, ISRAEL - Definitives: Gerberas (booklet, self-adhesive) (Dahlia spp.).JPG)

19th JANUARY 2014, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - 2013: State of Palestine First Birth
!! ISSUED 2014 !!
9th FEBRUARY 2014, JORDAN - Migratory Birds (image courtesy of Omar Toma); 1strow: Mallard (Anas platyrhyncos), European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster), Grey Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum); 2ndrow: Blackcap (Sylvia atracapilla), Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis); 3rd row: Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), Black Kite (Milvus migrans), Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)

9th FEBRUARY 2014, JORDAN - Nature Reserves in Jordan
!!! ISSUED 2014 !!!

11th FEBRUARY 2014, ISRAEL - Ancient Erosion Craters

11th FEBRUARY 2014, ISRAEL - Definitives: Red Gerbera (Dahlia spp., ASTERACEAE)

8th APRIL 2014, ISRAEL - 50th Anniversary of the Regional Council Mateh Yehuda

14th APRIL 2014, SYRIA - National Day

15th MAY 2014, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - The Popular Resistance, Bab Al-Shams (2v+MS)

24th MAY 2014, JORDAN - The Pope's Visit to Jordan (courtesy of Omar Toma)

5th JUNE 2014, ISRAEL - 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Thailand-Israel (Thailand Joint Issue)

23rd JUNE 2014, ISRAEL - Amphibians in Israel

20th AUGUST 2014, ISRAEL - Butterflies of Israel (booklet)

20th NOVEMBER 2014, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. GAZA) - Palestine International Film Festival for Children

20th NOVEMBER 2014, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. GAZA) - Earth Day

25th NOVEMBER 2014, LEBANON - Independence Day

25th DECEMBER 2014, SYRIA - Tree Day

15th JANUARY 2015, LEBANON - Monasteries

20th JANUARY 2015, LEBANON - Said Freiha, Journalist

10th FEBRUARY 2015, ISRAEL - 2015 International Year of Light

10th FEBRUARY 2015, ISRAEL - Winter Flowers

14th APRIL 2015, ISRAEL - Zion Mule Corps 100Th Anniversary

14th APRIL 2015, ISRAEL - Expo Milan 2015, Fields of Tomorrow

14th APRIL 2015, ISRAEL - Memorial Day 2015, The Weat Grows Again

16th JUNE 2015, ISRAEL - Vegetables (issued as minisheets and booklets)

28th JUNE 2015, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Woman's Day

7th JULY 2015, LEBANON - Personalities: Leila Oseiran & Amine El Hafez

2nd SEPTEMBER 2015, ISRAEL - Rivers of Israel (3ms+booklet)

10th OCTOBER 2015 PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Figs & Olives

15th NOVEMBER 2015 PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Islamic New Year

21st NOVEMBER 2015, LEBANON - Journee du Drapeau

25th NOVEMBER 2015, SYRIA - National Environment Day

8th AUGUST 2016, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Solomon's Pools

8th AUGUST 2016, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Water in Palestine

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Bird Migration (Bulgaria Joint Issue)

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Seasons in Israel, Autumn

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Seasons in Israel (4 stamps issued during 2016 in a single s/s)

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Parables of the Sages

30th SEPTEMBER 2016, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Palestine Flag Day

13th NOVEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Tourism In Jerusalem

13th NOVEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Mosaics In Eretz Israel

13th NOVEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - King Solomon`s Ships

15th NOVEMBER 2016, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Defintives 2016

20th DECEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Defintives Reprint, Gerberas (booklet)

20th DECEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Defintives Reprint, Gerberas (booklet)
!!! ISSUED 2014 !!!

11th FEBRUARY 2014, ISRAEL - Ancient Erosion Craters

11th FEBRUARY 2014, ISRAEL - Definitives: Red Gerbera (Dahlia spp., ASTERACEAE)

8th APRIL 2014, ISRAEL - Non-olympic Sports (Wushu, Paragliding, Cable Water Skiing)
8th APRIL 2014, ISRAEL - 50th Anniversary of the Regional Council Mateh Yehuda

?? MARCH 2014, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. GAZA) - National Products (originally planned for March 2013, FDC showing 30.03.2013); 50: Grapes (Vitis spp.); 100: Figs (Ficus spp.); 150: Olives (Olea europea); 200: Watermelons (Citrullus lanatus); 500: Pomegrantes (Punica granatum); 1000: Strawberries (Fragaria ananassa)

