Aland, Denmark, Fær Øer, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!7th JANUARY 2013, DENMARK - Fish; 6: Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus); 8: Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua); 12,50: European Flounder (Platichthys flesus); 14,50: Eel (Anguilla anguilla)

10th JANUARY 2013, SWEDEN - Insects; 1: Cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha); 2: Harlequin Bug (Murgantia histrionica); Baltic Hawker (Aeshna osiliensis); Pink-winged Grasshopper (Calliptamus barbarus)

10th JANUARY 2013, SWEDEN - Heart in Nature (booklet of 2 series)
21st JANUARY 2013, FINLAND - Orchids (Coilostylis parkinsoniana)

24th JANUARY 2013, ICELAND - International Year of Water Cooperation

24th JANUARY 2013, ICELAND - Tourist Stamp II: Alderyjarfoss & Hafursey

19th FEBRUARY 2013, ALAND - Wooden Duck Decoy, Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis) (ATM)

25th FEBRUARY 2013, FAEROER - Seafood; 7: Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus); 9: Deep Sea red Crab (Chaceon affinis); 23: Shrimp (Pandalus borealis); 34: Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)

8th MARCH 2013, FINLAND - Garden Berries; sx: Bramble (Rubus spp.); md: Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa); dx: Redcurrant (Ribes rubrum)

8th MARCH 2013, FINLAND - Prettiest outhouses

5th APRIL 2013, ALAND - WWF; 15sx: Black-throated Loon (Gavia arctica); 15dx: Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata); 21sx: Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus); 21dx: great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) (booklet of 2 series)
19th APRIL 2013, NORWAY - Tourist Stamps

29th APRIl 2013, FAEROER - Rat (Rattus norvegicus) & Mouse (Mus domesticus)

2nd MAY 2013, ICELAND - Nordia 2013, Northern Lights

2nd MAY 2013, ICELAND - Postal Vehicles (sheets)

2nd MAY 2013, ICELAND - Postal Vehicles (booklet)

6th MAY 2013, FINLAND - Summer Bouquet

6th MAY 2013, FINLAND - Nuuksio National Park

27th MAY 2013, DENMARK - Nordia 2013 (ATM) (issued as rolls too)

4th JUNE 2013, ALAND, Water Lilies; down: White Water Liily (Nymphaea alba); up: Yellow Water Lily (Nuphar lutea)

20th AUGUST 2013, ALAND - Sepac 2013, Wildlife, European Peacock (Inachis io)

22nd AUGUST 2013, SWEDEN - Dahlias (booklet of 2 series)
23rd AUGUST 2013, FINLAND - Orchids (Coilostylis parkinsoniana)

9th SEPTEMBER 2013, FINLAND - Autumn

9th SEPTEMBER 2013, FINLAND - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Eero Järnefelt, Painter
12th SEPTEMBER 2013, ICELAND - Lighthouses III: Vattarnes & Skarðsfjara

30th OCTOBER 2013, DENMARK - Winter Stamps (issued both as self-adhesive sheet and classic souvenir sheet)
31st OCTOBER 2013, ICELAND - Icelandic Art IV, The Landscape Redefined

31st OCTOBER 2013, ICELAND - Morgunblaðið Newspaper 100th Anniversary

14th NOVEMBER 2013, SWEDEN - Christmas in the Forest (stamp+booklet f 2 series)

2nd JANUARY 2014, NORWAY - Wildlife; 19: Red Deer (Cervus elaphus); 35: European Badger (Meles meles)

16th JANUARY 2014, ICELAND - White-tailed Eagle (Haliaaetus albicilla)

16th JANUARY 2014, ICELAND - Tourist III

16th JANUARY 2014, SWEDEN - A Swedish Classic

31st OCTOBER 2013, ICELAND - Morgunblaðið Newspaper 100th Anniversary

14th NOVEMBER 2013, SWEDEN - Christmas in the Forest (stamp+booklet f 2 series)

2nd JANUARY 2014, DENMARK - Spring Flowers; up: Grape Hyacinth (Muscari botryoides); dw: Snake's Head (Fritillaria meleagris)

2nd JANUARY 2014, NORWAY - Wildlife; 19: Red Deer (Cervus elaphus); 35: European Badger (Meles meles)

16th JANUARY 2014, ICELAND - White-tailed Eagle (Haliaaetus albicilla)

16th JANUARY 2014, ICELAND - Tourist III

16th JANUARY 2014, SWEDEN - A Swedish Classic

22nd JANUARY 2014, NORWAY - Wildlife, Norwegian Lemming (Lemmus lemmus), selfadhesive (reprint of the gummed issued on 2.1.2010)

31st JANUARY 2014, FINLAND - Tove Jansson 100 years (issued as self-adhesive miniature sheet)
7th FEBRUARY 2014, ALAND - Old Wooden Duck Decoys (franking labels)

26th FEBRUARY 2014, FAEROER - Jellyfish

3rd MARCH 2014, FINLAND - Congratulations!

