!!! 2013-2018 COMPLETE !!!
19th JANUARY 2013, LITHUANIA - Humans and Nature, Žuvintas Biosphere Reserve; sx: Fox (Vulpes vulpes); md: Bearded Reedling (Panurus biarmicus); dx: Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata)
7th MARCH 2013, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year: Partridge (Perdix perdix)

8th MARCH 2013, LATVIA - Flowers, German Iris (Iris germanica)
6th APRIL 2013, LITHUANIA - The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia), National Bird
12th APRIL 2013, POLAND - Fauna, Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

6th JUNE 2013, ESTONIA - Fauna, Weasel (Mustela nivalis)

7th JUNE 2013, LATVIA - Birds; 35: Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis); 98: Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)

14th JUNE 2013, POLAND - Lighthouses

29th JUNE 2013, LITHUANIA - 90th Anniversary of Klaipeda Port

12th JULY 2013, LATVIA - Pirmajai Pastmarkai Latvijas Teritorijā

18th JULY 2013, POLAND - Polish regional Products, Strawberry (Fragaria)

16th AUGUST 2013, POLAND - Priority and economic stamps in circulation for registered mail

7th SEPTEMBER 2013, LITHUANIA - The Red Book of Lithuania: Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) and Tawny Pipit (Anthus campestris)

20th SEPTEMBER 2013, POLAND - Minerals

30th SEPTEMBER 2013, POLAND - Priority and economic stamps in circulation for registered mail

18th OCTOBER 2013, POLAND - Priority and economic stamps in circulation for registered mail
18th OCTOBER 2013, POLAND - World Day of Post, 455 years of Polish Post (Dendrochronology)

30th OCTOBER 2013, LATVIA - Health Protection

30th OCTOBER 2013, LATVIA - Health Protection

8th NOVEMBER 2013, LATVIA - 100th Anniversary (2018) of the Republic of Latvia

29th NOVEMBER 2013, POLAND - Endangered Species of Spiders in Poland; 1,60 : Argiope braennichi; 2,35: Atypus moralis; 2,80: Eresus kallari; 4,55: Phyloeus chrysops

2nd JANUARY 2014, LATVIA - Flowers

10th FEBRUARY 2014, POLAND - Animals in Polish Zoos (postal stationeries)

5th MARCH 2014, ESTONIA - Definitive, Town Võru Coat of Arms (selfadhesive)

6th MARCH 2014, LATVIA - Internationale Briefmarken-Börse, München, 6-8th March 2014 (exhibition postcard)

7th MARCH 2014, LATVIA - Flowers, Tulips (Tulipa spp., LILIACEAE) (issued as 4x minisheets) 
20th MARCH 2014, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year: Eurasian Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

22nd MARCH 2014, LATVIA - Standard Series, Flowers

11th APRIL 2014, POLAND - Polish Gold Medal Winners

2nd MAY 2014, ESTONIA - The European Peacock Butterfly (Inachis io) (issued as sheets and booklets)

18th MAY 2014, POLAND - 70th Anniversary of Monte Cassino Battle

24th MAY 2014, LITHUANIA - Save The Baltic Sea

30th MAY 2014, ESTONIA - Estonian Fauna, Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)

18th JULY 2014, POLAND - Polish Regional Products 2014

25th JULY 2014, POLAND - Spending Free Time (postal stationery)

31st JULY 2014, POLAND - Polish Birds, European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)

23rd AUGUST 2014, POLAND - Arboreta i Ogrody Botaniczne w Polsce (postal stationeries)

25th AUGUST 2014, ESTONIA - 75th Anniversary of the Tallinn Zoo
29th AUGUST 2014, POLAND - Mushrooms of the Polish Woods

11th SEPTEMBER 2014, ESTONIA - Mushrooms, Deadly Fibrecap (Inocybe erubescens)

11th SEPTEMBER 2014, ESTONIA - Definitives, Coat of Arms, Saue

26th SEPTEMBER 2014, POLAND - Street Art

29th SEPTEMBER 2014, POLAND - Alternative Energy

30th SEPTEMBER 2014, POLAND - Meteorological Phoenomena

23rd OCTOBER 2014, LATVIA - Sindelfingen 2014 (postal stationery)

7th NOVEMBER 2014, LATVIA - 100th Anniversary (2018) of the Republic of Latvia

27th NOVEMBER 2014, LATVIA - Christmas (2v series)

