Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Croatian Post Mostar, Montenegro, Republika Srpska, Romania, Serbia
!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!
25th JANUARY 2013, ROMANIA - Flower's Clock I; 0,60: Field Poppy (Papaver rhoeas); 0,80: Common Chicory (Cichorium inthybus); 1: Viper’s Grass (Scorzonera rosea); 1,60: Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris); 2,40: Sunflower (Helianthus annuus); 5: Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)

15th MARCH, 2013 - BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Fauna, Insects; sx: Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus); dx: Linné's Cicada (Tibicen linnei)
!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!
25th JANUARY 2013, ROMANIA - Flower's Clock I; 0,60: Field Poppy (Papaver rhoeas); 0,80: Common Chicory (Cichorium inthybus); 1: Viper’s Grass (Scorzonera rosea); 1,60: Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris); 2,40: Sunflower (Helianthus annuus); 5: Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)

15th MARCH, 2013 - BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Fauna, Insects; sx: Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus); dx: Linné's Cicada (Tibicen linnei)

15th MARCH, 2013, MONTENEGRO - Flora & Fauna; 0,80: Mountain Apollo (Parnassius apollo); 0,95: Cream Scabious (Scabiosa ochroleuca)
15th MARCH 2013, ROMANIA - Discover Romania, Transylvania

8th APRIL 2013 - CROATIA - Fauna Amphibians; 1,60: Fire-bellied Toad (Bombina bombina); 3,10: Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra); 4,60: Olm (Proteus anguinus)

22th APRIL 2013, ROMANIA - Earth Day 2013

25th APRIL 2013, CROATIA - Bridges

13th MAY 2013, SERBIA - European Nature Protection

14th MAY 2013, MONTENEGRO - Tourism

22nd MAY 2013, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Myth & Flora VI, Turkey Oak (Quercus cerris)

23rd MAY 2013, MONTENEGRO - Nature Conservation: Olive Tree (Olea europaea)
14th JUNE 2013, SERBIA - Orchids
20th JUNE 2013, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - XVI Mediterranena Games

21st JUNE 2013, ROMANIA - Flower's Clock II; 0,50: Straw (Anthericum ramosum); 1,20: Marvel of Peru (Mirabilis jalapa); 1,40: Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium); 3: White Campion (Silene latifolia); 3,10: Winged Tobacco (Nicotiana alata); 4,70: Common Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis)
28th JUNE 2013, ROMANIA - Nocturnal Birds of Prey; 2: Little Owl (Athene noctua); 3,30: Long-eared Owl (Asio otus); 4,50: Ural owl (Strix uralensis); 9,10: Great grey owl (Strix nebulosa)

9th JULY 2013, ROMANIA - Sport Fishing and Hunting; 2: Bighorn (Ovis spp.); 2,10: Hare (Lepus europaeus); 6: Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra); 7: Trout (Salmo spp.)

29th JULY 2013, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - 60th Anniversary of PSD PTT “Prijatelj prirode” Sarajevo (Hiking Society PTT Friend of Nature, Sarajevo)

3rd SEPTEMBER 2013, CROATIA - Mushrooms; sx: Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera); md: Royal Bolete (Boletus regius); dx: Truffles (Tuber magnatum, Tuber melanosporum)
6th SEPTEMBER 2013, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - European Protection of Nature; 0,90: Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra); 1,50: Agile Frog (Rana dalmatina)
20th SEPTEMBER 2013, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Fauna, Bats: Greater Horshoe Bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), Greater Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis myotis), Mediterranenan Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus euryale), Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii)

25th SEPTEMBER 2013, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Flora: Honey Plants; Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia); Sage (Salvia spp.); Dandelion (Taraxacum spp.); Common Heather (Calluna vulgaris); Lime Tree (Tilia)

9th OCTOBER 2013, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Why Water is so Precious?

25th OCTOBER 2013, ROMANIA - Fauna; 3,30: Alpine Marmot (Marmota marmota); 4,30: Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus); 4,50: Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx); 9,10: European Bison (Bison bonasus)

1st NOVEMBER 2013, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Flora (European Nettle Tree, Celtis australis)

1st NOVEMBER 2013, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Fauna (Eurasian Otter, Lutra lutra)

29th JANUARY 2014, ROMANIA - Desert Flowers; 1: Kingcup Cactus (Echinocereus triglochidiatus); 1,40: Desert Marigold (Baileya multiradiata); 8,10: Silver-leaved Nightshade (Solanum eleagnifolium); 14,50: Paleface (Hibiscus denudatus) (issued as minisheets and souvenir sheets of 4)