17th MARCH 2014, SWEDEN - Norden 2014

27th MARCH 2014, SWEDEN - Carl Michael Bellman

1st APRIL 2014, SWEDEN - Baltic Hawker (Aeshna serrata)

7th FEBRUARY 2014, ALAND - Old Wooden Duck Decoys (franking labels)

26th FEBRUARY 2014, FAEROER - Jellyfish

26th FEBRUARY 2014, FAEROER - Sepac 2014, Soft Downy Rose (Rosa mollis)

3rd MARCH 2014, FINLAND - Congratulations!

3rd MARCH 2014, FINLAND - Garden Fruits II (issued as 100x self-adhesive rolls)

17th MARCH 2014, NORWAY - The North by the Sea, Ship in the Romsdalfjorden

17th MARCH 2014, SWEDEN - Norden 2014

27th MARCH 2014, ICELAND - The North by the Sea III, Ships on the Seas (Norden 2014)

27th MARCH 2014, SWEDEN - Carl Michael Bellman

1st APRIL 2014, SWEDEN - Baltic Hawker (Aeshna serrata)

11th APRIL 2014, ALAND - Charity Stamp, Zero Tolerance

28th APRIL 2014, FØROYAR - Faroese Lighthouses

5th MAY 2014, FINLAND - Europa 2014, National Music Instruments

5th MAY 2014, FINLAND - Sweet Summer

5th MAY 2014, FINLAND - Bunch of Violas

5th MAY 2014, FINLAND - Linnansaari National Park

8th MAY 2014, ICELAND - Sepac 2014, Parks V: Klambratún & Pavillon Park

8th MAY 2014, SWEDEN - Celebration Time

28th APRIL 2014, FØROYAR - Faroese Lighthouses

5th MAY 2014, FINLAND - Europa 2014, National Music Instruments

5th MAY 2014, FINLAND - Sweet Summer

5th MAY 2014, FINLAND - Bunch of Violas

5th MAY 2014, FINLAND - Linnansaari National Park

8th MAY 2014, ALAND - Sepac 2014, Flowers: Nettle-leaved Bellflower (Campanula trachelium)

8th MAY 2014, ICELAND - Sepac 2014, Parks V: Klambratún & Pavillon Park

8th MAY 2014, SWEDEN - Celebration Time

16th MAY 2014, NORWAY - 200y of Norwegian Constitution (included in a 4v series)
13th JUNE 2014, NORWAY - 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Alf Prøysen

21st AUGUST 2014, SWEDEN - Among Berries (coil stamps)

21st AUGUST 2014, SWEDEN - Among Berries & Leaves (booklet)

30th AUGUST 2014, DENMARK - Hans Christian Andersen 2014

30th AUGUST 2014, DENMARK - Art on Stamps, Olafur Eliasson

8th SEPTEMBER 2014, FINLAND - Signs of the Sky (booklet)

11th SEPTEMBER 2014, ICELAND - Lighthouses IV, Dyrhólaey & Akranes

24th SEPTEMBER 2014, FÆR ØER - First World War Centenary

13th OCTOBER 2014, DENMARK - Winter Poetry

18th OCTOBER 2014, DENMARK - Nordia 2014 (ATM)

23rd OCTOBER 2014, FINLAND - Christmas Eve

23rd OCTOBER 2014, FINLAND - Bridges & Waters (coil stamps)

5th NOVEMBER 2014, ÅLAND - Åland Sheep

13th NOVEMBER 2014, SWEDEN - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Alice Tegnér

17th NOVEMBER 2014, FINLAND - Magic Christmas (personalized stamp)

21st NOVEMBER 2014, NORWAY - Nordia 2014

2nd JANUARY 2015, DENMARK - Nationalpark Vadehavet

2nd JANUARY 2015, NORWAY - Wildlife in Norway VIII: Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo)

2nd JANUARY 2015, NORWAY - Birds: Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) & European Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus)

15th JANUARY 2015, SWEDEN - 150th Birth Anniversary of Prince Eugen, Swedish Painter