4th DECEMBER 2014, LATVIA - The Singing Trees

9th JANUARY 2015, LATVIA - Definitives, Flowers

15th JANUARY 2015, LATVIA - Green Week International Exhibition

17th JANUARY 2015, LITHUANIA - Endangered Animals

19th FEBRUARY 2015, ESTONIA - Chinese New Year, Year of the Sheep

20th FEBRUARY 2015, LATVIA - Latvian Natural History Museum's Unique Exhibits I: Placodermi

6th MARCH 2015, LATVIA - Flowers 2015, Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

12th MARCH 2015, ESTONIA - Protection of the Baltic Sea Natural Environment

7th MAY 2015, LATVIA - Europa Cept 2015, Old Toys (exhibition booklet)

8th MAY 2015, POLAND - 70th Anniversary since the End of the World War II

21st MAY 2015, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year 2015, European Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus)

28th MAY 2015, POLAND - World Fair EXPO 2015 in Milan, Italy

29th MAY 2015, POLAND - Let us to Rush to Love People

4th JUNE 2015, ESTONIA - Different Kind of Estonia

14th JUNE 2015, POLAND - World Blood Donor Day

19th JUNE 2015, POLAND - Lighthouses 2015

20th JUNE 2015, LITHUANIA - Tourism in Lithuania

26th JUNE 2015, LATVIA - Fauna, Birds

26th JUNE 2015, POLAND - Defintives, Flowers

4th JULY 2015, LITHUANIA - Lithuanian Bridges, Kretinga

7th AUGUST 2015, LATVIA - Zodiac Constellations

25th AUGUST 2015, ESTONIA - Estonian Fauna, Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra)

11th SEPTEMBER 2015, POLAND - Enchanted Beauty in the Metal

15th SEPTEMBER 2015, POLAND - Definitives, Flowers

23rd SEPTEMBER 2015, POLAND - Quotations

23rd OCTOBER 2015, POLAND - Polish Birds, Owls

14th NOVEMBER 2015, LITHUANIA - Holy Christmas and New Year

16th NOVEMBER 2015, POLAND - Christmas

2nd DECEMBER 2015, ESTONIA - 150th Anniversary of the Tartu University Meteorologic Observatory

3rd DECEMBER 2015, LATVIA - Christmas 2015

7th DECEMBER 2015, POLAND - Definitives, Flowers & Fruits

21st JANUARY 2016, POLAND - Definitive, Flowers & Fruits, Chaber (Centaurea)

29th JANUARY 2016, LATVIA - Definitives, Flowers

29th JANUARY 2016, LATVIA - Coat of Arms

2nd FEBRUARY 2016, ESTONIA - Estonian Bogs, Raba

8th FEBRUARY 2016, ESTONIA - Lunar New Year 2016, Year of the Monkey

10th FEBRUARY 2016, ESTONIA - Definitives, Coat of Arms, Keila

13th FEBRUARY 2016, LITHUANIA - Red Book Series, Mushrooms

17th FEBRUARY 2016, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year, Great Tit (Parus major)

19th FEBRUARY 2016, LATVIA - Unique Exhibits of Museum of Nature

4th MARCH 2016, LATVIA - Water Lilly (Nymphaea candida)

5th MARCH 2016, LITHUANIA - Technical Heritage, Paper Mill

30th MARCH 2016, POLAND - 1050th Anniversary of Christianisation of Poland

1st APRIL 2016, ESTONIA - Otepää 900

16th APRIL 2016, LITHUANIA - Diplomatic Relations with Japan

20th APRIL 2016, POLAND - Definitives, Flowers & Fruits

7th MAY 2016, LITHUANIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, ESTONIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, LATVIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, POLAND - Europa 2016, Think Green

20th MAY 2016, LATVIA - Dižraibais dzenis un Apodziņš (Glaucidium passerinum & Dendrocops major)

29th MAY 2016, POLAND - Polish Animated Cartoons

15th JUNE 2016, ESTONIA - Centenary of Oil Shale Mining in Estonia

15th JUNE 2016, POLAND - Chmury

26th JUNE 2016, LITHUANIA - Lithuanian Animals, 'Žemaitukai'