21st FEBRUARY 2014, CROATIA - Children's World, Pets: Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus), Chinchilla (Chinchila lanigera), Golden Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

25th FEBRUARY 2014, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - 40th Anniversary of Gabrijel Jurkić's Death: Snowy Idyll (1920)
25th FEBRUARY 2014, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Butterflies

14th MARCH 2014, MONTENEGRO - Flora & Mushrooms

25th FEBRUARY 2014, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Butterflies

14th MARCH 2014, MONTENEGRO - Flora & Mushrooms
20th MARCH 2014, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - European Protection of Nature; 0,90: Beech (Fagus sylvatica); 1,70: Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

24th MARCH 2014, ROMANIA - Wild Ducks

1st APRIL 2014, CROATIA - 125th Anniversary of the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

2nd APRIL 2014, ROMANIA - 10y since Romania joined Nato

9th APRIL 2014, CROATIA - Croatian Undersea World (Priority/Airmail)

11th APRIL 2014, CROATIA - Croatian Flora, Endemic Orchids (issued as 20x sheets and 10x booklets)

28th APRIL 2014, SERBIA- Europa 2014, National Music Instruments (issued as minisheets and booklets)

9th MAY 2014, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - European Peony (Paeonia officinalis)

14th MAY 2014, MONTENEGRO - Turizam 2014

15th MAY 2014, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - 80y of the Veterinary Institute 'Vaso Butozan'

22nd MAY 2014, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Myths & Flora: Common Hazel (Corylus avellana)

22nd MAY 2014, SERBIA - European Protection of Nature

23rd MAY 2014, MONTENEGRO - Zaštita Prirode, Borovi, Crna Poda

30th MAY 2014, CROATIA - Lighthouses VII

7th JUNE 2014, MONTENEGRO - 25 Godina od Ispunjenja Amaneta Kralja Nikole

24th JUNE 2014, SERBIA - Centenary of the First World War

30th JUNE 2014, SERBIA - Forest Animals


17th JULY 2014, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Wooden Churches

17th JULY 2014, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Insects

31st JULY 2014, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Renewable Sources of Energy

31st JULY 2014, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Protected Landscapes, Bijambare Cave

7th AUGUST 2014, ROMANIA - Unesco Cultural Heritage (3v set)

29th AUGUST 2014, ROMANIA - Discover Romania, Oltenia

5th SEPTEMBER 2014, MONTENEGRO - 150 Godina Hotela Lokanda na Cetinje

5th SEPTEMBER 2014, ROMANIA - Fructele şi Fauna

10th SEPTEMBER 2014, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Flora, Voće

20th SEPTEMBER 2014, ROMANIA - București, 555 Ani de Existență (6v+MS)

23rd SEPTEMBER 2014, CROATIA - 750th Anniversary of the Town of Prelog

8th OCTOBER 2014, SERBIA - Science

10th OCTOBER 2014, ROMANIA - Wild Cats

24th OCTOBER 2014, CROATIA - Minerals & Rocks III

1st NOVEMBER 2014, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Fauna, Equus spp. pl.

31st JULY 2014, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Religious buildings (5v set): Sultan Mehmed Fatih’s mosque in Kraljevska Sutjeska

7th AUGUST 2014, ROMANIA - Unesco Cultural Heritage (3v set)

20th AUGUST 2014, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Religious Buildings, Džebarska Mosque, Živinice

29th AUGUST 2014, ROMANIA - Discover Romania, Oltenia

5th SEPTEMBER 2014, MONTENEGRO - 150 Godina Hotela Lokanda na Cetinje

5th SEPTEMBER 2014, ROMANIA - Fructele şi Fauna

10th SEPTEMBER 2014, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Fauna, Tajan Cave Woodlouse (Cyphonethes tajanus)

10th SEPTEMBER 2014, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Flora, Voće

20th SEPTEMBER 2014, ROMANIA - București, 555 Ani de Existență (6v+MS)

23rd SEPTEMBER 2014, CROATIA - 750th Anniversary of the Town of Prelog

8th OCTOBER 2014, SERBIA - Science

10th OCTOBER 2014, ROMANIA - Wild Cats

24th OCTOBER 2014, CROATIA - Minerals & Rocks III

1st NOVEMBER 2014, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Fauna, Equus spp. pl.
14th NOVEMBER 2014, ROMANIA - Spirituality, Fortified Churches (Croatia Joint Issue)

17th NOVEMBER 2014, CROATIA - Spirituality, Fortified Churches (Romania Joint Issue)