19th JANUARY 2015, FINLAND - Friends Together

2nd FEBRUARY 2015, ALAND - Beach Findings (ATM)

19th FEBRUARY 2015, ICELAND - Tourist Stamps IV

20th FEBRUARY 2015, NORWAY - Norwegian Red Cross 150 Years (4v set)

23rd FEBRUARY 2015, FØROYAR - The Atkinson Expedition
2nd MARCH 2015, FINLAND - Festive Bouquet

2nd MARCH 2015, FINLAND - Spring Twitter

11th MARCH 2015, FÆR ØER - 20.03.2015: Total Solar Eclipse in the Faroe Islands

14th MARCH 2015, DENMARK - 450th Anniversary of the Herlufsholm Gymnasium

14th MARCH 2015, DENMARK - Danish Inventions (4v set): Hellesens Batteries

26th MARCH 2015, SWEDEN - Bees (2x booklet) & Bee Hives (coil)

10th APRIL 2015, ALAND - Peach-leaved Bellflower (Campanula persicifolia)

16th APRIL 2015, NORWAY - Anders B. Wilse 150 Years

24th APRIL 2015, FÆR ØER - 75th Anniversary of The Faroese National Flag

7th MAY 2015, SWEDEN - Magnolias (coilstamp+booklet)

7th MAY 2015, DENMARK - WWF Verdensnaturfonden 10,00 Kr + 1,00 Kr (charity stamps, Sweden Twin Issue)

8th MAY 2015, FINLAND - Golden Swan (self adhesive 1st class stamp)

8th MAY 2015, FINLAND - Floral Beauty

8th MAY 2015, FINLAND- Summer Feeling

22nd JUNE 2015, ALAND - Julius Sundblom 150 years

20th AUGUST 2015, SWEDEN - Mushrooms

3rd SEPTEMBER 2015, ALAND - Aland Hunting Dogs (booklet 3x3)

9th SEPTEMBER 2015, ICELAND - Lighthouses V

9th SEPTEMBER 2015, ICELAND - International Year of Soils

11th SEPTEMBER 2015, FINLAND - Animal Town

28th SEPTEMBER 2015, FÆR ØER - Religion during the Viking Age

3rd OCTOBER 2015, NORWAY - Fugler (Birds)

13th JUNE 2014, NORWAY - 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Alf Prøysen

21st AUGUST 2014, SWEDEN - Among Berries (coil stamps)

21st AUGUST 2014, SWEDEN - Among Berries & Leaves (booklet)

30th AUGUST 2014, DENMARK - Hans Christian Andersen 2014

30th AUGUST 2014, DENMARK - Art on Stamps, Olafur Eliasson

8th SEPTEMBER 2014, FINLAND - Signs of the Sky (booklet)

11th SEPTEMBER 2014, ICELAND - Lighthouses IV, Dyrhólaey & Akranes

24th SEPTEMBER 2014, FÆR ØER - First World War Centenary

13th OCTOBER 2014, DENMARK - Winter Poetry

18th OCTOBER 2014, DENMARK - Nordia 2014 (ATM)

23rd OCTOBER 2014, FINLAND - Christmas Eve

23rd OCTOBER 2014, FINLAND - Bridges & Waters (coil stamps)

5th NOVEMBER 2014, ÅLAND - Åland Sheep

13th NOVEMBER 2014, SWEDEN - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Alice Tegnér

17th NOVEMBER 2014, FINLAND - Magic Christmas (personalized stamp)

21st NOVEMBER 2014, NORWAY - Nordia 2014

2nd JANUARY 2015, DENMARK - Nationalpark Vadehavet

2nd JANUARY 2015, NORWAY - Wildlife in Norway VIII: Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo)

2nd JANUARY 2015, NORWAY - Birds: Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) & European Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus)

15th JANUARY 2015, SWEDEN - 150th Birth Anniversary of Prince Eugen, Swedish Painter

19th JANUARY 2015, FINLAND - Friends Together

2nd FEBRUARY 2015, ALAND - Beach Findings (ATM)

19th FEBRUARY 2015, ICELAND - Icelandic Contemporary Design VI, Jewelry, 4v set (pin brooch made of driftwood, silver and redfish skin)

19th FEBRUARY 2015, ICELAND - Tourist Stamps IV

20th FEBRUARY 2015, NORWAY - Norwegian Red Cross 150 Years (4v set)

23rd FEBRUARY 2015, FØROYAR - The Atkinson Expedition
2nd MARCH 2015, FINLAND - Festive Bouquet