6th JULY 2016, POLAND - Defintives, Flowers & Fruits

9th JULY 2016, LITHUANIA - Gastronomic Heritage, Cucumbers & Honey

12th JULY 2016, LATVIA - Defintives 2016, Flowers

15th JULY 2016, POLAND - Definitives, Flowers & Fruits

18th JULY 2016, POLAND - Polish Regional Products

22nd JULY 2016, POLAND - Defintives, Flowers & Fruits

25th AUGUST 2016, ESTONIA - Fauna, Northern Birch Mouse (Sicista betulina)

31st AUGUST 2016, POLAND - Fishes Threatened by Extinction

1st SEPTEMBER 2016, POLAND - Rok Cichociemnych

8th SEPTEMBER 2016, ESTONIA - Estonian Mushrooms, Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)

20th OCTOBER 2016, POLAND - Defintives, Fruits

29th OCTOBER 2016, POLAND - Achievements of Polish Science

8th NOVEMBER 2016, ESTONIA - 25th Anniversary of Baltic Assembly (Latvia & Lithuania Joint Issue)

8th NOVEMBER 2016, LITHUANIA - 25th Anniversary of Baltic Assembly (Estonia & Latvia Joint Issue)

12th NOVEMBER 2016, LITHUANIA - Christmas & New Year 2016

17th NOVEMBER 2016, LATVIA - 100th Anniversary of Republic of Latvia

18th NOVEMBER 2016, ESTONIA - Christmas 2016

25th NOVEMBER 2016, LATVIA - Christmas & New Year

13th JANUARY 2017, LATVIA - Defintives 2017, Flowers

13th JANUARY 2017, LATVIA - Coat of Arms

28th JANUARY 2017, ESTONIA - 2017 Year of the Rooster

30th JANUARY 2017, POLAND - Year of Vistula River

31st JANUARY 2017, POLAND - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Mariusz Zaruski

9th FEBRUARY 2017, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year, Europea Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur)

17th FEBRUARY 2017, LATVIA - Latvian Natural History Museum, XIX Century Berbarium

23rd FEBRUARY 2017, ESTONIA - Fauna, Baltic Herring (Clupea harengus membras)

20th MARCH 2014, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year: Eurasian Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

22nd MARCH 2014, LATVIA - Standard Series, Flowers

5th APRIL 2014, LITHUANIA - The Red Book of Lithuania: Barn Owl (Tyto alba) and Eurasian Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum)

11th APRIL 2014, POLAND - Polish Gold Medal Winners
2nd MAY 2014, ESTONIA - The European Peacock Butterfly (Inachis io) (issued as sheets and booklets)

16th MAY 2014, LATVIA - Birds; 0,50: Jack Snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus L.); 1,39: Hoopoe (Upupa epops L.)

18th MAY 2014, POLAND - 70th Anniversary of Monte Cassino Battle

24th MAY 2014, LITHUANIA - Save The Baltic Sea

30th MAY 2014, ESTONIA - Estonian Fauna, Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)

18th JULY 2014, POLAND - Polish Regional Products 2014

25th JULY 2014, POLAND - Spending Free Time (postal stationery)

31st JULY 2014, POLAND - Polish Birds, European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)

23rd AUGUST 2014, POLAND - Arboreta i Ogrody Botaniczne w Polsce (postal stationeries)

25th AUGUST 2014, ESTONIA - 75th Anniversary of the Tallinn Zoo
29th AUGUST 2014, POLAND - Mushrooms of the Polish Woods

11th SEPTEMBER 2014, ESTONIA - Mushrooms, Deadly Fibrecap (Inocybe erubescens)

11th SEPTEMBER 2014, ESTONIA - Definitives, Coat of Arms, Saue

25th SEPTEMBER 2014, POLAND - XXI Ogólnopolska Wystawa Filatelistyczna Warszawa 2014

26th SEPTEMBER 2014, POLAND - Street Art

29th SEPTEMBER 2014, POLAND - Alternative Energy

30th SEPTEMBER 2014, POLAND - Meteorological Phoenomena

23rd OCTOBER 2014, LATVIA - Sindelfingen 2014 (postal stationery)

29th OCTOBER 2014, POLAND - Endemity Polski: Pszonak Pieniński (Eysimum pieninicum) (postal stationery)

7th NOVEMBER 2014, LATVIA - 100th Anniversary (2018) of the Republic of Latvia

27th NOVEMBER 2014, LATVIA - Christmas (2v series)

