Italy, Malta, Monaco, San Marino, Spain, Spanish Andorra, SMOM, Switzerland, Vatican
!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!
2nd JANUARY 2013, MONACO - Le Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo 2013

3rd JANUARY 2013, SPAIN - International Year of Water Cooperation
2nd JANUARY 2013, MONACO - Le Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo 2013
3rd JANUARY 2013, SPAIN - International Year of Water Cooperation

7th FEBRUARY 2013, MONACO - Les Terrasses du Casino de Monte-Carlo
7th MARCH 2013, SWITZERLAND - 500th Anniversary of AR & AI in the Confederation

7th MARCH 2013, SWITZERLAND - 150th Anniversary of the Swiss Alpine Club

7th MARCH 2013, SWITZERLAND - 100th Anniversary of the Loetschberg Railway

4th MAY 2013, SPAIN - Bridges, Puente dos Santos, River Ribadeo

7th MAY 2013, SWITZERLAND - Flowered Vegetables; 130: Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L., SOLANACEAE); 220: Leek (Allium ampeloprasum L., AMARYLLIDACEAE)

7th MAY 2013, SWITZERLAND - White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

3rd JUNE 2013, SPAIN - Marine Fauna; upsx: Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus); updx: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus); dwsx: Monk Seal (Monachus monachus); dwdx: Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)

5th JUNE 2013, MONACO - Sepac, Le Goéland (Larus michahellis)
5th JUNE 2013, MONACO - Le Charançon Monégasque (Otiorhyncus monoecirupis)

8th JUNE 2013, MONACO - Les Requins; 0,63sx: Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvieri); 0,63dx: Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias); 1,05up: Blacktip Shark (Carcharhinus limbatus); 1,05dw: Whale Shark (Rhyncodon typus)
18th JUNE 2013, SPAIN - Bridegs; sx: Puente del Tajo,River Guadailevin, Mailaga; dx: Puente de Piedra, River Ebro, Logrono

20th JUNE 2013, SPAIN - Bridges; 1: Bridge of Sancho el Mayor, River Ebro, Navarra; 2: River Carria, Palencia

11th JULY 2013, ITALY, Italian Artistic and Cultural Heritage - Sacred Hermitage of Camaldoli, Foreste Casentinesi National Park

20th AUGUST 2013, MALTA - Harbours (Curaçao Joint Issue)

5th SEPTEMBER 2013, SWITZERLAND - Restoration

25th SEPTEMBER 2013, SPAIN - Bridges; Puente Ingeniero Carlos Fernández Casado, Leon

25th SEPTEMBER 2013, SPAIN - Bridges; 2: Puente del Pilar, Zaragoza, Rive Ebro; 3,10: Puente Romano, Mérida, River Guadiana

8th OCTOBER 2013, SPAIN - Mushrooms: Yellow-stainer (Agaricus xanthodermus), Panther Cap (Amanita pantherina), Scotch Bonnet (Marasmius oreades)

9th OCTOBER 2013, SAN MARINO - 50th Anniversary oh the Italian Centre of Topical Philately

9th OCTOBER 2013, SPAIN - Bridges: Puente de Frias, Burgos, River Ebro

18th OCTOBER 2013, MALTA - Maltex Exhibition 2013

12th NOVEMBER 2013, SPAIN - Sport for Everyone: Long-distance Running, Bicycle touring and Hiking

14th NOVEMBER 2013, SPAIN - 400th Anniversary of Relations between Spain and Japan (Japan Joint Issue); sx: Cranesbill (Geranium spp., GERANIACEAE); dx: Thunberg's Bushclover (Lespedeza thunbergii (DC.) Nakai, FABACEAE)

14th NOVEMBER 2013, SWITZERLAND - Matter Valley

14th NOVEMBER 2013, SWITZERLAND - Christmas

16th NOVEMBER 2013, ITALY - Tourism; 1: the chalky sandstone cliff of San Leo (Romagna Apennines, Rimini); 2: Scanno (Monti Marsicani, L'Aquila); 3: Tropea (Sila Apennines, Tyrrhenian Sea, Vibo Valentia); 4: Ponza (Pontine Archipelago, Tyrrhenian Sea, Latina)

4th DECEMBER 2013, ITALY - Birds of the Alps; Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta), Grey-headed Woodpecker (Picus canus), Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus), Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)

5th DECEMBER 2013, MONACO - Grand Prix International de la Philatelie 2013 (on the background 'La Tête de Chien')

6th JANUARY 2014, MONACO - 38e Festival International du Cirque de Monte Carlo

3rd FEBRUARY 2014, SPAIN - Collectables (0,10: minerals)

6th FEBRUARY 2014, SPAIN - Rural Architecture (La Mancha Hills, Asturian Hills, Ebro Delta)

6th JANUARY 2014, MONACO - 38e Festival International du Cirque de Monte Carlo

5th FEBRUARY 2014, MONACO - Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters 2014 (into the foreground: Maritime Pine, Pinus pinaster Aiton)

3rd FEBRUARY 2014, SPAIN - Collectables (0,10: minerals)

6th FEBRUARY 2014, SPAIN - Rural Architecture (La Mancha Hills, Asturian Hills, Ebro Delta)

6th FEBRUARY 2014, SWITZERLAND - 150y of Establishment Diplomatic Relations between Switzerland and Japan, Mount Fiji & Samnaun Valley (Japan Joint Issue)

27th FEBRUARY 2014, SPAIN - Exfilna 2014

6th MARCH 2014, SWITZERLAND - International Year of Crystallography

6th MARCH 2014, SWITZERLAND - 100y of Swiss National Park

6th MARCH 2014, SWITZERLAND - 100y of Swiss Air Force

6th FEBRUARY 2014, SWITZERLAND - Mushrooms

10th MARCH 2014, SPAIN - 50 Aniversario de la Fundación SEPI

17th MARCH 2014, SAN MARINO - 25th Anniversary of Soroptimist International (with Quercus spp.)