2nd MARCH 2015, FINLAND - Spring Twitter

4th MARCH 2015, NORWAY - Wildlife in Norway, Eurasian Brown Bear (Ursus arctos arctos). Reprint (14 1/4 x 13 3/4) from 2008 (13 1/4 x 13 3/4)

11th MARCH 2015, FÆR ØER - 20.03.2015: Total Solar Eclipse in the Faroe Islands

14th MARCH 2015, DENMARK - 450th Anniversary of the Herlufsholm Gymnasium

14th MARCH 2015, DENMARK - Danish Inventions (4v set): Hellesens Batteries

26th MARCH 2015, SWEDEN - Bees (2x booklet) & Bee Hives (coil)

10th APRIL 2015, ALAND - Peach-leaved Bellflower (Campanula persicifolia)

16th APRIL 2015, NORWAY - Anders B. Wilse 150 Years

24th APRIL 2015, FÆR ØER - 75th Anniversary of The Faroese National Flag

7th MAY 2015, SWEDEN - Magnolias (coilstamp+booklet)

7th MAY 2015, DENMARK - WWF Verdensnaturfonden 10,00 Kr + 1,00 Kr (charity stamps, Sweden Twin Issue)

8th MAY 2015, FINLAND - Golden Swan (self adhesive 1st class stamp)

8th MAY 2015, FINLAND - Floral Beauty

8th MAY 2015, FINLAND- Summer Feeling

22nd JUNE 2015, ALAND - Julius Sundblom 150 years

20th AUGUST 2015, SWEDEN - Mushrooms

3rd SEPTEMBER 2015, ALAND - Aland Hunting Dogs (booklet 3x3)

9th SEPTEMBER 2015, ICELAND - Lighthouses V

9th SEPTEMBER 2015, ICELAND - International Year of Soils

11th SEPTEMBER 2015, FINLAND - Animal Town

28th SEPTEMBER 2015, FÆR ØER - Religion during the Viking Age

3rd OCTOBER 2015, NORWAY - Fugler (Birds)

9th OCTOBER 2015, ALAND - Christmas

9th OCTOBER 2015, ALAND - Christmas Seals Support Assistance Dogs for Disabled People

30th OCTOBER 2015, DENMARK - Nordia 2015 (ATM)

6th NOVEMBER 2015, FINLAND - Chili, Tomatoes & Herbs (coil stamps)

12th NOVEMBER 2015, SWEDEN - Winter Trees

4th JANUARY 2016, DENMARK - WWF Verdensnaturfonden 8,00 + 1,00 kr (reprint from 2015 10+1)

4th JANUARY 2016, DENMARK - Nordisk Madkultur

11th JANUARY 2016, NORWAY - Youth Olympic Games Lillehammer 2016

14th JANUARY 2016, SWEDEN - Europa 2016, Think Green (100x coils)

14th JANUARY 2016, SWEDEN - Swedish Museum of Natural History Centennial (2x booklets)

14th JANUARY 2016, SWEDEN - White-tailed Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla (100x coils)

22nd JANUARY 2016, FINLAND - Together (booklet of five 1st class stamps)

22nd JANUARY 2016, FINLAND - Glittering Ice Crystal (holographic foil reflecting all the colors of the spectrum when light hits it from different angles)

18th FEBRUARY 2016, ICELAND - Norden Stamps, the Nordic Kitchen

18th FEBRUARY 2016, ICELAND - The Town of Ísafjörður, 150th Anniversary

22nd FEBRUARY 2016, FÆR ØER - Old Fire Trucks

22nd FEBRUARY 2016, FÆR ØER - Sepac 2016: Seasons

22nd FEBRUARY 2016, FÆR ØER - Westerbeek

26th FEBRUARY 2016, FINLAND - Visiting card from Finland

26th FEBRUARY 2016, FINLAND - Easter Bunny

26th FEBRUARY 2016, FINLAND - Wings of Thoughts

26th FEBRUARY 2016, FINLAND - Siberian Irises

17th MARCH 2016, SWEDEN - Food in Sweden (booklet)

17th MARCH 2016, SWEDEN - Nordic Food Culture (coil)

31st MARCH 2016, DENMARK - Europa 2016, Think Green
31st MARCH 2016, DENMARK - Gårdens Dyr (booklet)

15th APRIL 2016, NORWAY - Norden 2016, Nordic Food Culture

15th APRIL 2016, NORWAY - Celebrating Four Towns

26th APRIL 2016, FØROYAR - Nólsoyar Páll 250 Years
26th APRIL 2016, FØROYAR - Norden 2016, Nordic Food Culture
28th APRIL 2016, ICELAND - Sepac 2016, The Seasons (10x m/s)