14th APRIL 2014, SYRIA - National Day

15th MAY 2014, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - The Popular Resistance, Bab Al-Shams (2v+MS)

24th MAY 2014, JORDAN - The Pope's Visit to Jordan (courtesy of Omar Toma)

5th JUNE 2014, ISRAEL - 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Thailand-Israel (Thailand Joint Issue)

23rd JUNE 2014, ISRAEL - Amphibians in Israel

9th JULY 2014, LEBANON - Euromed 2014, The Mediterranean Sea (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Libya, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey Joint Issue)

9th JULY 2014, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Euromed 2014, The Mediterranean Sea (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Malta, Monaco, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey Joint Issue)

20th AUGUST 2014, ISRAEL - Butterflies of Israel (booklet)
20th NOVEMBER 2014, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. GAZA) - Palestine International Film Festival for Children

20th NOVEMBER 2014, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. GAZA) - Earth Day

25th NOVEMBER 2014, LEBANON - Independence Day

16th DECEMBER 2014, ISRAEL - Orchids Israel-Ecuador (formerly planned as Ecuador Joint Issue)

25th DECEMBER 2014, SYRIA - Tree Day
12th JANUARY 2015, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. GAZA) - Animal Stories in the Holy Qura'n

15th JANUARY 2015, ISRAEL - Definitives: Gerberas Reprint (booklet, self-adhesive) (Dahlia spp., Asteraceae)
15th JANUARY 2015, LEBANON - Monasteries
20th JANUARY 2015, LEBANON - Said Freiha, Journalist
27th JANUARY 2015, JORDAN - Euromed 2014, The Mediterranean Sea (Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Slovenia and Syria Joint Issue)

1st FEBRUARY 2015, ISRAEL - Definitives: Gerberas Reprint (booklet, self-adhesive) (Dahlia spp., Asteraceae)
10th FEBRUARY 2015, ISRAEL - 2015 International Year of Light

10th FEBRUARY 2015, ISRAEL - Winter Flowers

14th APRIL 2015, ISRAEL - Zion Mule Corps 100Th Anniversary

14th APRIL 2015, ISRAEL - Expo Milan 2015, Fields of Tomorrow

14th APRIL 2015, ISRAEL - Memorial Day 2015, The Weat Grows Again

7th MAY 2015, ISRAEL - 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations Israel-Germany, Tel Aviv, the White City (Germany Joint Issue)

16th JUNE 2015, ISRAEL - Vegetables (issued as minisheets and booklets)
28th JUNE 2015, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Woman's Day

7th JULY 2015, LEBANON - Personalities: Leila Oseiran & Amine El Hafez
2nd SEPTEMBER 2015, ISRAEL - Rivers of Israel (3ms+booklet)

10th OCTOBER 2015 PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Figs & Olives

15th NOVEMBER 2015 PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Islamic New Year

21st NOVEMBER 2015, LEBANON - Journee du Drapeau

25th NOVEMBER 2015, SYRIA - National Environment Day

8th DECEMBER 2015, ISRAEL - Philately Day, the Mamluk Postal Road

8th DECEMBER 2015, ISRAEL - Israeli Nostalgia

21st DECEMBER 2015, JORDAN - The Four Seasons

25th DECEMBER 2015, SYRIA - Tree Day

9th FEBRUARY 2016, ISRAEL - Turtles in the Marine Environment

5th APRIL 2016, ISRAEL - Gerbera Definitive, 6th Printng (booklet)

19th APRIL 2016, ISRAEL - Israeli Achievements, Printing

19th APRIL 2016, ISRAEL - Seasons in Israel, Spring

19th APRIL 2016, ISRAEL - Markets in Israel

7th JUNE 2016, ISRAEL - Definitives, Gerbera, 6th Printing

21st JUNE 2016, ISRAEL - Service Dogs

30th JUNE 2016, JORDAN - Fish in the Mediterranean Sea

6th JULY 2016, ISRAEL - Definitives, Gerbera, 6th Printing

9th JULY 2016, LEBANON - Euromed 2016, Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea

28th JULY 2016, JORDAN - Hiking Destinations

5th AUGUST 2016, LEBANON - Lebanese Olympic Committee

8th DECEMBER 2015, ISRAEL - Israeli Nostalgia

21st DECEMBER 2015, JORDAN - The Four Seasons

25th DECEMBER 2015, SYRIA - Tree Day

9th FEBRUARY 2016, ISRAEL - Turtles in the Marine Environment

5th APRIL 2016, ISRAEL - Gerbera Definitive, 6th Printng (booklet)

19th APRIL 2016, ISRAEL - Israeli Achievements, Printing

19th APRIL 2016, ISRAEL - Seasons in Israel, Spring

19th APRIL 2016, ISRAEL - Markets in Israel

7th JUNE 2016, ISRAEL - Definitives, Gerbera, 6th Printing

21st JUNE 2016, ISRAEL - Service Dogs

30th JUNE 2016, JORDAN - Fish in the Mediterranean Sea

3rd JULY 2016, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Euromed Postal 2016, Fish in the Mediterranean

6th JULY 2016, ISRAEL - Definitives, Gerbera, 6th Printing

9th JULY 2016, LEBANON - Euromed 2016, Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea

28th JULY 2016, JORDAN - Hiking Destinations

5th AUGUST 2016, LEBANON - Lebanese Olympic Committee

8th AUGUST 2016, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Solomon's Pools

8th AUGUST 2016, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Water in Palestine

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Bird Migration (Bulgaria Joint Issue)

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Seasons in Israel, Autumn

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Seasons in Israel (4 stamps issued during 2016 in a single s/s)

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Parables of the Sages

30th SEPTEMBER 2016, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Palestine Flag Day

13th NOVEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Tourism In Jerusalem

13th NOVEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Mosaics In Eretz Israel

13th NOVEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - King Solomon`s Ships

15th NOVEMBER 2016, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Defintives 2016

20th DECEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Defintives Reprint, Gerberas (booklet)

20th DECEMBER 2016, ISRAEL - Defintives Reprint, Gerberas (booklet)

29th DECEMBER 2016, LEBANON - New Year Greetings

15th JANUARY 2017, ISRAEL - Definitives 2017, Gerberas

7th FEBRUARY 2017, ISRAEL - UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Israel

7th FEBRUARY 2017, ISRAEL - Aromatic Plants

15th FEBRUARY 2017, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. GAZA) - World Post Day

4th APRIL 2017, ISRAEL - Jerusalem 50 Years of Reunification

4th APRIL 2017, ISRAEL - Passover Haggadah, Kibbutz Ein Gev, 1944

4th APRIL 2017, ISRAEL - 50 Years Of Settling The Golan, Jordan Valley, Judea And Samaria

4th APRIL 2017, ISRAEL - Dolphin Research (Portugal Joint Issue)

5th APRIL 2017, PALESTINE (PAL. NAT. AUT. WEST BANK) - National Flower, Faqqu'a Iris

18th MAY 2017, LEBANON - Musée MIM

1st JUNE 2017, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - National Industries, Stone

8th JULY 2017, LEBANON - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

17th JULY 2017, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Dead Sea

25th AUGUST 2017, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Palm Trees & Dates

4th SEPTEMBER 2017, ISRAEL - 20 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Croatia (Croatia Joint Issue)

24th SEPTEMBER 2017, JORDAN - Euro-mediterraneans Trees

12th OCTOBER 2017, JORDAN - Summer Fruits of Jordan

12th OCTOBER 2017, JORDAN - Birds Native Jordan

14th NOVEMBER 2017, ISRAEL - Gorny Convent' Ein Karem (Russia Joint Issue)