21st MARCH 2014, ITALY - Renewable Energy

1st APRIL 2014, MONACO - Diane au Bain

24th APRIL 2014, SPAIN - Spanish Gastronomy (3,15sx: Mandarin Orange, Citrus reticulata; issue together with another 2-stamps souvenir sheet)

30th APRIL 2014, SPAIN - Marca España, Sol

8th MAY 2014, SPAIN - Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad

8th MAY 2014, SWITZERLAND - 125th Anniversary of the Pilatus Ski Lift System

14th FEBRUARY 2014, SPAIN - VIII Centenario de la Peregrinación de San Francisco de Asís a Santiago de Compostela (with the scallop Pecten jacobaeus)

27th FEBRUARY 2014, SPAIN - Exfilna 2014

6th MARCH 2014, SWITZERLAND - International Year of Crystallography

6th MARCH 2014, SWITZERLAND - 100y of Swiss National Park

6th MARCH 2014, SWITZERLAND - 100y of Swiss Air Force

6th FEBRUARY 2014, SWITZERLAND - Mushrooms

10th MARCH 2014, SPAIN - 50 Aniversario de la Fundación SEPI

17th MARCH 2014, SAN MARINO - 25th Anniversary of Soroptimist International (with Quercus spp.)

21st MARCH 2014, ITALY - Renewable Energy

1st APRIL 2014, MONACO - Diane au Bain

24th APRIL 2014, SPAIN - Spanish Gastronomy (3,15sx: Mandarin Orange, Citrus reticulata; issue together with another 2-stamps souvenir sheet)

30th APRIL 2014, SPAIN - Marca España, Sol

8th MAY 2014, SPAIN - Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad

8th MAY 2014, SWITZERLAND - 125th Anniversary of the Pilatus Ski Lift System

8th MAY 2014, SWITZERLAND - Alternative Energy

9th MAY 2014, ITALY - Europa 2014, National Music Instruments

15th MAY 2014, MALTA - Anniversaries 2014

23rd MAY 2014, ITALY - Italian Natural and Landscape Heritage

9th MAY 2014, ITALY - Europa 2014, National Music Instruments

15th MAY 2014, MALTA - Anniversaries 2014

23rd MAY 2014, ITALY - Italian Natural and Landscape Heritage

5th JUNE 2014, ITALY - 75° Anniversario della Convenzione di Amicizia e Buon Vicinato fra la Repubblica di San Marino e la Repubblica Italiana (San Marino Joint Issue)

5th JUNE 2014, SAN MARINO - 75° Anniversario della Convenzione di Amicizia e Buon Vicinato fra la Repubblica di San Marino e la Repubblica Italiana (Italy Joint Issue)

10th JUNE 2014, MONACO - Musée Océanographique de Monaco: Requins, au-delà du Malentendu

14th JUNE 2014, MONACO - Sepac 2014

20th JUNE 2014, SPAIN - Cuerpo de Ingenieros Agrónomos del Estado

25th JUNE 2014, MONACO - Prefranked Stamp, Scorpionfish (Scorpaena scrofa)

25th JUNE 2014, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Saint John the Baptist, Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

27th JUNE 2014, MALTA - Maltese Flora
1st JULY 2014, ITALY - Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

9th JULY 2014, MALTA - Euromed 2014, The Mediterranean Sea (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Monaco, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey Joint Issue)

12th JULY 2014, MONACO - Association Baby & Nepal

12th JULY 2014, MONACO - Les Espèces Patrimoniales Monégasques : le Caroubier (Ceratonia siliqua L., Fabaceae)

17th JULY 2014, SPAIN - Vehículos de Época

19th JULY 2014, ITALY - Tourism 2014

7th AUGUST 2014, ITALY - 40th Anniversary of AGESCI (Italian Catholic Scout Association)

1st SEPTEMBER 2014, ITALY - 400th Anniversary of the Newspaper 'Gazzetta di Mantova': Mantova and the Mincio River

4th SEPTEMBER 2014, SWITZERLAND - Wild Animals

4th SEPTEMBER 2014, SWITZERLAND - Garfield

15th SEPTEMBER 2014, SPANISH ANDORRA - Any Internacional de Agricultura Familiar, el Cultiu del Tabac

20th SEPTEMBER 2014, SPAIN - Fauna Protegida

1st OCTOBER 2014, SPAIN - Culturas Antiguas, Menorca Talayótica

9th OCTOBER 2014, ITALY - Vajont Foundation, For the Ecological Problems of the Alps

24th OCTOBER 2014, ITALY - Italian Artistic and Cultural Heritage

7th NOVEMBER 2014, MALTA - Nurse of the Mediterranean 1914-1918

7th NOVEMBER 2014, SPAIN - Valores Cívico Escolares, Platero y Yo

13th NOVEMBER 2014, SWITZERLAND - Landscapes, Emmental

13th NOVEMBER 2014, SWITZERLAND - Stamp Day, Saignelégier

13th NOVEMBER 2014, SWITZERLAND - Pro Juventute 2014 (3v set)