4th DECEMBER 2014, LATVIA - The Singing Trees

9th JANUARY 2015, LATVIA - Definitives, Flowers

15th JANUARY 2015, LATVIA - Green Week International Exhibition

17th JANUARY 2015, LITHUANIA - Endangered Animals

19th FEBRUARY 2015, ESTONIA - Chinese New Year, Year of the Sheep

20th FEBRUARY 2015, LATVIA - Latvian Natural History Museum's Unique Exhibits I: Placodermi

6th MARCH 2015, LATVIA - Flowers 2015, Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

12th MARCH 2015, ESTONIA - Protection of the Baltic Sea Natural Environment

7th MAY 2015, LATVIA - Europa Cept 2015, Old Toys (exhibition booklet)
8th MAY 2015, POLAND - 70th Anniversary since the End of the World War II

21st MAY 2015, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year 2015, European Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
28th MAY 2015, POLAND - World Fair EXPO 2015 in Milan, Italy

29th MAY 2015, POLAND - Let us to Rush to Love People

4th JUNE 2015, ESTONIA - Different Kind of Estonia

14th JUNE 2015, POLAND - World Blood Donor Day

19th JUNE 2015, POLAND - Lighthouses 2015

20th JUNE 2015, LITHUANIA - Tourism in Lithuania

26th JUNE 2015, LATVIA - Fauna, Birds

26th JUNE 2015, POLAND - Defintives, Flowers

4th JULY 2015, LITHUANIA - Lithuanian Bridges, Kretinga

7th AUGUST 2015, LATVIA - Zodiac Constellations

25th AUGUST 2015, ESTONIA - Estonian Fauna, Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra)

10th SEPTEMBER 2015, ESTONIA - Estonian Lethal Webcaps IV, Deadly Webcap (Cortinarius rubellus)

11th SEPTEMBER 2015, POLAND - Enchanted Beauty in the Metal

15th SEPTEMBER 2015, POLAND - Definitives, Flowers

23rd SEPTEMBER 2015, POLAND - Quotations

23rd OCTOBER 2015, POLAND - Polish Birds, Owls

14th NOVEMBER 2015, LITHUANIA - Holy Christmas and New Year

16th NOVEMBER 2015, POLAND - Christmas

2nd DECEMBER 2015, ESTONIA - 150th Anniversary of the Tartu University Meteorologic Observatory

3rd DECEMBER 2015, LATVIA - Christmas 2015

7th DECEMBER 2015, POLAND - Definitives, Flowers & Fruits

21st JANUARY 2016, POLAND - Definitive, Flowers & Fruits, Chaber (Centaurea)

22nd JANUARY 2016, POLAND - 50th Anniversary of the First Successful Transplantation of Kidney in Poland

29th JANUARY 2016, LATVIA - Definitives, Flowers

29th JANUARY 2016, LATVIA - Coat of Arms

2nd FEBRUARY 2016, ESTONIA - Estonian Bogs, Raba

8th FEBRUARY 2016, ESTONIA - Lunar New Year 2016, Year of the Monkey

10th FEBRUARY 2016, ESTONIA - Definitives, Coat of Arms, Keila

13th FEBRUARY 2016, LITHUANIA - Red Book Series, Mushrooms

17th FEBRUARY 2016, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year, Great Tit (Parus major)

19th FEBRUARY 2016, LATVIA - Unique Exhibits of Museum of Nature

4th MARCH 2016, LATVIA - Water Lilly (Nymphaea candida)

5th MARCH 2016, LITHUANIA - Technical Heritage, Paper Mill

30th MARCH 2016, POLAND - 1050th Anniversary of Christianisation of Poland

1st APRIL 2016, ESTONIA - Otepää 900

2nd APRIL 2016, LITHUANIA - Tourism in Lithuania: Kaunas Oak-wood (issued as 10x m/s & 4x booklets)

16th APRIL 2016, LITHUANIA - Diplomatic Relations with Japan

20th APRIL 2016, POLAND - Definitives, Flowers & Fruits

7th MAY 2016, LITHUANIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, ESTONIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, LATVIA - Europa 2016, Think Green

9th MAY 2016, POLAND - Europa 2016, Think Green

20th MAY 2016, LATVIA - Dižraibais dzenis un Apodziņš (Glaucidium passerinum & Dendrocops major)