17th NOVEMBER 2014, MONTENEGRO - 125 Godina Čitaonice u Danilovgradu

17th NOVEMBER 2014, SERBIA - Basne (Fairy Tales)

20th NOVEMBER 2014, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Hrustovačka Pećina

27th NOVEMBER 2014, SERBIA - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Nikola Krasnov, Architect

15th DECEMBER 2014, MONTENEGRO - Stamp Day, 100th Anniversary of the First Woman Postal Carrier

16th JANUARY 2015, ROMANIA - Champions of Wildlife
6th FEBRUARY 2015, ROMANIA - Fauna, Songbirds

16th FEBRUARY 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - 2015 International Year of Light

19th FEBRUARY 2015, CROATIA - Children's World, Pets

19th FEBRUARY 2015, SERBIA - Godina Koze

20th FEBRUARY 2015, ROMANIA - Flower's Alphabet
27th FEBRUARY 2015, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Lady Bug (Coccinellidae)

12th MARCH 2015, MONTENEGRO - Fauna, Flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus)

13th MARCH 2015, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Reduction on Disaster Risk: Floods

23rd MARCH 2015, ROMANIA - 25th anniversary of the Romanian Intelligence Service

10th APRIL 2015, ROMANIA - Reserve Protected Fauna: Pelicans

15th APRIL 2015, CROATIA - Woodland Animals

29th APRIL 2015, CROATIA - Bridges & Viaducts: Krka & Modruš1

8th MAY 2015, SERBIA - Serbian Scientists, Jovan Cvijić (Geology) & Joakim Medović (Medicine)

13th MAY 2015, MONTENEGRO - Environment Protection, Bosnian Pine (Pinus heldreichii)

13th MAY 2015, ROMANIA - Europhilex Stamp Exhibition, London 2015

15th MAY 2015, ROMANIA - 70th anniversary of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy 'Tirgu Mures'

18th MAY 2015, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Ruđer Josip Bošković

20th MAY 2015, CROATIA - Castles of Croatia

20th MAY 2015, SERBIA - European Nature Protection

22nd MAY 2015, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Mitovi i Flora 2015, Konoplja (Cannabis sativa)

27th MAY 2015, SERBIA - Flora: Quince (Cydonia oblonga), Apple (Malus sylvestris), Plum (Prunus domestica), Pear (Pyrus communis)

1st JUNE 2015, SERBIA - 60 Years of the Radio Show 'Good Morning, Children'

5th JUNE 2015, ROMANIA - National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, 45 Years

6th JUNE 2015, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - The visit of Pope Francis to Bosnia-Herzegovina

10th JUNE 2015, CROATIA - Lighthouses 2015

15th JUNE 2015, CROATIA - Croatia's Undersea World II

1st JULY 2015, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Alice in Wonderland

3rd JULY 2015, ROMANIA - Flowers from Botanical Gardens


7th AUGUST 2015, ROMANIA - Medicinal Plants

21st AUGUST 2015, ROMANIA - Waterfowl

21st AUGUST 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Kocicev Zbor

26th AUGUST 2015, SERBIA - International Year of Light

27th AUGUST 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Domestic Animals


2nd SEPTEMBER 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - World Fly Fishing Championship

3rd SEPTEMBER 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Fauna, Birds

10th SEPTEMBER 2015, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - 75 Year since the Discovery of the Lascaux Cave

17th SEPTEMBER 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - 20th Anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement

18th SEPTEMBER 2015, ROMANIA - Dobrudja

23rd SEPTEMBER 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - European Protection of Nature 2015

9th OCTOBER 2015, ROMANIA - Hunting

15th OCTOBER 2015, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - 2015 International Wakling Day




4th NOVEMBER 2015, SERBIA - Children's Stamps

11th NOVEMBER 2015, MONTENEGRO - Historical Heritage

27th NOVEMBER 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Cultural Heritage, Water Mills

5th JANUARY 2016, ROMANIA - Love Art! National Museum Brukenthal (Flemish Painting)

14th JANUARY 2016, ROMANIA - Flowers of the Thorns

22nd JANUARY 2016, ROMANIA - Prehistoric Animals

8th FEBRUARY 2016, SERBIA - Lunar New Year 2016, Year of the Monkey

9th FEBRUARY 2016, ROMANIA - Woodpeckers

22nd FEBRUARY 2016, CROATIA - Children's World, Pets

23rd FEBRUARY 2016, SERBIA - 125th Anniversary of the Serbian Geological Societ

24th FEBRUARY 2016, ROMANIA - Romanian Curiosities & Superlatives (4v), Decebalus Rex