21st NOVEMBER 2014, VATICAN CITY STATE - 450th Anniversary of the Birth of William Shakespeare

22nd NOVEMBER 2014, ITALY - Wines III

29th NOVEMBER 2014, ITALY - Italian Top Manufacturing: Callipo Tuna & Florence Straw

15th DECEMBER 2014, ITALY - 100th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Mercalli, Seismologist & Vulcanologist

5th JANUARY 2015, SPAIN - Efemérides, 75 Aniversario del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

7th JANUARY 2015, MONACO - 39e Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo

13th JANUARY 2015, ITALY - 100th Anniversary of the Earthquake in Marsica

14th JANUARY 2015, MONACO - Les Films de Grace Kelly, le Cygne

21st JANUARY 2015, MONACO - Le Parc Princesse Antoinette

21st JANUARY 2015, MONACO - Les Espèces Patrimoniales, l'Herbier de Posidonie

26th JANUARY 2015, ITALY - 2015 International Year of Light

5th FEBRUARY 2015, MONACO - Concours International de Bouquets

9th FEBRUARY 2015, SPANISH ANDORRA - Fauna: 'Isard' or 'Rebeco' (Rupicapra pyrenaica)

14th FEBRUARY 2015, MALTA - Maltese Flora II
19th FEBRUARY 2015, ITALY - Floranga 2015, Floral Expo

19th FEBRUARY 2015, VATICAN CITY STATE - International Year of Light

25th FEBRUARY 2015, MONACO - Les Meduses (Jellyfish)

5th MARCH 2015, SWITZERLAND - The Rhine Falls near Schaffhausen

5th MARCH 2015, SWITZERLAND - Pets

5th MARCH 2015, SWITZERLAND - Ammonite
10th MARCH 2015, SAN MARINO - Expo Milano 2015: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life

30th MARCH 2015, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Ancient Geographic Maps

10th APRIL 2015, ITALY - Tourism 2015

21st APRIL 2015, MALTA - Reprint of €0.01, €0.02 and €0.05 stamps of the Definitive Issue 2009

24th APRIL 2015, ITALY - Italian Manufacturing, Liquor Fernet Branca

25th APRIL 2015, MALTA - Commemorating the ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) Centenary

27th APRIL 2015, SPAIN - Patrimonio Mundial, Cueva de Altamira

4th MAY 2015, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - International Year of Light

7th MAY 2015, SPAIN - Dinosaurios

7th MAY 2015, SWITZERLAND - 56th International Art Exhibition 'La Biennale di Venezia' (Skin Tone Flock Stamps)

7th MAY 2015, SWITZERLAND - 75th Anniversary of Swiss Sponsorship for Mountain Communities

9th MAY 2015, MALTA - Europa 2015, Old Toys (2v set)

19th MAY 2015, VATICAN CITY STATE - Europa 2015, Old Toys

27th MAY 2015, ITALY - Museo Archeologico Nazionale della Sibaritide

3rd JUNE 2015, SPAIN - Programa Mundial de Alimentos
6th JUNE 2015, ITALY - Vignola's Cherry

14th JUNE 2015, ITALY - Blood Donation

15th JUNE 2015, MONACO - Les Anciens Fiefs des Grimaldi en Normandie

26th JUNE 2015, SPAIN - International Year of Soil
1st JULY 2015, MONACO - 50 Millions de Visiteurs au Musée Océanographique de Monaco

3rd JULY 2015, ITALY - Expo Milano 2015

3rd JULY 2015, ITALY - Expo Milano 2015

8th JULY 2015, SPANISH ANDORRA - Diversidad Andorrana, Comunitat Anglesa

11th JULY 2015, MONACO - 10 Ans de Règne de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II

19th JULY 2015, SPAIN - Efemérides, 61 Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía

21st JULY 2015, SPAIN - Fauna Protegida II

25th JULY 2015, ITALY - Dolomites

28th JULY 2015, SPAIN - Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad (2v)

1st AUGUST 2015, ITALY - Italian Folklore: Palio of the Gulf in La Spezia

12th AUGUST 2015, ITALY - National Parks & Gardens

3rd SEPTEMBER 2015, MONACO - Monacophil 2015, Polar Philately

3rd SEPTEMBER 2015, SWITZERLAND - Special Events

3rd SEPTEMBER 2015, SWITZERLAND - Defintive, Lac de Tanay (reprint)

25th SEPTEMBER 2015, SPAIN - Gastronomia, Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas de Galicia
10th OCTOBER 2015, ITALY - Wines 2015


15th OCTOBER 2015, ITALY - Philatelic Exhibition 'The Great War'

15th OCTOBER 2015, SPANISH ANDORRA - Arquitectura del Granit

23rd OCTOBER 2015, MALTA - Maltex 2015 Stamp Exhibition

23rd OCTOBER 2015, SAN MARINO - Christmas (3v set)

24th OCTOBER 2015, ITALY - Philately Day (3v)

29th OCTOBER 2015, SPAIN - Arquitectura Rural

31st OCTOBER 2015, ITALY - Truffles

12th NOVEMBER 2015, SWITZERLAND - Stamp Day 2015

19th NOVEMBER 2015, VATICAN CITY STATE - 1400th Anniversary of the Death of Saint Colombano from Bobbio