21st NOVEMBER 2017, JORDAN - World Heritage Sites in Jordan

21st NOVEMBER 2017, JORDAN - Medical Tourism in Jordan

19th DECEMBER 2017, ISRAEL - Ancient Roman Arenas, Beit Guvrin Amphitheater

19th DECEMBER 2017, ISRAEL - Snakes in Israel

6th FEBRUARY 2018, ISRAEL - The Gevatron Chorus, 70 Years

6th FEBRUARY 2018, ISRAEL - Yotvata Hai-Bar, 50 Years

9th APRIL 2018, ISRAEL - 70 Years of Independence

9th APRIL 2018, ISRAEL - Memorial Day 2018

9th APRIL 2018, ISRAEL - Spring Flowers

19th APRIL 2018, LEBANON - Nizar Daher, Ghouroub

24th MAY 2018, JORDAN - Adventure Tourism in Jordan

28th JUNE 2018, JORDAN - Seasonal Jordanian Vegetables

28th AUGUST 2018, ISRAEL - Archeozoology in Eretz

28th AUGUST 2018, ISRAEL - Festivals 2018, the Date Palm

5th SEPTEMBER 2018, LEBANON - Emily Nasrallah

12th NOVEMBER 2018, SYRIA - National Environment Day

19th NOVEMBER 2018, LEBANON - 75th Anniversary of the Independence of Lebanon

4th DECEMBER 2018, ISRAEL - Robotics

4th DECEMBER 2018, ISRAEL - Trees of Israel

8th JANUARY 2019, ISRAEL - Definitives, Gerberas (reprinted)

19th JANUARY 2019, ISRAEL - Definitives 2019, Gerberas (reprinted)

15th JANUARY 2017, ISRAEL - Definitives 2017, Gerberas

7th FEBRUARY 2017, ISRAEL - UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Israel

7th FEBRUARY 2017, ISRAEL - Aromatic Plants

15th FEBRUARY 2017, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. GAZA) - World Post Day

4th APRIL 2017, ISRAEL - Jerusalem 50 Years of Reunification

4th APRIL 2017, ISRAEL - Passover Haggadah, Kibbutz Ein Gev, 1944

4th APRIL 2017, ISRAEL - 50 Years Of Settling The Golan, Jordan Valley, Judea And Samaria

4th APRIL 2017, ISRAEL - Dolphin Research (Portugal Joint Issue)

5th APRIL 2017, PALESTINE (PAL. NAT. AUT. WEST BANK) - National Flower, Faqqu'a Iris

18th MAY 2017, LEBANON - Musée MIM

1st JUNE 2017, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - National Industries, Stone

8th JULY 2017, LEBANON - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

17th JULY 2017, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Dead Sea

25th AUGUST 2017, PALESTINE (PAL. AUT. WEST BANK) - Palm Trees & Dates

4th SEPTEMBER 2017, ISRAEL - 20 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Croatia (Croatia Joint Issue)

24th SEPTEMBER 2017, JORDAN - Euro-mediterraneans Trees

12th OCTOBER 2017, JORDAN - Summer Fruits of Jordan

12th OCTOBER 2017, JORDAN - Birds Native Jordan

14th NOVEMBER 2017, ISRAEL - Gorny Convent' Ein Karem (Russia Joint Issue)

21st NOVEMBER 2017, JORDAN - World Heritage Sites in Jordan

21st NOVEMBER 2017, JORDAN - Medical Tourism in Jordan

19th DECEMBER 2017, ISRAEL - Ancient Roman Arenas, Beit Guvrin Amphitheater

19th DECEMBER 2017, ISRAEL - Snakes in Israel

6th FEBRUARY 2018, ISRAEL - The Gevatron Chorus, 70 Years

6th FEBRUARY 2018, ISRAEL - Yotvata Hai-Bar, 50 Years

9th APRIL 2018, ISRAEL - 70 Years of Independence

9th APRIL 2018, ISRAEL - Memorial Day 2018

9th APRIL 2018, ISRAEL - Spring Flowers

19th APRIL 2018, LEBANON - Nizar Daher, Ghouroub

24th MAY 2018, JORDAN - Adventure Tourism in Jordan

28th JUNE 2018, JORDAN - Seasonal Jordanian Vegetables

28th AUGUST 2018, ISRAEL - Archeozoology in Eretz

28th AUGUST 2018, ISRAEL - Festivals 2018, the Date Palm

5th SEPTEMBER 2018, LEBANON - Emily Nasrallah

12th NOVEMBER 2018, SYRIA - National Environment Day

19th NOVEMBER 2018, LEBANON - 75th Anniversary of the Independence of Lebanon

4th DECEMBER 2018, ISRAEL - Robotics

4th DECEMBER 2018, ISRAEL - Trees of Israel

8th JANUARY 2019, ISRAEL - Definitives, Gerberas (reprinted)

19th JANUARY 2019, ISRAEL - Definitives 2019, Gerberas (reprinted)

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