8th MARCH 2016, ROMANIA - Flowers' Alphabet II

16th MARCH 2016, SERBIA - WWF, Protected Animal Species, Southern Festoon (Zerynthia polyxena)

21st MARCH 2016, CROATIA - Croatian Flora (20x sheets & 10x booklets): Curry Plant (Helychrisum italicum), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

23rd MARCH 2016, ROMANIA - Easter 2016

4th APRIL 2015, ROMANIA - Romanian Academy, 150 Years

5th APRIL 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Europa 2016, Think Green

6th APRIL 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Forest Fruits

15th APRIL 2016, ROMANIA - Flowers’ Wings

19th APRIL 2016, MONTENEGRO - Flora Velemun

22nd APRIL 2016, MONTENEGRO - Smanji Svoj Karbonski Otisak

25th APRIL 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Europa 2016, Think Green (2 m/s+booklet)

27th APRIL 2016, SERBIA - Fauna

4th MAY 2016, ROMANIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, CROATIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, MONTENEGRO - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, SERBIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

20th MAY 2016, ROMANIA - Anotimpuri la Muzeul Satului (Seasons at the Village Museum)

25th MAY 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Butterflies

25th MAY 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Halacsya sendtneri

26th MAY 2016, SERBIA - European Nature Protection

27th MAY 2016, MONTENEGRO - Zaštita Prirode, Ali Pašini Izvori

1st JUNE 2016, ROMANIA - Personajele Copilăriei (Childhood's Characters)

7th JUNE 2016, SERBIA - Games of the XXI Olympiade, Rio de Janeiro 2016 (2v+s/s)

5th JUNE 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - World Environment Day

21st JUNE 2016, SERBIA - 125 Years of the Tesla's Transformator Patent

5th AUGUST 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Summer Sports

12th AUGUST 2016, ROMANIA - Transalpina, a Journey through the Clouds

1st SEPTEMBER 2016, ROMANIA - Love Nature! Ceahlau National Park

9th SEPTEMBER 2016, ROMANIA - Bats

14th SEPTEMBER 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Endangered Species, Griffon vulture, Gyps fulvus

9th OCTOBER 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Ethnological Heritage

11th OCTOBER 2016, SERBIA - Stamp Day, 60 Years of the EUROPA Issue

12th OCTOBER 2016, CROATIA - Palaeontology

14th OCTOBER 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Definitives 2016

21st OCTOBER 2016, MONTENEGRO - Maritime Navigation School in Perast

24th OCTOBER 2016, CROATIA - Minerals & Rocks

1st NOVEMBER 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Fauna 2016, Žabe (Frogs)

1st NOVEMBER 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Flora 2016, Water Lilies

3rd NOVEMBER 2016, SERBIA - Museum Exponate, Tombstones

8th NOVEMBER 2016, SERBIA - Children's Stamps

11th NOVEMBER 2016, ROMANIA - Christmas 2016

17th NOVEMBER 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - World Philosophy Day, Aristotle

23rd NOVEMBER 2016, SERBIA - Arts (carnet)

24th NOVEMBER 2016, ROMANIA - Live Healthy! Bible Foods I

25th NOVEMBER 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Medicinal Mushrooms

15th DECEMBER 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Plivsko Jezero

21st DECEMBER 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Panonsko Jezero u Tuzl

21st DECEMBER 2016, ROMANIA - New Year Customs

23rd JANUARY 2017, CROATIA - WWF, Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus)

25th JANUARY 2017, ROMANIA - Wild Orchids

27th JANUARY 2017, SERBIA - 2017 Year of the Rooster

10th FEBRUARY 2017, ROMANIA - Smart Birds

20th FEBRUARY 2017, CROATIA - Children's World, Terrarium Pets

16th MARCH 2017, SERBIA - Protected Animal Species, Owls

17th MARCH 2017, ROMANIA - Flowers, National Symbols

21st MARCH 2017, CROATIA - Bats

22nd MARCH 2017, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - World Water Day

21st AUGUST 2015, ROMANIA - Waterfowl

21st AUGUST 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Kocicev Zbor

26th AUGUST 2015, SERBIA - International Year of Light

27th AUGUST 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Domestic Animals


2nd SEPTEMBER 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - World Fly Fishing Championship

3rd SEPTEMBER 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Fauna, Birds

10th SEPTEMBER 2015, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - 75 Year since the Discovery of the Lascaux Cave

17th SEPTEMBER 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - 20th Anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement
18th SEPTEMBER 2015, ROMANIA - Dobrudja
23rd SEPTEMBER 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - European Protection of Nature 2015