19th NOVEMBER 2015, VATICAN CITY STATE - Christmas 2015 (issued as 10x minisheets & 4x booklets)

19th NOVEMBER 2015, VATICAN CITY STATE - The Beginning of the Holy Year of Mercy (issued as 10x minisheets)

27th NOVEMBER 2015, ITALY - 'San Giovanni Battista' Hospital in Rome (Sovereign Military Order of Malta Joint Issue)

27th NOVEMBER 2015, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - 'San Giovanni Battista' Hospital in Rome (Italy Joint Issue)

3rd DECEMBER 2015, MONACO - The Princess Charlene of Monaco Rose

3rd DECEMBER 2015, MONACO - Monacophil 2015, Arctic Expedition of Prince Albert I to Spitsbergen

2nd JANUARY 2016, SPAIN - Tourism

5th JANUARY 2016, MONACO - 40e Festival International du Cirque de Monte Carlo

14th JANUARY 2016, SPAIN - Efemérides, Milenio del Reino de Almería

22nd JANUARY 2016, MALTA - Maltese Flora Series III

1st FEBRUARY 2016, VATICAN CITY STATE - Jubilee of Mercy

1st FEBRUARY 2016, VATICAN CITY STATE - 51th International Eucharistic Congress

3rd FEBRUARY 2016, MONACO - Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse Lillehammer 2016

3rd FEBRUARY 2016, MONACO - Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters

5th FEBRUARY 2016, MONACO - La Roseraie Princesse Grace

5th FEBRUARY 2016, MONACO - Les Especes Patrimoniales: le Corb (Sciaena umbra)

10th MARCH 2016, SAN MARINO - Europa 2015, Think Green

10th MARCH 2016, SPAIN - Museums

1st APRIL 2016, MONACO - Musée Océanographique de Monaco, la Grande Odyssée des Tortues Marines, Vie d'une Caretta caretta en Méditerranée

5th APRIL 2016, SPAIN - Efemérides,100 Años Primera Ley Parques Nacionales

11th APRIL 2016, ITALY - Wines IV

15th APRIL 2016, MALTA - WWF, Endangered Species

22nd APRIL 2016, ITALY - 50th Anniversary of WWF Italy

22nd APRIL 2016, SPAIN - Europa 2016, Think Green

22nd APRIL 2016, SPANISH ANDORRA - Europa 2016, Think Green

25th APRIL 2016, SPAIN - Camino de Santiago

29th APRIL 2016, MONACO - Concours International de Bouquets

9th MAY 2016, ITALY - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, MALTA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, MONACO - Europa 2016, Think Green


10th MAY 2016, VATICAN CITY STATE - Europa 2016, Think Green

12th MAY 2016, SWITZERLAND - Europa 2016, Think Green

12th MAY 2016, SWITZERLAND - Lake Constance

12th MAY 2016, SWITZERLAND - Nocturnal Animals

12th MAY 2016, SWITZERLAND - Pro Patria 2016

12th MAY 2016, SWITZERLAND - Gotthard 2016

14th MAY 2016, ITALY - Alghero's Red Coral

23rd MAY 2016, SPAIN - Efemérides, Defensa y Promoción Patrimonio Cultural y Natural

9th JUNE 2016, SPAIN - Gastronomía, las Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas de Castilla-La Mancha
21st JUNE 2016, MALTA - SEPAC 2016, Seasons

24th JUNE 2016, MONACO - SEPAC 2016, Seasons

24th JUNE 2016, MONACO - Centenaire des Premières Fouilles Réalisées à la Grotte de l’Observatoire du Jardin Exotique de Monaco

30th JUNE 2016, MONACO - 10 Ans de la Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco

30th JUNE 2016, MONACO - Bloc 10 Ans de la Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco

30th JUNE 2016, SPAIN - Dinousaurios II

8th JULY 2016, SPANISH ANDORRA - Diversitat Andorrana, Comunitat Francesa

9th JULY 2016, MALTA - Euromed 2016, Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea, Common Dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus)

18th JULY 2016, SPAIN - Fauna Protegida

26th JULY 2016, ITALY - Slow Food Italy 30th Anniversary

27th JULY 2016, SWITZERLAND - Solar Impulse

6th AUGUST 2016, ITALY - Tourism 2016

8th SEPTEMBER 2016, SPANISH ANDORRA - Ramon Llull, 'The Tree of Science'

8th SEPTEMBER 2016, SWITZERLAND - Compulsory Social Measures and Forced Fostering


8th SEPTEMBER 2016, SWITZERLAND - Verzasca Valley

13th SEPTEMBER 2016, VATICAN CITY STATE - 800th Anniversary of the Death of Pope Innocentius III

15th SEPTEMBER 2016, MONACO - WWF, Girelle Paon (Thalassoma pavo)

24th SEPTEMBER 2016, ITALY - 300th Anniversary of the Delimitation of the Wine Region Borders by Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany

26th SEPTEMBER 2016, SPAIN - 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Antonio de Ulloa, Explorer & Scientist

1st OCTOBER 2016, ITALY - Speck Alto Adige IGP

3rd OCTOBER 2016, ITALY - 160 Years of the Rice 'Gallo'

10th OCTOBER 2016, SPAIN - Arquitectura Rural, la Noria, el Cortijo Andaluz y el Cigarral