28th APRIL 2016, ICELAND - Volcanic Eruption in Holuhraun (10x booklets)

28th APRIL 2016, ICELAND - Europa 2016, Think Green (issued as 10x m/s & booklets)

28th APRIL 2016, ICELAND - Tourist stamps V, Thjófafoss Waterfall and Jökulsárlón Lagoon (10x m/s)

4th MAY 2016, FINLAND - Feather

4th MAY 2016, SWEDEN - Gamla Stan

4th MAY 2016, SWEDEN - Strandliv

6th MAY 2016, FINLAND - Finnish Barns

6th MAY 2016, FINLAND - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, ALAND - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, ALAND - Medicinal Plants (booklet): Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) & Tancy (Tanacetum vulgare)

9th MAY 2016, FØROYAR - Europa 2016, Think Green
9th MAY 2016, NORWAY - Europa 2016, Think Green

10th JUNE 2016, NORWAY - Kristiansand Zoo And Amusement Park's 50th Anniversary

10th JUNE 2016, NORWAY - Norwegian Meteorological Institute Celebrates 150th Anniversary

23rd JUNE 2016, DENMARK - Porcelæn

8th JULY 2016, ALAND - My Åland, Björn Ulvaeus

12th AUGUST 2016, ALAND - SEPAC 2016, Seasons

25th AUGUST 2016, SWEDEN - Hoopoe (Upupa epops) & Redpoll (Acanthis flammea)

25th AUGUST 2016, SWEDEN - Autumn Clow (booklet)

9th SEPTEMBER 2016, FINLAND - WWF, Endangered Species I (10x sheets)

9th SEPTEMBER 2016, FINLAND - Everyman´s Rights (booklet)

9th SEPTEMBER 2016, FINLAND - Edible Mushrooms (booklet)

16th SEPTEMBER 2016, ICELAND - Pourquoi-Pas? 80th Memorial Anniversary

16th SEPTEMBER 2016, ICELAND - Wild Icelandic Vegetation

16th SEPTEMBER 2016, ICELAND - Iceland’s Seabed Ecosystem

26th SEPTEMBER 2016, FÆR ØER - Fish Stamps, Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua (printed on cod skin)

10th NOVEMBER 2016, FINLAND - Red Cottage

10th NOVEMBER 2016, FINLAND - Girl & Squirrel

10th NOVEMBER 2016, FINLAND - Run my Reindeer

10th NOVEMBER 2016, SWEDEN - Christmas 2016

10th NOVEMBER 2016, SWEDEN - Northern Lights

10th NOVEMBER 2016, SWEDEN - Deer

10th NOVEMBER 2016, SWEDEN - 350th Anniversary of the Lund University 1666-2016

11th NOVEMBER 2016, ALAND - 2017 Year of the Rooster

2nd JANUARY 2017, DENMARK - Europa 2017, Castles

2nd JANUARY 2017, DENMARK - Skaldyr

2nd JANUARY 2017, NORWAY - Birds

12th JANUARY 2017, SWEDEN - Retro

20th JANUARY 2017, FINLAND - Europa 2017, Castles

20th JANUARY 2017, FINLAND - 100th Anniversary of Lions Club International

21st FEBRUARY 2017, NORWAY - Royal Couple 80th Birthdays

24th FEBRUARY 2017, FINLAND - Easter, Willow Twigs

24th FEBRUARY 2017, FINLAND - Summer Flowers

24th FEBRUARY 2017, FINLAND - Sound of Silence

10th NOVEMBER 2016, SWEDEN - Christmas 2016

10th NOVEMBER 2016, SWEDEN - Northern Lights

10th NOVEMBER 2016, SWEDEN - Deer

10th NOVEMBER 2016, SWEDEN - 350th Anniversary of the Lund University 1666-2016

11th NOVEMBER 2016, ALAND - 2017 Year of the Rooster

2nd JANUARY 2017, DENMARK - Europa 2017, Castles

2nd JANUARY 2017, DENMARK - Skaldyr

2nd JANUARY 2017, NORWAY - Birds

12th JANUARY 2017, SWEDEN - Retro

20th JANUARY 2017, FINLAND - Europa 2017, Castles

20th JANUARY 2017, FINLAND - 100th Anniversary of Lions Club International

21st FEBRUARY 2017, NORWAY - Royal Couple 80th Birthdays

24th FEBRUARY 2017, FINLAND - Easter, Willow Twigs

24th FEBRUARY 2017, FINLAND - Summer Flowers

24th FEBRUARY 2017, FINLAND - Sound of Silence

27th FEBRUARY 2017, FÆR ØER - River Skorá

27th FEBRUARY 2017, FÆR ØER - Lakes in the Faroe Islands: Leitisvatn & Sørvágsvatn

