venerdì 31 ottobre 2014

New Issue, Europe Atlantic
13th OCTOBER 2014, FRANCE - Les Hauts-de-Seine (Collector Series)
Extra Issue, Africa
30th AUGUST 2014, TOGO - Les Abeilles

giovedì 30 ottobre 2014

New Issue, Europe West
1st NOVEMBER 2014, THE NETHERLANDS - Vlinders, Janneke Brinkman-Salentijn en het Nationaal Ouderenfonds (Persoonlijke Postzegels)

New Issue, Europe West
1st NOVEMBER 2014, THE NETHERLANDS - Bloemen, Janneke Brinkman-Salentijn en het Nationaal Ouderenfonds (Persoonlijke Postzegels)
fb link

Extra Issue, South America
30th SEPTEMBER 2014, ECUADOR - Escorpiones del Ecuador

mercoledì 29 ottobre 2014

New Issue, Europe Mittel
20th MARCH 2014, AUSTRIA - Wiener Rose (Augarten Porzellan)
Extra Issue, Asia
31st OCTOBER 2014, SINGAPORE - Tourism 50
fb link

martedì 28 ottobre 2014

lunedì 27 ottobre 2014

New Issue, Oversea Territories British
28th OCTOBER 2014, TRISTAN DA CUNHA - 350th Anniversary of the Royal Marines
New issue, Balkans South
25th OCTOBER 2014, BULGARIA - Fauna, Songbirds
New Issue, Balkans South
25th OCTOBER 2014, BULGARIA - Regions, South-Central
New Issue, Balkans South
24th OCTOBER 2014, BULGARIA - Philatelic Exhibition Bulgaria-Portugal, Ferdinand Magellan

Extra Issue, South America
20th OCTOBER 2014, ARGENTINA - Cortázar con Sello Propio, 100° Aniversario del Nacimiento

domenica 26 ottobre 2014

Extra Issue, North America
22nd OCTOBER 2014, ECUADOR - Primera Visita de un Presidente Ecuatoriano a Qatar (Qatar Joint Issue)

New Issue, Oversea Territories Danish & Dutch
10th SEPTEMBER 2014, CURAÇAO - 21st World Orchid Conference South Africa 2014
Extra Issue, Asia
12th SEPTEMBER 2014, JAPAN - 69th National Sports Festival

sabato 25 ottobre 2014

New Issue, Mediterranean Africa
25th SEPTEMBER 2014, MOROCCO - Richesse Faunistiqe et Floristique
Extra Issue, Oceania
16th JUNE 2014, KIRIBATI - Mangroves

venerdì 24 ottobre 2014

New Issue, Mediterranean Africa
6th OCTOBER 2014, EGYPT - Anniversary of the 6th October 1973 War Victory
Extra Issue
23rd OCTOBER 2014, UNITED NATIONS - Endangered Species XXII
fb link

Extra Issue, Africa
15th SEPTEMBER 2014, SÃO TOMÉ & PRINCIPE - Fósseis e a Era Pré-história

giovedì 23 ottobre 2014

New Issue, Europe South
24th OCTOBER 2014, ITALY - Italian Artistic and Cultural Heritage
New Issue, Europe Baltic
23rd OCTOBER 2014, LATVIA - Sindelfingen 2014 (postal stationery)
Extra Issue, Africa
26th AUGUST 2014, ETHIOPIA - Rift Valley Volcanoes

mercoledì 22 ottobre 2014

New Issue, Balkans North
24th OCTOBER 2014, CROATIA - Minerals & Rocks III
Extra Issue, South America
20th OCTOBER 2014, PERU - Flora, Trees
New Issue, Europe North
23rd OCTOBER 2014, FINLAND - Bridges & Waters (coil stamps)
New Issue, Europe North
23rd OCTOBER 2014, FINLAND - Christmas Eve
Extra Issue, North America
23rd OCTOBER 2014, USA - Winter Fun

lunedì 20 ottobre 2014

New Issue, Balkans South
24th APRIL 2014, BULGARIA - Europa 2014, Music Instruments
Extra Issue, Oceania
15th AUGUST 2014, NORFOLK ISLAND - 35th Anniversary of Quota International Club
New Issue, Europe East
21st OCTOBER 2014, RUSSIA - Coat of Arms, Sochi
Extra Issue, Africa
20th OCTOBER 2014, LIBERIA - Garden Flowers