9th OCTOBER 2015, ROMANIA - Hunting

15th OCTOBER 2015, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - 2015 International Wakling Day




4th NOVEMBER 2015, SERBIA - Children's Stamps

11th NOVEMBER 2015, MONTENEGRO - Historical Heritage

27th NOVEMBER 2015, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Cultural Heritage, Water Mills

5th JANUARY 2016, ROMANIA - Love Art! National Museum Brukenthal (Flemish Painting)

14th JANUARY 2016, ROMANIA - Flowers of the Thorns

22nd JANUARY 2016, ROMANIA - Prehistoric Animals

8th FEBRUARY 2016, SERBIA - Lunar New Year 2016, Year of the Monkey

9th FEBRUARY 2016, ROMANIA - Woodpeckers

22nd FEBRUARY 2016, CROATIA - Children's World, Pets

23rd FEBRUARY 2016, SERBIA - 125th Anniversary of the Serbian Geological Societ

24th FEBRUARY 2016, ROMANIA - Romanian Curiosities & Superlatives (4v), Decebalus Rex

8th MARCH 2016, ROMANIA - Flowers' Alphabet II

16th MARCH 2016, SERBIA - WWF, Protected Animal Species, Southern Festoon (Zerynthia polyxena)

20th MARCH 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - 100th Anniversary of Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity

21st MARCH 2016, CROATIA - Croatian Flora (20x sheets & 10x booklets): Curry Plant (Helychrisum italicum), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

23rd MARCH 2016, ROMANIA - Easter 2016

4th APRIL 2015, ROMANIA - Romanian Academy, 150 Years

5th APRIL 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Europa 2016, Think Green

6th APRIL 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Forest Fruits

13th APRIL 2016, SERBIA - 50 Years of Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade & 225 Years of Gymnasium in Sremski Karlovci

15th APRIL 2016, ROMANIA - Flowers’ Wings

19th APRIL 2016, MONTENEGRO - Flora Velemun

22nd APRIL 2016, MONTENEGRO - Smanji Svoj Karbonski Otisak

25th APRIL 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Europa 2016, Think Green (2 m/s+booklet)

27th APRIL 2016, CROATIA - Croatia Inventions: Automatic Mechanical Pencil and its Inventor Eduard Slavoljub Penkala; Torpedo and its Inventor Giovanni Biagio Luppis

27th APRIL 2016, SERBIA - Fauna

4th MAY 2016, ROMANIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, CROATIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, MONTENEGRO - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, SERBIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

16th MAY 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - European Protection of Nature, Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) & Immortelle (Helichrysum)

20th MAY 2016, ROMANIA - Anotimpuri la Muzeul Satului (Seasons at the Village Museum)

22nd MAY 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Mitovi i flora, Drijen, Cornus mas (Myth & Flora, Cornelian Cherry)

25th MAY 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Butterflies

25th MAY 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Halacsya sendtneri

26th MAY 2016, SERBIA - European Nature Protection

27th MAY 2016, MONTENEGRO - Zaštita Prirode, Ali Pašini Izvori

1st JUNE 2016, ROMANIA - Personajele Copilăriei (Childhood's Characters)

7th JUNE 2016, SERBIA - Games of the XXI Olympiade, Rio de Janeiro 2016 (2v+s/s)

5th JUNE 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - World Environment Day

21st JUNE 2016, SERBIA - 125 Years of the Tesla's Transformator Patent

7th JULY 2016, CROATIA - Euromed 2016, Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea, Ocellated Wrasse (Symphodus ocellatus)

5th AUGUST 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Summer Sports

12th AUGUST 2016, ROMANIA - Transalpina, a Journey through the Clouds

1st SEPTEMBER 2016, ROMANIA - Love Nature! Ceahlau National Park

9th SEPTEMBER 2016, ROMANIA - Bats

14th SEPTEMBER 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Endangered Species, Griffon vulture, Gyps fulvus

9th OCTOBER 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Ethnological Heritage

11th OCTOBER 2016, SERBIA - Stamp Day, 60 Years of the EUROPA Issue

11th OCTOBER 2016, ROMANIA - Beyond the Frontiers of Knowledge, Laser Valley, Land of Lights

12th OCTOBER 2016, CROATIA - Palaeontology

14th OCTOBER 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Definitives 2016

21st OCTOBER 2016, MONTENEGRO - Maritime Navigation School in Perast

24th OCTOBER 2016, CROATIA - Minerals & Rocks

1st NOVEMBER 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Fauna 2016, Žabe (Frogs)