14th OCTOBER 2016, SPANISH ANDORRA - Arquitectura del Granit, Clinica Vilanova

18th OCTOBER 2016, MALTA - Malta - San Marino Joint Issue

18th OCTOBER 2016, SAN MARINO - San Marino - Malta Joint Issue

18th OCTOBER 2016, SAN MARINO - Christmas 2016

18th OCTOBER 2016, SAN MARINO - Street Art

21st OCTOBER 2016, ITALY - Stamp Day 2016

4th NOVEMBER 2016, ITALY - The 'Mud Angels', Florence Flood 1966-2016


17th NOVEMBER 2016, SWITZERLAND - Switzerland-Dominican Republic Joint Issue

17th NOVEMBER 2016, SWITZERLAND - Tag der Briefmarken 2016

17th NOVEMBER 2016, VATICAN CITY STATE - Iubilaeum Misericordiae

18th NOVEMBER 2016, ITALY - 130th Anniversary of 'De Cecco' Pasta Manufacturing

18th NOVEMBER 2016, MALTA - Christmas 2016

5th DECEMBER 2016, ITALY - Leonardo Ximènes 1716-1786, Astronomer & Environmental Engineer


2nd JANUARY 2017, SPAIN - 12 meses 12 sellos, Guadalajara

3rd JANUARY 2017, MONACO - 41e Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo

17th JANUARY 2017, SPAIN - Año Internacional del Turismo Sostenible para el Desarrollo

20th JANUARY 2017, SPAIN - Huelva, Capital Española de la Gastronomía 2017

30th JANUARY 2017, SPAIN - Actividad Antártica Española. B.A.E.Gabriel de Castilla

1st FEBRUARY 2017, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Cádiz

9th FEBRUARY 2017, MONACO - Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters

24th FEBRUARY 2017, MALTA - Maltese Flora IV

24th FEBRUARY 2017, SPANISH ANDORRA - Diversitat Andorrana, Comunitat Argentina

1st MARCH 2017, ITALY - Baccalà alla Vicentina

1st MARCH 2017, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos: Cáceres

2nd MARCH 2017, SWITZERLAND - 50 Years of Schilthorn-Piz Gloria

2nd MARCH 2017, SWITZERLAND - 200th Anniversary of the Bicycle

2nd MARCH 2017, SWITZERLAND - 200 years of Hergiswil Glass Craftsmanship

2nd MARCH 2017, SWITZERLAND - Baby Animals

7th MARCH 2017, SAN MARINO - Europa 2017, Castles

10th MARCH 2017, SPAIN - Pueblos con Encanto

17th MARCH 2017, SPAIN - Cine Español, Festival de Málaga

21st MARCH 2017, SPAIN - Aviación Humanitaria

22nd MARCH 2017, ITALY - 140th Anniversary of 'Auricchio' Cheese

22nd MARCH 2017, MONACO - Scientific Exploration, Ships

28th APRIL 2017, MONACO - 50e Concours international de Bouquets

2nd MARCH 2017, SWITZERLAND - 200th Anniversary of the Bicycle

2nd MARCH 2017, SWITZERLAND - 200 years of Hergiswil Glass Craftsmanship

2nd MARCH 2017, SWITZERLAND - Baby Animals

7th MARCH 2017, SAN MARINO - Europa 2017, Castles

10th MARCH 2017, SPAIN - Pueblos con Encanto

13th MARCH 2017, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Months of the Year, January-June

17th MARCH 2017, SPAIN - Cine Español, Festival de Málaga

21st MARCH 2017, SPAIN - Aviación Humanitaria

22nd MARCH 2017, ITALY - 140th Anniversary of 'Auricchio' Cheese

22nd MARCH 2017, MONACO - Scientific Exploration, Ships

28th APRIL 2017, MONACO - 50e Concours international de Bouquets

2nd MAY 2017, MONACO - Les Especes Patrimoniales: Corail Rouge (Corallium rubrum) & Campanule à Racine Epaisse (Campanula macrorhiza)

2nd MAY 2017, SPAIN - 12 meses, 12 sellos, Asturias

2nd MAY 2017, SPAIN - 12 meses, 12 sellos, Córdoba

4th MAY 2017, VATICAN CITY STATE - 1950th Anniversary of Saint Peter Martyrdom

8th MAY 2017, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Lions International Centennial

9th MAY 2017, ITALY - Europa 2017, Castles

9th MAY 2017, MONACO - Europa 2017, Castles

10th MAY 2017, SPAIN - Patrimonio Mundial, Monumentos de Oviedo y Reino de Asturias