27th FEBRUARY 2017, FÆR ØER - The Eider (Somateria mollissima faeroensis)

27th FEBRUARY 2017, FÆR ØER - Natural Dye

14th MARCH 2017, ALAND - Multicultural Aland

16th MARCH 2017, SWEDEN - Europa 2017, Slott

16th MARCH 2017, SWEDEN - Fjärilar

27th APRIL 2017, ICELAND - Tourist Stamps VI

27th APRIL 2017, ICELAND - Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, Natural Baths in Iceland

9th MAY 2017, ALAND - Europa 2017, Castles

9th MAY 2017, FINLAND - Arktika

15th MAY 2017, FÆR ØER - Europa 2017, Castles

15th MAY 2017, FÆR ØER - Hans Christian Lyngbye, Danish Botanist

24th MAY 2017, ALAND - Finnish Traditions, Sauna (Finland Joint Issue)

24th MAY 2017, FINLAND - Finnish Traditions, Sauna (Aland Joint Issue)

15th JUNE 2017, DENMARK - Summer Houses

17th MAY 2018, DENMARK - NORDEN 2018, Fishes

28th MAY 2018, ALAND - Beekeeping

6th JUNE 2018, FINLAND - Tastes from Finland

6th JUNE 2018, FINLAND - NORDEN 2018, Fish

15th JUNE 2018, NORWAY - The Norwegian Tourist Association 150 Years

15th JUNE 2018, NORWAY - Fløibanen 100 Years

23rd AUGUST 2018, SWEDEN - Good Luck!

23rd AUGUST 2018, SWEDEN - Forest Animals

6th SEPTEMBER 2018, DENMARK - Wild Food

12th SEPTEMBER 2018, FINLAND - National Urban Parks

12th SEPTEMBER 2018, FINLAND - Climate Change (heat-pressed ink changing color when touched with a finger)

13th SEPTEMBER 2018, ICELAND - The Akranes Tractor

13th SEPTEMBER 2018, ICELAND - SEPAC 2018, Spectacular Views

13th SEPTEMBER 2018, ICELAND - Iceland's Seabed Ecosystem III

9th OCTOBER 2018, ALAND - Christmas 2018

1st NOVEMBER 2018, ALAND - Pigs

1st NOVEMBER 2018, SWEDEN - Vinterfåglar (Winter Birds)

7th NOVEMBER 2018, FINLAND - Snow Berries

7th NOVEMBER 2018, FINLAND - Christmas 2018

9th NOVEMBER 2018, NORWAY - Christmas 2018

4th JANUARY 2019, NORWAY - Antarktis

4th JANUARY 2019, NORWAY - Oslo European Green Capital 2019

10th JANUARY 2019, SWEDEN - Handicrafts

10th JANUARY 2019, SWEDEN - Tulips

7th FEBRUARY 2018, ICELAND - Icelandic Contemporary Design IX, Landscape Architecture

7th FEBRUARY 2018, ICELAND - Republic of Iceland, 75th Anniversary

7th FEBRUARY 2018, ICELAND - Municipality of Vestmannaeyjar, 100th Anniversary

15th FEBRUARY 2019, NORWAY - 50 Years as an Oil Nation
27th FEBRUARY 2017, FÆR ØER - Lakes in the Faroe Islands: Leitisvatn & Sørvágsvatn

27th FEBRUARY 2017, FÆR ØER - The Eider (Somateria mollissima faeroensis)
27th FEBRUARY 2017, FÆR ØER - Natural Dye
14th MARCH 2017, ALAND - Multicultural Aland

16th MARCH 2017, SWEDEN - Europa 2017, Slott

16th MARCH 2017, SWEDEN - Fjärilar

27th APRIL 2017, ICELAND - Tourist Stamps VI

27th APRIL 2017, ICELAND - Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, Natural Baths in Iceland

9th MAY 2017, ALAND - Europa 2017, Castles

9th MAY 2017, FINLAND - Arktika

15th MAY 2017, FÆR ØER - Europa 2017, Castles

15th MAY 2017, FÆR ØER - Hans Christian Lyngbye, Danish Botanist

24th MAY 2017, ALAND - Finnish Traditions, Sauna (Finland Joint Issue)