29th MAY 2016, POLAND - Polish Animated Cartoons

15th JUNE 2016, ESTONIA - Centenary of Oil Shale Mining in Estonia

15th JUNE 2016, POLAND - Chmury

22nd JUNE 2016, POLAND - 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Jan Jessenius, 1566 – 1621 (Czech Republic, Hungary & Slovakia Joint Issue)

26th JUNE 2016, LITHUANIA - Lithuanian Animals, 'Žemaitukai'

6th JULY 2016, POLAND - Defintives, Flowers & Fruits

9th JULY 2016, LITHUANIA - Gastronomic Heritage, Cucumbers & Honey

12th JULY 2016, LATVIA - Defintives 2016, Flowers

15th JULY 2016, POLAND - Definitives, Flowers & Fruits

18th JULY 2016, POLAND - Polish Regional Products

22nd JULY 2016, POLAND - Defintives, Flowers & Fruits

25th AUGUST 2016, ESTONIA - Fauna, Northern Birch Mouse (Sicista betulina)

31st AUGUST 2016, POLAND - Fishes Threatened by Extinction

1st SEPTEMBER 2016, POLAND - Rok Cichociemnych

8th SEPTEMBER 2016, ESTONIA - Estonian Mushrooms, Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)

22nd SEPTEMBER 2016, LATVIA - 175th Birth Anniversary of the Latvian Poet Andrejs Pumpurs

20th OCTOBER 2016, POLAND - Defintives, Fruits

29th OCTOBER 2016, POLAND - Achievements of Polish Science

8th NOVEMBER 2016, ESTONIA - 25th Anniversary of Baltic Assembly (Latvia & Lithuania Joint Issue)

8th NOVEMBER 2016, LATVIA - 25th Anniversary of Baltic Assembly (Estonia & Lithuania Joint Issue)

8th NOVEMBER 2016, LITHUANIA - 25th Anniversary of Baltic Assembly (Estonia & Latvia Joint Issue)

12th NOVEMBER 2016, LITHUANIA - Christmas & New Year 2016

17th NOVEMBER 2016, LATVIA - 100th Anniversary of Republic of Latvia

18th NOVEMBER 2016, ESTONIA - Christmas 2016

25th NOVEMBER 2016, LATVIA - Christmas & New Year

13th JANUARY 2017, LATVIA - Defintives 2017, Flowers

13th JANUARY 2017, LATVIA - Coat of Arms

28th JANUARY 2017, ESTONIA - 2017 Year of the Rooster

30th JANUARY 2017, POLAND - Year of Vistula River

31st JANUARY 2017, POLAND - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Mariusz Zaruski

9th FEBRUARY 2017, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year, Europea Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur)

17th FEBRUARY 2017, LATVIA - Latvian Natural History Museum, XIX Century Berbarium

23rd FEBRUARY 2017, ESTONIA - Fauna, Baltic Herring (Clupea harengus membras)

3rd MARCH 2017, LATVIA - Flowers, Freesia

8th APRIL 2017, LITHUANIA - The Red Book of Lithuania, Rodents

29th APRIL 2017, ESTONIA - 100th Anniversary of Lions Club International

7th MAY 2017, POLAND - 150th Anniversary of Władysław Reymont Birth

20th MAY 2017, LITHUANIA - Gastronomic Heritage, Cheeses

10th JUNE 2017, LITHUANIA - Technical Monument

16th JUNE 2017, LATVIA - European Badger (Meles meles), Latvia’s Animal of the Year 2017

16th JUNE 2017, POLAND - Astana Expo 2017

30th JUNE 2017, POLAND - Korona Gór Polski

1st JULY 2017, ESTONIA - World Orienteering Championships

8th JULY 2017, LITHUANIA - Tourism in Lithuania

14th JULY 2017, LATVIA - Latvia’s Birds of the Year 2017

25th AUGUST 2017, ESTONIA - Konrad Mägi, Landscape with a Red Cloud

31st AUGUST 2017, POLAND - Polish Herbarium

9th SEPTEMBER 2017, LITHUANIA - Forest Animals of Lithuania

11th SEPTEMBER 2017, ESTONIA - Estonian Fauna, the Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx)

21st SEPTEMBER 2017, ESTONIA - Poisonous Mushrooms of Estonia, Brown Roll-rim (Paxillus involutus)

28th SEPTEMBER 2017, LATVIA - University of Latvia, Academic Center of Natural Sciences