1st NOVEMBER 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Flora 2016, Water Lilies

3rd NOVEMBER 2016, SERBIA - Museum Exponate, Tombstones

8th NOVEMBER 2016, SERBIA - Children's Stamps

11th NOVEMBER 2016, ROMANIA - Christmas 2016

17th NOVEMBER 2016, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - World Philosophy Day, Aristotle

23rd NOVEMBER 2016, SERBIA - Arts (carnet)

24th NOVEMBER 2016, ROMANIA - Live Healthy! Bible Foods I

25th NOVEMBER 2016, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Medicinal Mushrooms

28th NOVEMBER 2016, CROATIA - Adris Foundation, a Contribution to the Croatian Society, 2017-2017

15th DECEMBER 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Plivsko Jezero

21st DECEMBER 2016, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Panonsko Jezero u Tuzl

21st DECEMBER 2016, ROMANIA - New Year Customs

23rd JANUARY 2017, CROATIA - WWF, Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus)

25th JANUARY 2017, ROMANIA - Wild Orchids

27th JANUARY 2017, SERBIA - 2017 Year of the Rooster

10th FEBRUARY 2017, ROMANIA - Smart Birds

20th FEBRUARY 2017, CROATIA - Children's World, Terrarium Pets

16th MARCH 2017, SERBIA - Protected Animal Species, Owls

17th MARCH 2017, ROMANIA - Flowers, National Symbols

21st MARCH 2017, CROATIA - Bats

22nd MARCH 2017, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - World Water Day

30th MARCH 2017, MONTENEGRO . Fauna Čaplja Kašikara

3rd APRIL 2017, CROATIA - Easter 2017

7th APRIL 2017, ROMANIA - Symphony of Tulips

10th APRIL 2017, SERBIA - Science: Kosta Stojanović & Maria Skłodowska-Curie

20th APRIL 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Fauna, Birds

21st APRIL 2017, ROMANIA - Discover Recently Extinct Species on Romanian Stamps

3rd APRIL 2017, CROATIA - Easter 2017

7th APRIL 2017, ROMANIA - Symphony of Tulips

10th APRIL 2017, SERBIA - Science: Kosta Stojanović & Maria Skłodowska-Curie

20th APRIL 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Fauna, Birds

21st APRIL 2017, ROMANIA - Discover Recently Extinct Species on Romanian Stamps

27th APRIL 2017, CROATIA - Bridges & Viaducts

27th APRIL 2017, SERBIA - Flora

9th MAY 2017, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Europa 2017, Castles

9th MAY 2017, SERBIA - Europa 2017, Castles

11th MAY 2017, ROMANIA - Endangered Species (United Nations Joint Issue)

22nd MAY 2017, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Myth & Flora, Narcissus

31st MAY 2017, MONTENEGRO - Tourism, Rijeka Crnojevića

1st JUNE 2017, SERBIA - European Protection of Nature

7th JUNE 2017, CROATIA - Lions International Centennial

15th JUNE 2017, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Flowers

16th JUNE 2017, MONTENEGRO - Tourism

10th JULY 2017, CROATIA - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

26th JULY 2017, ROMANIA - Welcome to Romania!

4th SEPTEMBER 2017, CROATIA - 20 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Israel (Israel Joint Issue)


15th SEPTEMBER 2017, ROMANIA - Cactus Flower


27th SEPTEMBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Rakitnice River Canyon

29th SEPTEMBER 2017, SERBIA - Joy of Europe

29th SEPTEMBER 2017, ROMANIA - Berries

2nd OCTOBER 2017, SERBIA - Christmas 2017

6th OCTOBER 2017, ROMANIA - Mushrooms

13th OCTOBER 2017, ROMANIA - Sheep Breeds

18th OCTOBER 2017, CROATIA - Croatian War of Independence, Puma, the 7th Guards Brigade

25th OCTOBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Štrbački Waterfall

25th OCTOBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - White and Black Mulberry

1st NOVEMBER 2017, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Flora 2017, Smilje (Helichrysum)

8th NOVEMBER 2017, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - 85 Years of Banski Dvor Cultural Centre

9th NOVEMBER 2017, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Endangered Animal Species

9th NOVEMBER 2017, SERBIA - Children Stamps

17th NOVEMBER 2017, ROMANIA - Storksbills

21st NOVEMBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Gastronomy, Travnik Cheese

21st NOVEMBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Maglic, Highest Peak in Bosnia-Herzegovina


24th NOVEMBER 2017, ROMANIA - Forest Species, Rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia) & Spruce (Picea abies) (Estonia Joint Issue)