24th MAY 2017, FINLAND - Finnish Traditions, Sauna (Aland Joint Issue)

15th JUNE 2017, DENMARK - Summer Houses

16th JUNE 2017, NORWAY - Road World Cycling Championships

24th AUGUST 2017, SWEDEN - Apple Roll Stamps

24th AUGUST 2017, SWEDEN - Äpple

24th AUGUST 2017, SWEDEN - Medicinalväxter

6th SEPTEMBER 2017, FINLAND - Four Seasons

6th SEPTEMBER 2017, FINLAND - National Urban Parks

8th SEPTEMBER 2017, FÆR ØER - The Seven Swans

14th SEPTEMBER 2017, ICELAND - Iceland’s Seabed Ecosystem II

14th SEPTEMBER 2017, ICELAND - Wild Icelandic Vegetation II

15th SEPTEMBER 2017, ALAND - Forest Mammals (booklet)

28th SEPTEMBER 2017, DENMARK - Vinterblomsters

2nd OCTOBER 2017, FÆR ØER - SEPAC 2017, Local Handcrafts

3rd NOVEMBER 2017, FINLAND - Christmas 2017

16th NOVEMBER 2017, SWEDEN - Vinterblommor

16th NOVEMBER 2017, SWEDEN - Julfrimärken

2nd JANUARY 2018, DENMARK - Roses

2nd JANUARY 2018, NORWAY - Fugler

24th JANUARY 2018, FINLAND - Spell of Lapland

24th JANUARY 2018, FINLAND - Friendship Shines a Light

15th FEBRUARY 2018, ICELAND - Centenary of Icelandic Independence and Sovereignty

15th FEBRUARY 2018, ICELAND - Europa 2018, Bridges

16th FEBRUARY 2018, NORWAY - Bouvet Island

26th FEBRUARY 2018, FÆR ØER - Lakes in the Faroe Islands, Sandsvatn & Toftavatn

26th FEBRUARY 2018, FÆR ØER - Seabird Fowling

26th FEBRUARY 2018, FÆR ØER - Flies

28th FEBRUARY 2018, FINLAND - Endangered Species II

13th MARCH 2018, ALAND - Nordic, Fishes

20th APRIL 2018, NORWAY - NORDEN 2018, Perch

20th APRIL 2018, NORWAY - Europa 2018, Bridges

23rd APRIL 2018, FÆR ØER - Fuglafjørður Municipality 100 Years

23rd APRIL 2018, FÆR ØER - Europa 2018, Bridges

23rd APRIL 2018, FÆR ØER - SEPAC 2018, Tórshavn's Campground

23rd APRIL 2018, FÆR ØER - NORDEN 2018, Mackerel

26th APRIL 2018, ICELAND - The Young of Iceland‘s Domestic Animals II

26th APRIL 2018, ICELAND - Tourist stamps VII, Caving & Kayaking

26th APRIL 2018, ICELAND - Eggert Ólafsson 250th Anniversary

26th APRIL 2018, ICELAND - Siglufjörður 100th Anniversary

26th APRIL 2018, ICELAND - NORDIA 2018

3rd MAY 2018, SWEDEN - Nature's Pantry (2x booklet)

3rd MAY 2018, SWEDEN - NORDEN 2018, Nordic Fish (set+coil)

9th MAY 2018, ALAND - SEPAC 2018, Spectacular Views

9th MAY 2018, FINLAND - Europa 2018, Bridges

24th AUGUST 2017, SWEDEN - Apple Roll Stamps

24th AUGUST 2017, SWEDEN - Äpple

24th AUGUST 2017, SWEDEN - Medicinalväxter

6th SEPTEMBER 2017, FINLAND - Four Seasons

6th SEPTEMBER 2017, FINLAND - National Urban Parks

8th SEPTEMBER 2017, FÆR ØER - The Seven Swans

14th SEPTEMBER 2017, ICELAND - Day of the Stamp, 250 Years of Foreign Expeditions and Traveling to Iceland

14th SEPTEMBER 2017, ICELAND - Iceland’s Seabed Ecosystem II

14th SEPTEMBER 2017, ICELAND - Wild Icelandic Vegetation II

15th SEPTEMBER 2017, ALAND - Forest Mammals (booklet)

28th SEPTEMBER 2017, DENMARK - Vinterblomsters

2nd OCTOBER 2017, FÆR ØER - SEPAC 2017, Local Handcrafts
3rd NOVEMBER 2017, FINLAND - Christmas 2017