25th OCTOBER 2017, POLAND - The World through the Eyes of the Youth

31st OCTOBER 2017, POLAND - Corporal Wojtek, the Soldier Bear

7th NOVEMBER 2017, POLAND - 150th Anniversary of the Birthday of Maria Sklodowska-Curie

8th NOVEMBER 2017, LATVIA - 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Latvia, Science

24th NOVEMBER 2017, ESTONIA - Christmas 2017

24th NOVEMBER 2017, LATVIA - Christmas

30th NOVEMBER 2017, POLAND - Polskie Ptaki, Polish Birds

19th JANUARY 2018, LATVIA - Defintives 2018, Coat of Arms

26th JANUARY 2018, ESTONIA - Estonian Defence League 1918-2018

16th FEBRUARY 2018, LATVIA - Minerals, Gypsum

16th FEBRUARY 2018, ESTONIA - 2018 Year of the Dog

22nd FEBRUARY 2018, ESTONIA - 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia (silver stamp)

24th FEBRUARY 2018, POLAND - Mother of God Teacher of Youth

9th MARCH 2018, POLAND - Defintives 2018, Flowers & Fruits, Narcissus jonquilla

30th MARCH 2018, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year, Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)

5th APRIL 2018, ESTONIA - Research Vessel 'Mare', 50 Years

11th MAY 2018, POLAND - Definitives, Flowers & Fruits, May Bells (Convallaria majalis)

18th MAY 2018, LATVIA - The Garden of Destiny

8th APRIL 2017, LITHUANIA - The Red Book of Lithuania, Rodents

29th APRIL 2017, ESTONIA - 100th Anniversary of Lions Club International

7th MAY 2017, POLAND - 150th Anniversary of Władysław Reymont Birth

20th MAY 2017, LITHUANIA - Gastronomic Heritage, Cheeses

10th JUNE 2017, LITHUANIA - Technical Monument

16th JUNE 2017, LATVIA - European Badger (Meles meles), Latvia’s Animal of the Year 2017

16th JUNE 2017, POLAND - Astana Expo 2017

30th JUNE 2017, POLAND - Korona Gór Polski

1st JULY 2017, ESTONIA - World Orienteering Championships

8th JULY 2017, LITHUANIA - Tourism in Lithuania

14th JULY 2017, LATVIA - Latvia’s Birds of the Year 2017

25th AUGUST 2017, ESTONIA - Konrad Mägi, Landscape with a Red Cloud

31st AUGUST 2017, POLAND - Polish Herbarium
9th SEPTEMBER 2017, LITHUANIA - Forest Animals of Lithuania

11th SEPTEMBER 2017, ESTONIA - Estonian Fauna, the Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx)

21st SEPTEMBER 2017, ESTONIA - Poisonous Mushrooms of Estonia, Brown Roll-rim (Paxillus involutus)

28th SEPTEMBER 2017, LATVIA - University of Latvia, Academic Center of Natural Sciences

25th OCTOBER 2017, POLAND - The World through the Eyes of the Youth

31st OCTOBER 2017, POLAND - Corporal Wojtek, the Soldier Bear

7th NOVEMBER 2017, POLAND - 150th Anniversary of the Birthday of Maria Sklodowska-Curie

8th NOVEMBER 2017, LATVIA - 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Latvia, Science

24th NOVEMBER 2017, ESTONIA - Forest Species, Rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia) & Spruce (Picea abies) (Romania Joint Issue)

24th NOVEMBER 2017, ESTONIA - Christmas 2017

24th NOVEMBER 2017, LATVIA - Christmas

30th NOVEMBER 2017, POLAND - Polskie Ptaki, Polish Birds

19th JANUARY 2018, LATVIA - Defintives 2018, Coat of Arms

26th JANUARY 2018, ESTONIA - Estonian Defence League 1918-2018

16th FEBRUARY 2018, LATVIA - Minerals, Gypsum

16th FEBRUARY 2018, ESTONIA - 2018 Year of the Dog

22nd FEBRUARY 2018, ESTONIA - 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia (silver stamp)

24th FEBRUARY 2018, POLAND - Mother of God Teacher of Youth

9th MARCH 2018, POLAND - Defintives 2018, Flowers & Fruits, Narcissus jonquilla

30th MARCH 2018, ESTONIA - Bird of the Year, Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)

5th APRIL 2018, ESTONIA - Research Vessel 'Mare', 50 Years

11th MAY 2018, POLAND - Definitives, Flowers & Fruits, May Bells (Convallaria majalis)