4th DECEMBER 2017, CROATIA - 100 Godina Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

7th DECEMBER 2017, ROMANIA - Fauna, Poisonous Creatures

12th JANUARY 2018, ROMANIA - Migratory Birds, Cranes

30th JANUARY 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - 75 Years since the Death of Nikola Tesla

8th FEBRUARY 2018, CROATIA - PyeongChang 2018 XXIII Olympic Winter Games

14th FEBRUARY 2018, SERBIA - 2018 Year of the Dog

1st MARCH 2018, SERBIA - Easter 2018

21st MARCH 2018, CROATIA - Flora of Croatia

21st MARCH 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - World Down Syndrome Day

30th MARCH 2018, SERBIA - Freshwater Fish

5th APRIL 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Europa 2018, Bridges

12th APRIL 2018, CROATIA - Croatian Protected Agricultural and Food Products

12th APRIL 2018, MONTENEGRO - Flora

2nd MAY 2018, CROATIA - Europa 2018, Bridges

9th MAY 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Europa 2018, Bridges

15th MAY 2018, CROATIA - Fra Bernardin Sokol

31st MAY 2018, MONTENEGRO - Nature Protection, Zminje Lake

1st JUNE 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Međugorje 2018

5th JUNE 2018, SERBIA - European Nature Protection

14th JUNE 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - World Blood Donor Day

15th JUNE 2018, REPUBLISKA SRPSKA (BA) - Drina Raft

15th JUNE 2018, ROMANIA - Famous Romanians I

19th JUNE 2018, SERBIA - Children's Stamps, Baby Zoo

29th JUNE 2018, ROMANIA - Minerals from Romania

10th JULY 2018, CROATIA - Euromed Postal 2018, Houses of the Mediterranean

10th JULY 2018, SERBIA - Science (booklet)

20th JULY 2018, ROMANIA - 80 Years since Queen Marie’s Passing into Eternity

17th AUGUST 2018, ROMANIA - Natural Parks in Romania

20th AUGUST 2018, SERBIA - Tourism in Serbia

5th SEPTEMBER 2018, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Fauna, Snakes


14th SEPTEMBER 2018, ROMANIA - Masters of Camouflage

17th SEPTEMBER 2018, CROATIA - Let's Protect our Forests

21st SEPTEMBER 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - International Day of Peace

1st OCTOBER 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - International Coffee Day

5th OCTOBER 2018, ROMANIA - Birds' Records

9th OCTOBER 2018, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Protection of Nature

24th OCTOBER 2018, CROATIA - Minerals of Croatia

25th OCTOBER 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Fauna, Dragonflies




5th NOVEMBER 2018, CROATIA - 1st Guards Brigade

15th NOVEMBER 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Medicinal Herbs

16th NOVEMBER 2018, ROMANIA - Centenary of the Great Union

16th JANUARY 2019, ROMANIA - Romania, a European Treasure

5th FEBRUARY 2019, SERBIA - 2019 Year of the Pig

8th FEBRUARY 2019, MONTENEGRO - 50 Years of the Mimosa Festival

8th FEBRUARY 2019, ROMANIA - Wild Cubs

20th FEBRUARY 2019, CROATIA - Pets, Dogs

11th MAY 2017, ROMANIA - Endangered Species (United Nations Joint Issue)

22nd MAY 2017, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Myth & Flora, Narcissus

31st MAY 2017, MONTENEGRO - Tourism, Rijeka Crnojevića

1st JUNE 2017, SERBIA - European Protection of Nature

7th JUNE 2017, CROATIA - Lions International Centennial

15th JUNE 2017, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Flowers

16th JUNE 2017, MONTENEGRO - Tourism

10th JULY 2017, CROATIA - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

26th JULY 2017, ROMANIA - Welcome to Romania!

4th SEPTEMBER 2017, CROATIA - 20 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Israel (Israel Joint Issue)


15th SEPTEMBER 2017, ROMANIA - Cactus Flower


27th SEPTEMBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Rakitnice River Canyon

29th SEPTEMBER 2017, SERBIA - Joy of Europe

29th SEPTEMBER 2017, ROMANIA - Berries

2nd OCTOBER 2017, SERBIA - Christmas 2017

6th OCTOBER 2017, ROMANIA - Mushrooms

13th OCTOBER 2017, ROMANIA - Sheep Breeds

18th OCTOBER 2017, CROATIA - Croatian War of Independence, Puma, the 7th Guards Brigade

25th OCTOBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Štrbački Waterfall

25th OCTOBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - White and Black Mulberry