11th MAY 2017, SWITZERLAND - Churfirsten

11th MAY 2017, SWITZERLAND - 70th Locarno Film Festival

11th MAY 2017, SWITZERLAND - 125 Years of the Brienz Rothorn Railway

16th MAY 2017, MONACO - Expo 2017 Astana, Future Energy

16th MAY 2017, MONACO - Les Jardins Saint-Martin

26th MAY 2017, ITALY - G7 Summit 2017, Taormina, Sicily

1st JUNE 2017, ITALY - 15th Paragliding World Championship

1st JUNE 2017, MONACO - Lions International Centennial

1st JUNE 2017, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Tarragona

5th JUNE 2017, SPAIN - Efemérides, Milenio del Fuero de Nájera

5th JUNE 2017, SPANISH ANDORRA - Fulles d'Arbre, Bedoll

28th JUNE 2017, MALTA - Traditional Handcrafts

3rd JULY 2017, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Las Palmas

8th JULY 2017, SPANISH ANDORRA - Paisatges, Estany d’Encamp

10th JULY 2017, MALTA - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

14th JULY 2017, SPAIN - Patrimonio Mundial, Sitio Dólmenes de Antequera

24th JULY 2017, MONACO - Ecoute Cancer Reconfort

31st JULY 2017, ITALY - Touristic Series 2017

1st AUGUST 2017, SPAIN - 12 meses, 12 sellos, Tenerife

8th AUGUST 2017, SWITZERLAND - Creux du Van

21st AUGUST 2017, MONACO - Les Explorations de Monaco

31st AUGUST 2017, SWTZERLAND - Quince Scent

1st SEPTEMBER 2017, SPAIN - 12 meses, 12 sellos, Illes Balears

9th SEPTEMBER 2017, ITALY - Tourism, Val Gardena Train

14th SEPTEMBER 2017, SPAIN - Maravillas del Mundo Moderno, Machu Picchu

18th SEPTEMBER 2017, MONACO - Armand Lunel

20th SEPTEMBER 2017, SPAIN - D.O. Protegidas, Región de Murcia

26th SEPTEMBER 2017, SAN MARINO - 10th Anniversary of Animal Testing Ban in San Marino

2nd OCTOBER 2017, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Teruel

9th OCTOBER 2017, SPAIN - Arqueología Industrial, Mareómetro de Portugalete

13th OCTOBER 2017, SPAIN - América UPAEP, Lugares Turísticos

14th OCTOBER 2017, SPANISH ANDORRA - Granite Architecture, Arajol Chalet

27th OCTOBER 2017, SPAIN - Patrimonio de la Humanidad, Granada

30th OCTOBER 2017, ITALY - 100 Years of Lions Club International

10th NOVEMBER 2017, SPAIN - Descubridores de Oceania, Luis Vaez de Torres y Pedro Fernández de Quirós

14th NOVEMBER 2017, ITALY - Società Geografica Italiana, 150 Years, 1867-2017

16th NOVEMBER 2017, SWITZERLAND - Zurich Railway Station

16th NOVEMBER 2017, SWITZERLAND - Swiss Cow

23rd NOVEMBER 2017, VATICAN CITY STATE - Journeys of Pope Francis

23rd NOVEMBER 2017, VATICAN CITY STATE - Nativitas 2017 (Monaco Joint Issue)

30th NOVEMBER 2017, Monaco - Nativitas 2017 (Vatican City State Joint Issue)

30th NOVEMBER 2017, MONACO - MonacoPhil 2017, la Philatélie des Amériques

30th NOVEMBER 2017, MONACO - Mérou Brun de Méditerranée, Epinephelus marginatus (timbre préoblitéré)

2nd JANUARY 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Cuenca

2nd JANUARY 2018, SPAIN - Ciencia, Investigación Biomédica en España

3rd JANUARY 2018, MONACO - Festival international du Cirque de Monte-Carlo 2018

9th JANUARY 2018, SPAIN - Tourism

1st FEBRUARY 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Girona

5th FEBRUARY 2018, SPAIN - Disello 2017

1st MARCH 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Madrid

1st MARCH 2018, SWITZERLAND - 75 Years of Swiss Mountain Aid

1st MARCH 2018, SWITZERLAND - 125 Years of Schynige Platte Railway and Wengernalp Railway

1st MARCH 2018, SWITZERLAND - Forest Animals

7th MARCH 2018, MONACO - 51e Concours International de Bouquets

7th MARCH 2018, MONACO - Centre de Soins des Tortues Marines

7th MARCH 2018, MONACO - 50 Ans du Garden Club de Monaco

13th MARCH 2018, SAN MARINO - 110th Anniversary of International Football Club

13th MARCH 2018, SPAIN - Pueblos con Encanto

26th MARCH 2018, SPAIN - Museo Marítimo del Cantábrico

2nd APRIL 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, León

23rd APRIL 2018, SPAIN - Europa 2018, Bridges

30th APRIL 2018, MONACO - Nouveau Centre Botanique du Jardin Exotique

3rd MAY 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Alicante

3rd MAY 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Toledo

16th MAY 2018, ITALY - 50th Anniversary of the Belice Valley Earthquake, Sicily

16th MAY 2018, SPANISH ANDORRA - Donnes Andorranes, Roser Jordana Mallol

17th MAY 2018, SWITZERLAND - 125 Years Stanserhorn Railway

17th MAY 2018, SWITZERLAND - Europa 2018, Bridges

25th MAY 2018, SPANISH ANDORRA - Fulles d’Arbre, Noguer (Juglans regia)

26th MAY 2018, ITALY - 100 Years of 'Maruzzella' Italian Tuna

1st JUNE 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Zamora

2nd MAY 2017, SPAIN - 12 meses, 12 sellos, Córdoba

4th MAY 2017, VATICAN CITY STATE - 1950th Anniversary of Saint Peter Martyrdom

8th MAY 2017, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Lions International Centennial

9th MAY 2017, ITALY - Europa 2017, Castles

9th MAY 2017, MONACO - Europa 2017, Castles

10th MAY 2017, SPAIN - Patrimonio Mundial, Monumentos de Oviedo y Reino de Asturias