18th MAY 2018, LATVIA - The Garden of Destiny

30th MAY 2018, POLAND - Animated Cartoons

8th JUNE 2018, LATVIA - Birds

29th JUNE 2018, LATVIA - 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Latvia, Song & Dance Festival

22nd JULY 2018, ESTONIA - Kadriorg Palace & Park

23rd JULY 2018, POLAND - Polska Zobacz Więcej

30th JULY 2018, POLAND - Polish Regional Products

10th AUGUST 2018, LATVIA - Delicate Naiad (Najas tenuissima)

10th AUGUST 2018, LATVIA - Defintives Reprint 2018

17th AUGUST 2018, LITHUANIA - WWF, Animals of Lithuania Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)

23rd AUGUST 2018, ESTONIA - Estonian Venomous Mushrooms, False Morel (Gyromitra esculenta)

1st SEPTEMBER 2018, ESTONIA - My Gt to Estonia, Children’s Drawing Competition

10th SEPTEMBER 2018, POLAND - 200 Years of the Botanical Garden of the University of Warsaw

22nd SEPTEMBER 2018, LITHUANIA - Pope Francis Visits Lithuania

28th SEPTEMBER 2018, POLAND - Beetles

3rd OCTOBER 2018, POLAND - Via Carpatia

18th OCTOBER 2018, ESTONIA - Estonian Fauna, Golden Jackal (Canis aureus)

11th NOVEMBER 2018, POLAND - 100th Anniversary of the End of the First World War

23rd NOVEMBER 2018, LATVIA - Christmas 2018

23rd NOVEMBER 2018, LITHUANIA - Christmas 2018

26th NOVEMBER 2018, POLAND - 250th Birth Anniversary of Jędrzej Śniadecki

30th NOVEMBER 2018, POLAND - 100 Years of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland

28th DECEMBER 2018, POLAND - Small & Large Animals

18th JANUARY 2019, LATVIA - Definitives 2019, Flowers (reprinted)

25th JANUARY 2019, POLAND - 100th Anniversary of the Creation of the Polish Security Printing Works

5th FEBRUARY 2019, ESTONIA - 2019 Year of the Pig

15th FEBRUARY 2019, LATVIA - The Unique Exhibits of Museum of Nature

29th JUNE 2018, LATVIA - 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Latvia, Song & Dance Festival

22nd JULY 2018, ESTONIA - Kadriorg Palace & Park

23rd JULY 2018, POLAND - Polska Zobacz Więcej

30th JULY 2018, POLAND - Polish Regional Products

10th AUGUST 2018, LATVIA - Delicate Naiad (Najas tenuissima)

10th AUGUST 2018, LATVIA - Defintives Reprint 2018

17th AUGUST 2018, LITHUANIA - WWF, Animals of Lithuania Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)

23rd AUGUST 2018, ESTONIA - Estonian Venomous Mushrooms, False Morel (Gyromitra esculenta)

1st SEPTEMBER 2018, ESTONIA - My Gt to Estonia, Children’s Drawing Competition

10th SEPTEMBER 2018, POLAND - 200 Years of the Botanical Garden of the University of Warsaw

22nd SEPTEMBER 2018, LITHUANIA - Pope Francis Visits Lithuania

28th SEPTEMBER 2018, POLAND - Beetles

3rd OCTOBER 2018, POLAND - Via Carpatia

18th OCTOBER 2018, ESTONIA - Estonian Fauna, Golden Jackal (Canis aureus)

11th NOVEMBER 2018, POLAND - 100th Anniversary of the End of the First World War

23rd NOVEMBER 2018, LATVIA - Christmas 2018

23rd NOVEMBER 2018, LITHUANIA - Christmas 2018

26th NOVEMBER 2018, POLAND - 250th Birth Anniversary of Jędrzej Śniadecki

30th NOVEMBER 2018, POLAND - 100 Years of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland

28th DECEMBER 2018, POLAND - Small & Large Animals

18th JANUARY 2019, LATVIA - Definitives 2019, Flowers (reprinted)

25th JANUARY 2019, POLAND - 100th Anniversary of the Creation of the Polish Security Printing Works

5th FEBRUARY 2019, ESTONIA - 2019 Year of the Pig

15th FEBRUARY 2019, LATVIA - The Unique Exhibits of Museum of Nature

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