1st NOVEMBER 2017, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Flora 2017, Smilje (Helichrysum)

1st NOVEMBER 2017, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Flora 2017, Divokoza (Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica)

7th NOVEMBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - 150th Anniversary of the Birthday of Maria Sklodowska-Curie

8th NOVEMBER 2017, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - 85 Years of Banski Dvor Cultural Centre

9th NOVEMBER 2017, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Endangered Animal Species

9th NOVEMBER 2017, SERBIA - Children Stamps

17th NOVEMBER 2017, ROMANIA - Storksbills

21st NOVEMBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Gastronomy, Travnik Cheese

21st NOVEMBER 2017, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Maglic, Highest Peak in Bosnia-Herzegovina


24th NOVEMBER 2017, ROMANIA - Forest Species, Rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia) & Spruce (Picea abies) (Estonia Joint Issue)

4th DECEMBER 2017, CROATIA - 100 Godina Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

7th DECEMBER 2017, ROMANIA - Fauna, Poisonous Creatures

12th JANUARY 2018, ROMANIA - Migratory Birds, Cranes

25th JANUARY 2018, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - 375th Anniversary of the Birth of Isaac Newton

30th JANUARY 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - 75 Years since the Death of Nikola Tesla

8th FEBRUARY 2018, CROATIA - PyeongChang 2018 XXIII Olympic Winter Games

14th FEBRUARY 2018, SERBIA - 2018 Year of the Dog

1st MARCH 2018, SERBIA - Easter 2018

21st MARCH 2018, CROATIA - Flora of Croatia

21st MARCH 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - World Down Syndrome Day

30th MARCH 2018, SERBIA - Freshwater Fish

5th APRIL 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Europa 2018, Bridges

12th APRIL 2018, CROATIA - Croatian Protected Agricultural and Food Products

12th APRIL 2018, MONTENEGRO - Flora

17th APRIL 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Fauna, Southern White-breasted Hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor)

2nd MAY 2018, CROATIA - Europa 2018, Bridges

9th MAY 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Europa 2018, Bridges

15th MAY 2018, CROATIA - Fra Bernardin Sokol

22nd MAY 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Myth & Flora, Fairy Vjetrenica and the Heather (Calluna vulgaris)

31st MAY 2018, MONTENEGRO - Nature Protection, Zminje Lake

1st JUNE 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - Međugorje 2018

5th JUNE 2018, SERBIA - European Nature Protection

14th JUNE 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - World Blood Donor Day

15th JUNE 2018, REPUBLISKA SRPSKA (BA) - Drina Raft

15th JUNE 2018, ROMANIA - Famous Romanians I

19th JUNE 2018, SERBIA - Children's Stamps, Baby Zoo

29th JUNE 2018, ROMANIA - Minerals from Romania

10th JULY 2018, CROATIA - Euromed Postal 2018, Houses of the Mediterranean

10th JULY 2018, SERBIA - Science (booklet)

20th JULY 2018, ROMANIA - 80 Years since Queen Marie’s Passing into Eternity

17th AUGUST 2018, ROMANIA - Natural Parks in Romania

20th AUGUST 2018, SERBIA - Tourism in Serbia

5th SEPTEMBER 2018, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Fauna, Snakes


14th SEPTEMBER 2018, ROMANIA - Masters of Camouflage

15th SEPTEMBER 2018, SERBIA - 70 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Serbia & india, Nikolas Tesla & Swami Viveknaanda (India Joint Issue)

17th SEPTEMBER 2018, CROATIA - Let's Protect our Forests

21st SEPTEMBER 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - International Day of Peace

1st OCTOBER 2018, CROATIAN POST MOSTAR (BA) - International Coffee Day

5th OCTOBER 2018, ROMANIA - Birds' Records

9th OCTOBER 2018, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (BA) - Protection of Nature

24th OCTOBER 2018, CROATIA - Minerals of Croatia

25th OCTOBER 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Fauna, Dragonflies




5th NOVEMBER 2018, CROATIA - 1st Guards Brigade

15th NOVEMBER 2018, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Medicinal Herbs

16th NOVEMBER 2018, ROMANIA - Centenary of the Great Union

16th JANUARY 2019, ROMANIA - Romania, a European Treasure

5th FEBRUARY 2019, SERBIA - 2019 Year of the Pig

8th FEBRUARY 2019, MONTENEGRO - 50 Years of the Mimosa Festival

8th FEBRUARY 2019, ROMANIA - Wild Cubs

20th FEBRUARY 2019, CROATIA - Pets, Dogs

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