11th MAY 2017, SWITZERLAND - Churfirsten

11th MAY 2017, SWITZERLAND - 70th Locarno Film Festival

11th MAY 2017, SWITZERLAND - 125 Years of the Brienz Rothorn Railway

16th MAY 2017, MONACO - Expo 2017 Astana, Future Energy

16th MAY 2017, MONACO - Les Jardins Saint-Martin

26th MAY 2017, ITALY - G7 Summit 2017, Taormina, Sicily

1st JUNE 2017, ITALY - 15th Paragliding World Championship

1st JUNE 2017, MONACO - Lions International Centennial

1st JUNE 2017, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Tarragona

5th JUNE 2017, SPAIN - Efemérides, Milenio del Fuero de Nájera

5th JUNE 2017, SPANISH ANDORRA - Fulles d'Arbre, Bedoll

28th JUNE 2017, MALTA - Traditional Handcrafts

3rd JULY 2017, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Las Palmas

8th JULY 2017, SPANISH ANDORRA - Paisatges, Estany d’Encamp

10th JULY 2017, MALTA - Euromed 2017, Trees of the Mediterranean

14th JULY 2017, SPAIN - Patrimonio Mundial, Sitio Dólmenes de Antequera

24th JULY 2017, MONACO - Ecoute Cancer Reconfort

31st JULY 2017, ITALY - Touristic Series 2017

1st AUGUST 2017, SPAIN - 12 meses, 12 sellos, Tenerife

8th AUGUST 2017, SWITZERLAND - Creux du Van

21st AUGUST 2017, MONACO - Les Explorations de Monaco

31st AUGUST 2017, SWTZERLAND - Quince Scent

1st SEPTEMBER 2017, SPAIN - 12 meses, 12 sellos, Illes Balears

9th SEPTEMBER 2017, ITALY - Tourism, Val Gardena Train

14th SEPTEMBER 2017, SPAIN - Maravillas del Mundo Moderno, Machu Picchu

18th SEPTEMBER 2017, MONACO - Armand Lunel

20th SEPTEMBER 2017, SPAIN - D.O. Protegidas, Región de Murcia

26th SEPTEMBER 2017, SAN MARINO - 10th Anniversary of Animal Testing Ban in San Marino

2nd OCTOBER 2017, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Teruel

3rd OCTOBER 2017, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Nature & Art, Delahaye Watercolor Herbarium Tables

3rd OCTOBER 2017, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Months of the Year, July-December

9th OCTOBER 2017, SPAIN - Arqueología Industrial, Mareómetro de Portugalete

13th OCTOBER 2017, SPAIN - América UPAEP, Lugares Turísticos

14th OCTOBER 2017, SPANISH ANDORRA - Granite Architecture, Arajol Chalet

27th OCTOBER 2017, SPAIN - Patrimonio de la Humanidad, Granada

30th OCTOBER 2017, ITALY - 100 Years of Lions Club International

3rd NOVEMBER 2017, SPANISH ANDORRA - Animals en Art, Bous, Retaule de Sant Miquel de Prats

10th NOVEMBER 2017, SPAIN - Descubridores de Oceania, Luis Vaez de Torres y Pedro Fernández de Quirós

14th NOVEMBER 2017, ITALY - Società Geografica Italiana, 150 Years, 1867-2017

16th NOVEMBER 2017, SWITZERLAND - Zurich Railway Station

16th NOVEMBER 2017, SWITZERLAND - Swiss Cow

22nd NOVEMBER 2017, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Giovannino de' Grassi, Animal Designs, Late XIV Century

23rd NOVEMBER 2017, VATICAN CITY STATE - Journeys of Pope Francis

23rd NOVEMBER 2017, VATICAN CITY STATE - Nativitas 2017 (Monaco Joint Issue)

30th NOVEMBER 2017, Monaco - Nativitas 2017 (Vatican City State Joint Issue)

30th NOVEMBER 2017, MONACO - MonacoPhil 2017, la Philatélie des Amériques

30th NOVEMBER 2017, MONACO - Mérou Brun de Méditerranée, Epinephelus marginatus (timbre préoblitéré)

2nd JANUARY 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Cuenca

2nd JANUARY 2018, SPAIN - Ciencia, Investigación Biomédica en España

3rd JANUARY 2018, MONACO - Festival international du Cirque de Monte-Carlo 2018

9th JANUARY 2018, SPAIN - Tourism

1st FEBRUARY 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Girona

5th FEBRUARY 2018, SPAIN - Disello 2017

1st MARCH 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Madrid

1st MARCH 2018, SWITZERLAND - 75 Years of Swiss Mountain Aid

1st MARCH 2018, SWITZERLAND - 125 Years of Schynige Platte Railway and Wengernalp Railway

1st MARCH 2018, SWITZERLAND - Forest Animals

7th MARCH 2018, MONACO - 51e Concours International de Bouquets

7th MARCH 2018, MONACO - Centre de Soins des Tortues Marines

7th MARCH 2018, MONACO - 50 Ans du Garden Club de Monaco

8th MARCH 2018, ITALY - International Woman Day, Italian Female Genius, Eva Mameli Calvino, Botanist

13th MARCH 2018, SAN MARINO - 110th Anniversary of International Football Club

13th MARCH 2018, SPAIN - Pueblos con Encanto

23rd MARCH 2018, ITALY - 90th Anniversary of the Expedition of the Airship 'Italia' to the North Pole