16th NOVEMBER 2017, SWEDEN - Vinterblommor

16th NOVEMBER 2017, SWEDEN - Julfrimärken

2nd JANUARY 2018, DENMARK - Roses

2nd JANUARY 2018, NORWAY - Fugler

24th JANUARY 2018, FINLAND - Spell of Lapland

24th JANUARY 2018, FINLAND - Friendship Shines a Light

15th FEBRUARY 2018, ICELAND - Centenary of Icelandic Independence and Sovereignty

15th FEBRUARY 2018, ICELAND - Europa 2018, Bridges

16th FEBRUARY 2018, NORWAY - Bouvet Island

26th FEBRUARY 2018, FÆR ØER - Lakes in the Faroe Islands, Sandsvatn & Toftavatn
26th FEBRUARY 2018, FÆR ØER - Seabird Fowling

26th FEBRUARY 2018, FÆR ØER - Flies

28th FEBRUARY 2018, FINLAND - Endangered Species II

13th MARCH 2018, ALAND - Nordic, Fishes

20th APRIL 2018, NORWAY - NORDEN 2018, Perch

20th APRIL 2018, NORWAY - Europa 2018, Bridges

23rd APRIL 2018, FÆR ØER - Fuglafjørður Municipality 100 Years
23rd APRIL 2018, FÆR ØER - Europa 2018, Bridges
23rd APRIL 2018, FÆR ØER - SEPAC 2018, Tórshavn's Campground
23rd APRIL 2018, FÆR ØER - NORDEN 2018, Mackerel
26th APRIL 2018, ICELAND - The Young of Iceland‘s Domestic Animals II

26th APRIL 2018, ICELAND - Tourist stamps VII, Caving & Kayaking

26th APRIL 2018, ICELAND - Eggert Ólafsson 250th Anniversary

26th APRIL 2018, ICELAND - Siglufjörður 100th Anniversary

26th APRIL 2018, ICELAND - NORDIA 2018

3rd MAY 2018, SWEDEN - Nature's Pantry (2x booklet)

3rd MAY 2018, SWEDEN - NORDEN 2018, Nordic Fish (set+coil)

9th MAY 2018, ALAND - SEPAC 2018, Spectacular Views

9th MAY 2018, FINLAND - Europa 2018, Bridges

17th MAY 2018, DENMARK - NORDEN 2018, Fishes

28th MAY 2018, ALAND - Beekeeping

6th JUNE 2018, FINLAND - Tastes from Finland

6th JUNE 2018, FINLAND - NORDEN 2018, Fish
15th JUNE 2018, NORWAY - The Norwegian Tourist Association 150 Years

15th JUNE 2018, NORWAY - Fløibanen 100 Years

23rd AUGUST 2018, SWEDEN - Good Luck!

23rd AUGUST 2018, SWEDEN - Forest Animals

6th SEPTEMBER 2018, DENMARK - Wild Food

12th SEPTEMBER 2018, FINLAND - National Urban Parks

12th SEPTEMBER 2018, FINLAND - Climate Change (heat-pressed ink changing color when touched with a finger)

13th SEPTEMBER 2018, ICELAND - The Akranes Tractor

13th SEPTEMBER 2018, ICELAND - NORDEN 2018, Nordic Fish, Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) & Capelin (Mallotus villosus)

13th SEPTEMBER 2018, ICELAND - SEPAC 2018, Spectacular Views

13th SEPTEMBER 2018, ICELAND - Iceland's Seabed Ecosystem III

9th OCTOBER 2018, ALAND - Christmas 2018

1st NOVEMBER 2018, ALAND - Pigs

1st NOVEMBER 2018, SWEDEN - Vinterfåglar (Winter Birds)

7th NOVEMBER 2018, FINLAND - Snow Berries

7th NOVEMBER 2018, FINLAND - Christmas 2018

9th NOVEMBER 2018, NORWAY - Christmas 2018

4th JANUARY 2019, NORWAY - Antarktis

4th JANUARY 2019, NORWAY - Oslo European Green Capital 2019

10th JANUARY 2019, SWEDEN - Handicrafts

10th JANUARY 2019, SWEDEN - Tulips

7th FEBRUARY 2018, ICELAND - Icelandic Contemporary Design IX, Landscape Architecture

7th FEBRUARY 2018, ICELAND - Republic of Iceland, 75th Anniversary

7th FEBRUARY 2018, ICELAND - Municipality of Vestmannaeyjar, 100th Anniversary

15th FEBRUARY 2019, NORWAY - 50 Years as an Oil Nation

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