26th MARCH 2018, SPAIN - Museo Marítimo del Cantábrico

2nd APRIL 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, León

23rd APRIL 2018, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Geocentric Model, the Earth in the Ptolemaic System

23rd APRIL 2018, SPAIN - Europa 2018, Bridges

30th APRIL 2018, MONACO - Nouveau Centre Botanique du Jardin Exotique

3rd MAY 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Alicante

3rd MAY 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Toledo

16th MAY 2018, ITALY - 50th Anniversary of the Belice Valley Earthquake, Sicily

16th MAY 2018, SPANISH ANDORRA - Donnes Andorranes, Roser Jordana Mallol

17th MAY 2018, SWITZERLAND - 125 Years Stanserhorn Railway

17th MAY 2018, SWITZERLAND - Europa 2018, Bridges

25th MAY 2018, SPANISH ANDORRA - Fulles d’Arbre, Noguer (Juglans regia)

26th MAY 2018, ITALY - 100 Years of 'Maruzzella' Italian Tuna

1st JUNE 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Zamora

5th JUNE 2018, SAN MARINO - San Marino Jinja

7th JUNE 2018, MONACO - SEPAC 2018, Spectacular Views

7th JUNE 2018, MONACO - Espèces Patrimoniales, Cormoran Huppé de Méditerranée (Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii)

15th JUNE 2018, ITALY - 150th Anniversary of 'Carpenè-Malvolti' Italian Winery

19th JUNE 2018, MONACO - Le Anciens Fiefs des Grimaldi, Chilly-Mazarin

19th JUNE 2018, MONACO - Arrivée du Premier Train à Monaco 150 Ans

2nd JULY 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Valladolid

5th JULY 2018, SPAIN - Arquitectura Rural, Euromed Postal 2018, Possessió, Mallorca

6th JULY 2018, ITALY - Touristic Series 2018

6th JULY 2018, MONACO - Monaco et l’Océan, de l’Exploration à la Protection

9th JULY 2018, MALTA - Euromed Postal 2018, Houses of the Mediterranean

16th JULY 2018, SPAIN - Tradiciones y Costumbres, Camino de la Lana

25th JULY 2018, SPAIN - Descubridores de Oceanía, Alvaro de Mendaña y Neira

27th JULY 2018, MALTA - Spectacular Views

1st AUGUST 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Malaga

3rd SEPTEMBER 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Navarra

5th SEPTEMBER 2018, VATICAN CITY STATE - 50th Anniversary of the Death of Padre Pio

6th SEPTEMBER 2018, SWITZERLAND - Ferdinand Hodler 1853-1918

6th SEPTEMBER 2018, SWITZERLAND - Ferdinand Hodler 1853-1918

6th SEPTEMBER 2018, SWITZERLAND - Fairy Tales

6th SEPTEMBER 2018, SWITZERLAND - Typical Swiss Countryside, Alpstein

7th SEPTEMBER 2018, MONACO - Exposition 'Princes et Princesses de Monaco'

17th SEPTEMBER 2018, SPANISH ANDORRA - Vista d Andorra i Escaldes des dels Vilars, Josep Moscardó

20th SEPTEMBER 2018, MONACO - Chants Monégasques par le Chœur d'Enfants de l'Académie Rainier III

21st SEPTEMBER 2018, SPAIN - Denominaciónes de Origen Protegida, Casttilla y León

1st OCTOBER 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Sevilla

31st OCTOBER 2018, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA - Nature & Art, Paul de Vos, Concert of Birds

31st OCTOBER 2018, SPAIN - Exfilna 2018

2nd NOVEMBER 2018, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Ávila
5th NOVEMBER 2018, SPAIN - Patrimonio de la Humanidad, Alcalá de Henares

7th NOVEMBER 2018, SPAIN - Flora, Árbol Histórico, El Abuelo

8th NOVEMBER 2018, SPANISH ANDORRA - Christmas 2018

15th NOVEMBER 2018, SWITZERLAND - Christmas 2018

15th NOVEMBER 2018, SWITZERLAND - Stamp Day 2018

15th NOVEMBER 2018, SWITZERLAND - Medicinal Plants

15th NOVEMBER 2018, SWITZERLAND - Fondue

23rd NOVEMBER 2018, MALTA - UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Kyrgyzstan-KEP Joint Issue)

20th DECEMBER 2018, ITALY - 100th Anniversary of 'Carlo Besta' Neurologic Institute

2nd JANUARY 2019, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Huesca

2nd JANUARY 2019, SPAIN - Ingeniería, Canal de Panamá

2nd JANUARY 2019, SPAIN - Año 2019

4th JANUARY 2019, MONACO - Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo

4th JANUARY 2019, MONACO - Fédération Mondiale du Cirque, 10 Ans

9th JANUARY 2019, SPAIN - 2019 Año Internacional de la Tabla Periódica de los Elementos Químicos

23rd JANUARY 2019, SPAIN - Almería 2019, Capital Española Gastronomía

24th JANUARY 2019, SPANISH ANDORRA - Cultura Popular, Crema del Mai

1st FEBRUARY 2019, SPAIN - 12 Meses, 12 Sellos, Badajoz

5th FEBRUARY 2019, MONACO - Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters

18th FEBRUARY 2019, MONACO - Concours International de Bouquets 2019

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